
Tuesday 27 May 2014

A Witch Hunt............In The Public Interest? (2)

In part two of our exclusive, and in-depth interview, with former Deputy Trevor Pitman we discuss, among other topics, the decision to force him, and Mrs. Pitman, into bankruptcy.

Team Voice, the Pitman's, and many others can't see the sense behind it if this decision was made on a financial basis. If however it was made on a political basis then it makes a lot more sense.

As more, and more, people are coming to the conclusion that Jersey's "justice" system is politicised and corrupt readers/viewers might see merit in that argument after viewing the interview.

Alternatively it could be that making the Pitman's bankrupt and cutting off their income DOES make perfect financial sense and if this is the case then we would be very interested in finding out how/why?

Part one of this story, and interview, can be viewed HERE.

Monday 19 May 2014

A Witch-Hunt.............In The Public Interest?

Due to the misinformation, and invasion of privacy, against Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Pitman broadcast by the local State Media recently. VFC has exclusively interviewed Mr. Pitman in an attempt to, once more, get the truth behind the propaganda. Furthermore to ask the questions the State Media could/should be asking if it did not have its own agenda which has been described as "A Witch-hunt" against those who speak out against the Jersey Establishment.

Readers/viewers might be aware that the Viscount (in an unprecedented move) has allowed the local State Media to publish/broadcast contents of the ( un-finalised) creditors claims against Mr. and Mrs. Pitman following their unsuccessful claim of defamation/libel against the Jersey Evening Post and Broadlands Estate Agents which saw the Pitman's made bankrupt. (more of that in part 2)

In part one of this exclusive, and in-depth, interview we discuss the misinformation being fed to us by the local State Media and hopefully, to some extent, we right its wrongs. We also attempt to discover the meaning of the term "in the public interest." One must bare in mind that Mr. and Mrs. Pitman are members of the public and an extremely dangerous precedent could have been set by the viscount where it would now appear that the public (in Jersey anyway) have no right to privacy (in the public interest).

Deputy Nick Le Cornu, and many others, have described this latest invasion of privacy, and State Media propaganda, as a witch-hunt against the Pitman's. Trevor Pitman sees it as a witch-hunt and it must be said that it is difficult to see it as anything else.

Part 2 coming soon................

Friday 9 May 2014

Former SIO Mick Gradwell.

Now that the Committee of Inquiry into the decades of child abuse in Jersey is well underway and taking evidence from witnesses. Team Voice thought it would be a poignant time to reflect on the actions/behaviour of former Senior Investigating Officer Mick Gradwell.

Regular readers will be aware that Mr. Gradwell took command of the Child Abuse Investigation (Operation Rectangle) after the retirement of former Deputy Chief Officer, and Senior Investigating Officer, Lenny Harper. Mr. Gradwell, in an unprecedented move, went on to trash the original Investigation with the help of the local State Media and achieved little else other than to replace the mistrust of the police that Mr. Harper and his team had gained from Abuse Victims/Survivors.

It was Mr Gradwell who told us that the 65 children's teeth found up at Haut de la Garenne were left there for the tooth fairy despite some of the teeth NOT being shed naturally. It was also Mr. Gradwell who told us, in a  PRESS RELEASE,  that the cellars up at Haut de la Garenne were not cellars but along with former Deputy Bob Hill B.E.M Team Voice showed him to be less than genuine in a Blog Posting HERE.

It also became apparent that (during the LIVE Child Abuse Investigation which he was heading up) Mr. Gradwell was leaking confidential information to a "journalist" David Rose, who has a history of supporting convicted paedophiles, and had already written articles trashing the Child Abuse Investigation before Mr. Gradwell was in position as SIO.

The revelation of Mr Gradwell's unprofessional, and possibly illegal, leaking of information came about as a result of a Scrutiny Review held by former Deputy Trevor Pitman, former Deputy Daniel Wimberley and Deputy Roy Le Herissier. The resultant report to that review has been hailed as possibly the most defining report of its era. It can be read in its entirety HERE. The Report also exposed the local State Media for its disgraceful "JOURNALISM."

Extracts from the report and its transcripts are a damming indictment on the disgraced former SIO, Mr. Gradwell, to include;

From outside consultant Mike Kellett (25 year friend of Mick gradwell) giving evidence to Scrutiny Review.

"Some days after the article had appeared, I received a telephone call from Mr Gradwell in which he admitted that he had been responsible for the leak." (to sunday Mail "journalist" David Rose)

"I received two further telephone calls from Mr Gradwell on 26th June 2011 and 1st July 2011, concerning the establishment of this Sub Panel and he again acknowledged that he had been responsible." Lots more can be read HERE.

From the same review evidence given by Acting Chief Police Officer David Warcup;

"Leaking of information to the media is something which can, as I say, seriously undermine criminal inquiries and the consequences could be quite serious.  That is not serious to you or I or others, it is to the victims of crime who will not get justice through the courts."

From the Minister for Home Affairs Senator Ian Le Marquand.

"The first I was aware of an issue in relation to D/Supt Mick Gradwell was when he went public just before he left the Island and that was the first time.  I viewed this as merely a continuation of that, he had already gone public with his views to the local press, radio.  It is my understanding from David Warcup that Mick Gradwell, although he was asked very strongly not to do anything before he went, and not just by David Warcup, but I understand even by the Attorney General of the day, again this is hearsay, this is obviously what I have been told, that he had already pre-recorded interviews before he had left.  So that is the first that I was aware of an issue, and then of course my staff picked up the Mail article and they did some excellent detective work, emailing, and then sent to me the consequences of that, which clearly pointed to Mick Gradwell.  I have to say, when the issue came up again, I had completely forgotten about this, I had just totally forgotten about it.  I had to look back and find the emails and then say: “Oh yes, now I do recall it”, because it was not that significant to me once I knew it was Mick Gradwell."

It wasn't significant to Ian Le Marquand (Home Affairs Minister) that a Senior Investigating Officer could be leaking confidential information to a "journalist" during a LIVE police Investigation?

Mr. Gradwell, who told us he would take part in any Inquiry looking into Operation Rectangle DIDN'T take part in the Scrutiny Review and offered NO evidence/testimony to it. Not surprising when one considers there looks to be more than enough evidence contained in the Report to have him questioned as part of Operation Elveden.

Now one wonders if Mr. Gradwell will offer evidence to this latest  COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY chaired by Francis Oldham QC or will he be subpoenaed? How credible can his evidence be if he does turn up? Will he be arrested by Operation Elveden and unable to turn up?

Former Senior Investigating Officer, Lenny Harper, who DID give evidence to the Scrutiny Review has also given evidence to the ongoing Committee of Inquiry and it is believed he WILL be called to give evidence in the public hearings when they begin.

Mr. Harper, and former Chief Police Officer Graham Power QPM, have always made themselves available to any Inquiry, and indeed to the local State Media and Citizens Media to answer all and any questions put to them - the same cannot be said for Mr. Gradwell.

Mr. Gradwell has serious questions to answer and, in the opinion of Team Voice, should be compelled/subpoenaed to appear before this Committee of Inquiry and answer these questions in public.

As regular readers would expect Team Voice will be submitting a substantial amount of evidence to the COI and will keep readers updated..............