
Tuesday 22 March 2011

Graham Power QPM Interview Part 2 (of 3)

In part 2 of our series of exclusive and in-depth interviews with Jersey’s Former Chief of Police, Graham Power QPM, (Part one can be viewed HERE) the subject is brought back to where this all started. It all started with the Former Chief Officer and his Deputy Chief Officer, Lenny Harper, investigating and exposing decades of Child Abuse in Jersey’s State run institutions.

Decades of Child Abuse that might never had been exposed if it wasn’t for “Operation Rectangle”. Decades of Child Abuse victims/survivors remaining silent until a high profile media campaign won the trust of many survivors and victims.

This is all about Jersey’s dirty secret(s) that some people in authority would have wanted kept a secret. The very people employed by our government to nurture and “care” for them abused children in Jersey’s institutions. It’s about Child Abuse.

The quality of the Child Abuse Investigation (Operation Rectangle) according to Mr. Power, and others, is nothing more than “a sideshow.”


  1. Another incisive and wise commentary on events.

    And another example of just how startlingly inadequate Jersey's traditional media is.

    A man with a laptop - exposing more incisive information about the unlawful concealment of child abuse by Jersey's public authorities - than all of the "accredited media" combined.

    Very well done, VFC - and thanks to Mr. Power, for having the integrity and retaining the determination to speak-out.


  2. It was state sponsored paedophilia. Those homes were hell holes, and its not true that all the kids they put in them were young offenders either. It makes me feel sick when people trot out that lie. Some people were put into those hell holes because they had been abused. They punished us for being victims of child abuse.

  3. Great posting VFC and Graham Power, this hits the mark.

    And how about this for a little rib tickler? JEP SUPPORTS FREEDOM OF INFORMATION LAW?

  4. Thank you Mr Power & VFC

    This brings it home it really does. How was it allowed to go undetected for decade after decade? Has Mr Power ever heard from ACPO after the Jersey Government went into cover-up mode?

  5. I don't think Graham Power should feel guilty about talking about his suspension he is now part of history of this very sad affair along with Lenny Harper. They were abused by this government not in the way many of the kids were but they got the same treatment. They can hold their heads up high thats more can be said for the likes of Lewis and gang. Power goes on about cross examining the people who were interviewed by Wiltshire well he is correct because Lewis gave conflicting statements and if one can drop a lie then they all can. What does mr power think of this government and the home affairs minister? Can you print the answer after the watershed please.

  6. Thank god for citizen media. This tragedy would have been buried in one of the establishment lime pits ages ago. Bring on part 3. Do you think you could interview Lenny Harper?

  7. Graham Power made it clear on the radio the other week what he thought of Ian Le Marquand. Mr. Power said, words to the effect that ILM "ran away from a fair fight" he denied Mr. Power the right of a fair trial and now that he thinks his back is turned he (ILM) starts releasing the prosecution case AGAIN against Mr. Power.

    As is mentioned in the interview, as disgraceful as it all is attention does need bringing back to the actual abuse that was allowed to take place for decades and who covered it up.

    Mr. Power does, in the next interview,(part 3) talk about Ian Le Marquand, as well as the media, Mike Bowron and a number of other topics.

    Once again VFC has succeeded where the msm have failed.Powerful stuff,no pun intended,keep going VFC you are doing a fantastic job.

  9. Great Stuff VFC

    Simple yet so very effective


  10. Once again Mr Power, a most sensible and honest interview which makes so very much sense.

    Indeed the whole issue HAS moved away from the abuses and abusers to the 'handling' of the enquiry. The victims certainly had and have no problems with Mr Power and Mr Harper - indeed quite the opposite.

    Hopefully the forthcoming Committee of Inquiry will produce more answers and exposures than have so far been available thanks to the thwarting at every opportunity and by whichever means of the work of three good and honest men, Mr Power, Mr Harper and Stuart Syvret.

    Not forgetting of course Citizens Media.

  11. So it is very clear why there should be a full public inquiry, into how 'state sponsored paedophilia' was allowed to carry on and on and on, without anything being done.

  12. I don't know who I spoke to when I phoned up Jersey Police, when the HDLG investigation started, but whoever it was deserves a medal, because I had been trying over and over and over to tell different authorities including the Stafford police about how I had been abused, and no-one wanted to know. Lenny Harper and Graham Power were doing a good job, and the victims were coming forward, in my case I was not abused at that place, but I felt able to ask for help, unfortunatly although the Jersey police officer I spoke to did try to help me, by contacting Stafford police several times, Stafford Police just kept promising him they would contact me, but then never did so. I will not forget how kind that policeman I spoke to was though.

  13. Hi VFC.

    Just put up at last the Audio from the Talkback program that happened on the morning of Sunday the 21/03/10.

    With Le Marquand & Le Herissier talking about the ACPO reports.

    It's a must Listen.

    You can Listen to them HERE

  14. Hi VFC.

    Just put up the second Hour of that Talkback program from the 21/03/10.

    Again it is a must listen.

    You can have a listen Here

  15. Are there still at this present time allegations that were made to the police that have not been acted on?

  16. I suppose it depends on what you mean "acted on"

  17. I guess what I mean is, can or have the police

    1. Talked complainant out of following through on official complaint.

    2. Received complaint then complainant hears no more?

  18. I know Lenny Harper and Graham Power QPM have repeatedly said they did everything they could to bring the Abusers to justice. Not sure if Mick Gradwell and David Warcup have ever claimed the same. But we must remember before Lenny Harper retired there were, if I remember correctly, 113 living suspects. David Warcup and Mick Gradwell charged only eight of them. Which means 93% of them weren’t charged. Not sure if that answers your question?

  19. And how many of those eight went to trial exactly :)

    haha word V "emessinit" !!!

  20. Ian.

    Out of the eight there were seven convictions. But as we know, the seven were just Sacrificial Lambs

  21. I seem to remember Lenny Harper saying Jersey had a lot of good police officers.

    I guess the cover up issues dont start at the front door of Police Headquarters.

    How far into the building do we need to look before cover ups become an issue. Is it before the Law officers dept?

  22. Good questions. Have we got bent cops, or bent Law Officers............or both???????

  23. If you want my "opinion" I would say "both" but could not prove that. Well not in a Jersey Court!

  24. ''who knew''

    This should be quite easy to figure out if complaints were made who was in charge of institution or head of department?

    ''Who should of known''

    Again I would guess department Seniors if complaints were made.

    ''What did they tell''

    Have records been destroyed from institutions?

    ''Who did they tell it to''

    Do we have names?

    ''What was done about it''

    We do know that one got personal letter thanking them for their service in their given position

    ''There may still be people in positions of authority who are associated either with abuse or with covering it up''

    Very worrying.

    Thanks Mr Power for the interviews.

  25. VFC

    Im coming up to my first Anniversary of Blogging and think its about time I was interviewed. I have always posted under my name and shown the feudal barons no fear. I think as a member of Team Voice I should get in front of the camera and explain why I blog the reasons for blogging plus any other questions your readers might have.

    I have concentrated on the Child Abuse cover up and the shambolic illegal treatment of Graham Power and Lenny Harper for exposing child abuse.

    If anyone has any questions I will answer them

    Show no fear

