
Saturday 29 October 2011

State Media, Awards and Blogs.

Yesterday (Friday 28th October 2011) saw the final Hearing of the Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Sub Panel investigating issues surrounding the Review of financial management of "operation Rectangle." (Jersey's Child Abuse Investigation).

The final witness giving evidence was Former Health Minister, and Senator, Stuart Syvret who brought up, what has become, a recurring theme during this Review and that is The (State) Media.

Just how is that a Senior Investigating Police Officer (Mick Gradwell) can be accused by the Home Affairs Minister, and witness(es) to the Scrutiny Review of leaking confidential police information, during a LIVE Child Abuse investigation, to a "journalist" with a history of supporting convicted paedophiles and NONE of Jersey's State Media think this is newsworthy or in the public interest? It's just not conceivable.

How can CTV win AN AWARD for little more than a cut and paste job of somebody else's work and without interviewing Lenny Harper? We must also remember that the Chief Executive Officer for Home Affairs has described how he felt "sick to the pit of his stomach" after watching a CTV Report on this Scrutiny Review and further described the Report as "Gibberish."

As a result of the evidence given to this Scrutiny Review by a number of witnesses Jersey's State Media MUST come under the spotlight and be scrutinised for their role in the Reporting (or not) of Jersey's Child Abuse atrocities. The role of the State Media MUST also be included in the forming of the Terms Of Reference for the up-coming Committee of Enquiry.

The opinions shared in this interview are those of the witness and not necessarily shared by VFC.

Sunday 16 October 2011

State Media, Democracy and Sir Phillip

The interview below with Dr. Mark Forskitt, a Candidate in Jersey's current Senatorial Election, is pretty much self explanatory.

All Candidates agreed before the Hustings began that All media were permitted to film them (the Hustings). After a Greek television station put in a request to film this Monday's St Helier Hustings, Sir Philip Bailhache, Former Bailiff and current Candidate in the election OBJECTED and the TV Company "Mega TV" were informed of this objection and thus a one man veto appears to have been carried.

Here we ask Dr. Forskitt how this can happen, how will it look to the outside world if "accredited" media are prevented from filming a supposed open and Democratic Election Hustings, what is Sir Philip so worried about? And more.

We have e-mailed Sir Phillip asking, in the interest of fairness and balance, for an interview, or a statement regarding his objection to the TV Company filming the Hustings and we have not had a reply.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Stuart Syvret, BBC and Community Service

Today saw Senatorial Candidate, Former Senator Stuart Syvret, back in court for allegedly
failing to comply with his Community Service Order imposed on him by the Royal Court of
Jersey for contempt of court.

For those who only get their “news” from Jersey’s State Media it wouldn’t be un-reasonable
to believe that Mr. Syvret is being Non Compliant, however Mr. Syvret, in this exclusive
interview, claims that this is not the case.

Discussed in this interview is why, he believes, he had to take the drastic measure of not
Attending the Community Service. Also discussed is the fact that BBC Jersey have been in
Possession of what Mr. Syvret claims to be “damming evidence” against Jersey’s public
Administration, and the original court case against him which would/could prove Mr.
Syvret’s defence. Furthermore BBC Jersey has had this “evidence" FOR WEEKS.
They’ve not reported a single word of it. Neither have they, to the best of our knowledge
Reported a single word of Mr. Syvret’s 7 page Press Release. (We hope to publish it soon)

We must stress that we have not approached any of those accused by Mr. Syvret in this
Interview and have no doubt they will strongly contest what he has to say. That said we
would be more than happy to interview them should they wish.

In stark contrast to Jersey’s State Media we “Citizens Media” bring you that little more
than a sound bite and strive to have our readers/viewers informed of ALL the facts as we get