You can bet your bottom dollar this Deputy Sean Power will be running for Senator before long. It appears He has been doing all Frank Walkers dirty work. His prioritys are so misguided and in line with Walker and the council of ministers agenda, he is almost guarenteed a senatorial position.
Instead of asking stupid questions like how much does this cost? how much does that cost? why did Lenny Harper say this? why did Lenny Harper say that?. Shouldn't he be showing support for these alleged abused children and their families? Shouldn't he be getting behind the police investigation, rather than trying to discredit it at any given opportunity?
There is very little doubt some horrific atrocity's have occured at HDLG. There is very strong evidence to suggest a child/children have met an untimely and very suspicious death, possibly tortured to death.
Why doesn't Deputy Sean Power ask questions like, "what can we as states members do to support Lenny Harper, his investigation and the survivors of abuse?" "Why is there baths filled with lime?" "why are our council of ministers being so tight lipped"? Why does the Balliff hijack a liberation day to slag off the media and prioritise it over paying homage to the alleged victims"? "Why have our council of ministers never offered anything like a way of an apology to the alleged victims?"
I have never met or had any dealings with Deputy Sean Power. From what I have seen and heard of him in our local media, he is a very misguided individual, his morals appear to be that low they could crawl under a snakes belly wearing a top hat.
We live on an island which is most probably one of the most financially rich in the world, but is morally and ethically bankrupt. Deputy Power should start to learn that paying a few shillings for police overtime, subsidising an enquiry that might bring some tormented, physically, sexually and emotionally abused children, now adults some much needed justice and closure really isn't that much of an issue. The issue is this kind of abuse allegedly went on. It was allowed to go on, and due to the way our current goverment is structured would still be allowed to go on and possibly is.
How can Deputy Sean Power attempt to put a monetry price on that?
If he has got one speck of decency or morality about him he would now be offering Lenny Harper a public and unequivocal apology, that goes for Ben Shenton too. All they have done is to serve to hinder and discredit the police investigation with what appears to be without any regard to the alleged victims.
If he has got one speck of decency or morality about him he would now be offering Lenny Harper a public and unequivocal apology, that goes for Ben Shenton too. All they have done is to serve to hinder and discredit the police investigation with what appears to be without any regard to the alleged victims.