Just to bring you up to date, on my correspondance with Deputy Ian Gorst, democratically elected representitive for the electorate of St Clement.
This is a continuation of my last post.
Dear Voiceforchildren.
A debate in the Assembly is one element which helps members come to a conclusion or decision about a matter. Some issues are more clear cut then others. I undertake research and reading before debates in the States Assembly and consider both sides of an argument.
I could have said that I will listen to the debate before I make my decision, and indeed I will, however you asked me how I intended to vote and I gave you the most honest answer I could.
Ian Gorst
A debate in the Assembly is one element which helps members come to a conclusion or decision about a matter. Some issues are more clear cut then others. I undertake research and reading before debates in the States Assembly and consider both sides of an argument.
I could have said that I will listen to the debate before I make my decision, and indeed I will, however you asked me how I intended to vote and I gave you the most honest answer I could.
Ian Gorst
Dear Mr.Gorst.
After listening to both sides of the debate, could you please tell me how you voted?
After listening to both sides of the debate, could you please tell me how you voted?
Dear Voiceforchildren I did not vote for Senator Norman's amendment yesterday. As a point of interest you can access the voting record of every States Member on The States Assembly website. Regards Ian Gorst
Dear Mr Gorst.
Would it be fair to say your mind was already made up to vote against Senator Norman's ammendment before you went to the States that morning?
As you are elected by the people of St.Clements to represent us and be our voice in the states. Could you tell me how many of your parishners' (who are on the breadline) doors did you knock on? When you were doing your research, how much of it was dedicated to making sure you were speaking for your parisheners?
Senator Normans proposal was only to postpone GST for a year. Considering between 19 - 20,000 people signed a petition against GST, which I believe was the second largest petition in Jersey history to be handed to the States, and Deputy Baudains voted in favour of Senator Normans ammendment, could you tell me how you believe you were representing us with your vote?
If it is to be believed we are living in a democracy could you explain to me how our representitives are voting in the complete opposite direction to the electorate?
As you also voted for Senator Syvret to be dismissed from his post, could you please give me your reasons for this vote?
As I'm sure you are aware I have become very disheartened with this ministerial goverment and, like a majority of the island and further afield believe we are living under a dictatorship full of dodgy handshakes and secret deals.
I am the first to admit I know very little about our political system and its workings, but am learning slowly. By you answering my questions i'm hoping I can become a little more educated and informed.
Would it be fair to say your mind was already made up to vote against Senator Norman's ammendment before you went to the States that morning?
As you are elected by the people of St.Clements to represent us and be our voice in the states. Could you tell me how many of your parishners' (who are on the breadline) doors did you knock on? When you were doing your research, how much of it was dedicated to making sure you were speaking for your parisheners?
Senator Normans proposal was only to postpone GST for a year. Considering between 19 - 20,000 people signed a petition against GST, which I believe was the second largest petition in Jersey history to be handed to the States, and Deputy Baudains voted in favour of Senator Normans ammendment, could you tell me how you believe you were representing us with your vote?
If it is to be believed we are living in a democracy could you explain to me how our representitives are voting in the complete opposite direction to the electorate?
As you also voted for Senator Syvret to be dismissed from his post, could you please give me your reasons for this vote?
As I'm sure you are aware I have become very disheartened with this ministerial goverment and, like a majority of the island and further afield believe we are living under a dictatorship full of dodgy handshakes and secret deals.
I am the first to admit I know very little about our political system and its workings, but am learning slowly. By you answering my questions i'm hoping I can become a little more educated and informed.
I've not had a reply to this last e-mail yet, but will post it if and when I do. I hope Deputy gorst can appreciate I am now taking an interest in island politics and hopefully he will be inspired that voter apathy could be on the turn.
As in the e-mails, I have hilighted all the questions. I think they are legitimate questions from a potential voter. I'm hoping he will answer all of them to help me understand our local politics and give me an inforem choice when going to the ballot box. It will be interesting to see how many of them he does answer, or what reason he could have for not answering them all.