A little over a week ago VFC were the first to break the story of "The Grouville Home For Girls" and of the horrendous abuse that was alleged to have taken place there.
Abuse Survivor Jean submitted a Guest Posting where she told us her experiences of being lashed with stinging nettles and put into ice cold baths with her head held under the water until she gasped for air. This treatment allegedly carried out by her "carers."
Jean, we are told, contacted Jersey's only "news"paper the Jersey Evening Post before coming over to Jersey for her book signing in order to relate her story and publicise her book. Our only "news"paper got back to her saying that they weren't interested in running a story but Jean could "pay for an advert." Shortly after VFC broke the story Jean was again contacted by the JEP telling her they have had "a change of heart" and they now WILL run the story. Not sure if they have run the story because for moral and ethical reasons we refuse to buy it. But suspect if the Blogs (Jersey's only independent media) hadn't of run the story then NONE of the State Media would have.
BBC State Radio also run the story (after we broke it) and had Jean in as a live guest. Presenters of the show "Carrie and Sarah" asked listeners to contact the show with information about the little known Grouville Home For Girls. We did this by e-mailing a link to a wealth of information concerning the home, including photographs and public records, but the good old BBC wanted it kept a secret and refused to read the e-mail (below) out.
from: voiceforchildren voiceforchildren to: bbc radio jersey date: 26 April 2012 10:21 subject: Grouville girls home.
One can only speculate as to why they refused to read out the e-mail containing a link to a wealth of information concerning the Home but one chain of thought is that the BBC view the Jersey Bloggers as a threat.......and so they should (some might say).
As a follow-up to Jean's Guest posting we were able to conduct a short interview with her (below) to briefly discuss her book "Chair Borne To Heaven Borne" her reasons for writing it and so forth.
Amazingly Jean is not bitter about her childhood experiences and has been able to come out the other end relatively unscarred due to, in part, writing this book, and sharing her experiences. She wants to convey a positive message that good can come from bad and there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Although Jean believes the light at the end of the tunnel is Jesus there are those of us who believe a Committee Of Inquiry with a fit for purpose Terms Of Reference and outside intervention would suffice.
Deputy Montfort Tadier has agreed to be the first live guest on our new TV Channel which will be broadcast HERE this coming Thursday the 26th April 2012 at 7pm (BST).
The Deputy will be discussing, and answering questions on, an amendment he lodged in February 2011 concerning the up-coming Committee Of Enquiry into the decades of Child Abuse that was able to go on in Jersey's State run institutions.
Below is Deputy Tadier's amendment, which simply put, is that not only has justice to be done, but justice has to be "seen" to be done.
Lodged au Greffe on 23rd February 2011
by Deputy M. Tadier of St. Brelade
PAGE 3 –
After point 6, insert the following point –
“7. Was a consistent and impartial approach taken when deciding on which cases to prosecute; and was the process free from political influence or interference at any level?”.
P.19/2011 Amd.Amd.
In its Report (R.8/2011), in which the Council of Ministers has set out its reasons for not pursuing a Committee of Inquiry, it talks of the Prosecution Process and states –
“The Council is in no doubt that fair and impartial justice has been delivered.”
Whilst this may be the case for the Council of Ministers, and possibly many or all States members, it is not true of the majority of those who directly or indirectly were let down by the States in the past. Indeed, their opinion, for the most part, is that there most certainly is doubt that fair and impartial justice has been delivered. Whether or not this position is actually correct is another matter, but it stands to reason that those who were at the receiving end of States’ inability to ensure that they were protected when they most needed protecting are unlikely to trust that same State when it comes to matters of deciding which prosecutions to pursue.
R.8/2011 then goes on to say –
“In July 2009, the then Attorney General also made a statement to the States Assembly in relation to cases where he had directed that there should be no further action.”.
This is true, and indeed the Attorney General did also say that giving such detail about the decision making process was unusual, but he did so given the great public interest and scrutiny of the Historic Abuse Inquiry cases.
Whilst this statement will have been reassuring to States members and many others, it is ultimately unverifiable in nature and from the perspective of those who remain distrustful of the ‘system’ will ultimately be seen as ‘trust us – we know best.’ Indeed, in its recent newsletter the Jersey Care Leavers Association restated its position that it felt they had ‘been denied justice time and time again and been ignored by the States of Jersey,’ and that cases had been ‘dropped at the 11th hour when there was ample evidence to prosecute.’
Deputy Hill himself states in the report to his amendment –
“The Assembly may wish to consider whether Ministers have done enough to restore and strengthen the confidence of ordinary Islanders in our system of justice, and whether the assurances so far given will be seen by the public at large as convincing and credible.”.
He goes on to say –
“If significant numbers of people, whether justified or otherwise, do not have confidence in the impartiality and integrity of the justice system, then that lack of confidence is in itself a significant problem.”
There have also been allegations as far back as the notorious radio exchange between former Senators F.H. Walker and S. Syvret when the suggestion was mooted that Jersey might be tempted to prioritise its reputation and business interests above those of the victims themselves. Whilst even the mere suggestion of this is offensive to most of us, it is still something which needs to be looked at if any Committee of Inquiry is to be meaningful and comprehensive.
Finally, the Deputy of St. Martin is quite correct in his report to draw attention to the fact that the independence of the Law Officers in taking prosecution decisions is paramount, and this amendment does not seek to question that, but affirm it. This amendment seeks to include within the terms of reference of any eventual Committee of Inquiry to establish that at all times during the process of decision-making, political interference of any kind was not attempted.
To conclude, the decision whether or not to have a Committee of Inquiry is ultimately for States members. However, if we are to have one – which I hope we do – it is necessary that it be comprehensive and meaningful and so must include an examination of the prosecution processes, amongst other things.
Financial and manpower implications
There are no additional financial or manpower implications arising from this amendment.(End)
“If significant numbers of people, whether justified or otherwise, do not have confidence in the impartiality and integrity of the justice system, then that lack of confidence is in itself a significant problem.”
Is there a problem with our "Justice" system? Is it politicised? Were all those who could have been taken to court actually taken to court? Has the rule of law broken down in Jersey? Now that Deputy Tadier's amendment has been agreed by the States, will the Council of Ministers try and water it down? Tune in on Thursday to the live debate.
My name is Jean and I am a survivor of the Jersey Child Abuse. The Abuse that I, members of my family, and friends suffered took place in an institution many of you won't have heard of.
After coming across a publication by VFC which was a guest posting from TOM PERRY I have made contact with VFC and he has agreed to publish a short guest posting from myself which I hope will bring attention to, or make people aware of, the abuse and suffering concerning those who were in other Jersey Institutions not reported in the media.
I have written a book about the trials and abuse that happened in the "Grouville Girl`s Home" in Jersey. It appears some people that live in Jersey say that they did not know of this Girls Home existing. I can assure you it did, as I was in that home from the age of 6years old until I was 15. My older sisters were in the same home. The staff would routinely beat us with a number of different implements, objects or weapons these would include "stinging nettles". This would happen if we wet the bed or any similar "crime." The staff also put us in ice cold baths of water and would keep our heads under the water until we gasped for breath. There was also sexual abuse.
This kind of Abuse and Paedophilia gets described as HISTORIC as mentioned in the Tom Perry submission. How can people talk about these things being historical, utter rubbish, these things stay with you and affect you for the rest of your life specially when someone brings up these subjects, It all comes back to mind as if it were today, it has a big effect on you for the rest of your life. These things do not go away over night, in fact I have had to have counselling only recently because of the effect it had on me. I have NOT seen a psychiatrist over the abuse and have no reason to see one, as it seems some people think you, or all Abuse Survivors, do if they want compensation. I wonder how they would deal with such abuse if they went through it and then told they needed to see such a person. It seems to me the decades of abuse was covered up over the years by those who should have been protecting us and I for one am glad it has come out and made public.
Asked why we did not report it at the time we were threatened we would have our tongues cut out or our throats cut with a pair of scissors if we did, we lived in fear of the staff the whole time. My book is called Chair borne To Heaven Borne and goes on to happier times as I got married and left Jersey for the UK. I suffered lots of illnesses even a broken spine ending up in a wheelchair. Then a healing miracle takes place in my life I go around now helping other people. This does not take away the memories of my childhood and the abuse I suffered in fact the older you get the harder it gets to erase it from your mind.
The Jersey homes I was in still stay in my memory, I could do a complete drawing of both buildings even to this day. Was the Girls Home demolished to hide another Haut de la Garenne scenario? What secrets lay buried with the Girls Home? I will be signing and selling my book at the Christian book shop in the Central Market St Helier on Wednesday from 10am 12. 30. I hope the book will help people to come forward and talk about it rather than suppress it as some have done for so long.
What was done to us as children was done by a small minority of people. I do not blame everyone in Jersey and I regard jersey as a nice place to holiday.
Today (Sunday 15th April 2012) saw the launch of the "Team Voice" television/video channel. Team Member RICO SORDA presented the first LIVE (trial) broadcast in a 6 minute video (below).
This is the beginning of a new era in reaching out to a wider audience and our use of this media is still in its experimental stages. As we progress we intend on inviting guests to the "show" and hope it will become a regular broadcast.
After last night's successful meeting organised by SAM MAZEC and attended by a number of the island's youth with an interest in politics and what appeared to be a distrust of the local State Media we have been asked to re-post our in-depth interview with Former Deputy Daniel Wimberley, who also attended the meeting.
So Here it is.
Further to the Press Release and Open Letter issued by Former Deputy Daniel Wimberley and published by VFC HERE we bring our readers/viewers an in-depth interview with the man who, with his Proposition, P.15/2011 attempted to bring something that resembles Democracy to our Island.
As we have reported in our previous posting the proposition has been butchered beyond recognition and the Electoral Commission has been loaded with politicians who clearly have a vested interest in its outcome and in some cases publicly stated those interests (keeping the Constables to name but one).
In possibly the most in-depth and frank interview, the Former Deputy has ever given, he shares with us his frustration and anger at what has been allowed to transpire from his original proposition and once more urges those with integrity to steer well clear of this hijacked Electoral Commission.
This video interview should be watched by, or sent to, anybody with a true interest in Democracy and ask themselves "has the chance of Democracy been sabotaged in Jersey in favour of Feudalism?" Could this have been allowed to happen if we had an independent mainstream media who would challenge our government? Why didn't Senator Bailhache, who claims he wants to consult with the public, turn up to the two Parish Assemblies? Why did he not take up the offer to publicly debate the issues with Mr. Wimberley? Could anything like this happen in any other supposed western "Democracy?" Why don't the State Media ever address the perception of feudalism?
Mr. Wimberley calls, what has been allowed to happen to this Electoral Commission, "Democracy Terrorism." Watch the video and you will see how difficult it is to disagree with him............
Mentioned in the interview is the son of a constable when it is in fact the son of a "former" Constable.
The piece of "graffiti" above, taken from the wall of the south west wing toilets at Haut de la Garenne and contained in the Operation Rectangle Summary Report, is a chilling and sobering reminder of the terrors vulnerable children suffered while in the "care" of the States of Jersey.
Below is that Operation Rectangle Summary Report from July 2008 which used to be available on the States of Jersey Police's website but, for some reason, was taken down not long after the Former Senior Investigating Officer Lenny Harper retired.
This Report is possibly the most definitive documentation of the "evidence" of juvenile remains, the search criteria and much more concerning Jersey's Child Abuse Investigation. For those who don't buy into the Tooth Fairy Tales, magical disappearing baths, magical disappearing collagen, gaps in floorboards and magical disappearing cellars that has been fed to us by Jersey's State Media, Mick Gradwell, David Warcup and Ian Le Marquand then you must read this evidence.
LGC Forensics lead Archaeologist; Mr Karl Harrison
Canine Search Consultant: Mr. Martin Grime
This report is prepared for information purposes from data held at the operational search office.
In April 2006 States of Jersey Police became concerned at the number of carers who were being accused of involvement in offences concerning the abuse of children. This was particularly highlighted when the commanding officer of the Jersey Sea Cadets was arrested for downloading pornographic images including some involving sea cadets. The attitude of the Sea Cadet authorities of that time caused great concern. Accordingly, police began to examine a number of previous cases and during this review were continually referred to abuse which had allegedly taken place at Haut de La Garenne. This covert phase of the enquiry went on until November 2007 when the investigation was made public. Because of the concerns of victims about any involvement of the Jersey caring agencies it was decided to seek the assistance of the NSPCC in London. Within a week seventy victims had come forward, most detailing abuse at HDLG.
Among the victims were a few who said that children had been dragged from their beds at night screaming and had then disappeared. Two others said they had knowledge of human remains at the location but were not specific. A local advocate also came to police and said he had a client who knew there were human remains buried at the home. The collation of numerous complaints of both sexual and violent abuse of children led to the decision being made to enter the home to carry out a screening search for human remains and evidence in support of the allegations of abuse. The advice and assistance of the NPIA in the deployment of UK specialists was secured.
The abuse enquiry parameters are presently set at events that took place from the mid 1940’s to 1990.
Haut De La Garenne was built in 1866 as a privately run home and industrial school for destitute and orphaned children of the Jersey population.
In 1900 the name of the property was changed to the Jersey Home for Boys.
In 1953 the Education Committee took responsibility for the home renaming it Haut De La Garenne when it became a mixed home in 1960.
With the appointment of a Children’s Officer in 1970, the number of children in care gradually dropped in numbers and by 1983 HDLG ceased to be used for the purpose it was built.
The building and grounds were then administered by the Public Services Committee during which time it was used as the set for a BBC television series ‘ Bergerac’.
In 1970, Aviemore, a new two storey wing was built to the western part of the site which was used principally for staff accommodation. In recent times this building has been adapted to provide respite care for children.
In 1992 the Department of Property Services took over administration of the site from public services. Until 1999 the building was used to accommodate visiting groups requiring low cost accommodation.
In 2003 an extensive refurbishment of the building was completed and since that time has been administered by the Youth Hostel association as an accommodation and activity centre.
The building is of granite stone construction with four main wings, north, south, east and west which form a central courtyard. The grounds and building occupy and area of approximately 220 m X 130 m. Hedgerows bound the perimeter fields, playing fields and open areas.
The building was originally built on several levels. The north wing being as two storeys, the south wing as two storey with the west and east as two storey except for the southernmost ends which were only one storey.
Several major renovations throughout its history included the addition of two further floor levels to the southern ends of the west and east wings.
In 1925 the east wing was converted to two main floors leaving the ground floor enclosed as ‘cellars’.
Archaeological excavation has revealed five stages of historical groundwork:
Early 1900’s
1940-1950 (Including German wartime occupation)
These staged renovations have been identified from archive planning so as to prioritise areas of search and identify precise locations of relevant to this enquiry.
On 5/2/08 a briefing was held at LGC Forensics Oxford Chaired by the SIO Deputy Chief Officer Lenny Harper, States of Jersey Police. In addition to the briefing a document was distributed which had been prepared by Karl Harrison, lead scientist LGC. This document was a desk based study of the “Haut de la Garenne” site.
The Forensic Canine Search Consultancy produced a canine deployment brief encompassing the entire site to maximise assurity. The canine assets would be deployed both in a wide area screening and detailed search capacity.
On 19/2/08 the “Haut de la Garenne” site was visited by a reconnaissance party including States of Jersey Police SIO and Forensic Services Manager, NPIA homicide search advisors, FCSC canine advisor and LGC Forensics staff representing forensic archaeology and anthropology.
The search of HDLG employed numerous complimentary assets that were deployed as required. The systematic approach was adapted to produce high assurity in any possible scenario including sub-surface deposition, dismemberment and destruction by fire. It must be stressed however that there was no direct evidence of homicide at that time and the search was to include the collation of evidence of both sexual and violent abuse.
The assets were deployed in a logical and systematic manner applying best value and best practice guidelines.
The canine assets were deployed in the first instance in a wide area screening search to contact role prior to detail targeting.
Geophysical and GPR assets were deployed to identify anomalous areas for further investigation by other assets.
Gridded probing techniques allowed the canine assets easier access to sub surface scent.
Forensic and archaeological assets were deployed upon the reaction of the canine assets, GPR anomaly and/or when anecdotal witness evidence applied.
Forensic assets were deployed to secure evidence of sexual and violent abuse within crime scenes declared upon canine reaction and anecdotal witness testimony.
The human blood search dog was deployed in a detailed close supervision search role within crime scenes to locate human blood deposits that may be explained at a later date as being accidental or suspicious.
The system of deployment was recorded in the Standard Operating Procedures and policy documents. The policies and procedures were applied consistently throughout the search to conclusion.
The following search scenarios were considered and adopted where deemed appropriate.
Feature based searching. (Deposition)
Although feature based search is adopted in most cases of homicide in this particular case there are no obvious features that are evident in the present day that were evident at the operational material time. However, present day features such as trees and obvious ground disturbance would be included within the scenario based search strategy.
Offender profile based search. (Deposition)
There are no known offenders in this case in relation to homicide. However the abuse of child/juvenile residents was reportedly committed by staff and residents.
Offender profile based search (Evidential – abuse)
Although there are a number of suspected offenders in the case all policed searches would be included within scenario based searches.
Speculative search.
Speculative searching was not included. All searches conducted were subject to discussion and policy decision in relation to scenario, based upon anecdotal witness evidence.
Scenario Based Searching
Prior to any searches being undertaken scenarios to be considered included:
he search for the sub surface, non dismembered, skeletal remains of children within the building and grounds of Haut de la Garenne.
Intelligence of a child having been chased through the building and leaping through a window.
Intelligence of forced illegal abortion.
Intelligence of Still borne child
The search for and recovery of any evidence that would directly corroborate witness testimony of abuse, or support witness testimony of abuse, or any suggestive intelligence of same.
Witness accounts of systematic abuse, both violent and sexual, include anecdotal evidence of events in the cellar areas hidden from view under the ground floor of the building.
The search for and recovery of any evidence that would directly corroborate witness testimony of abuse, support witness testimony of abuse, or any suggestive intelligence of same. To recover any supportive evidence to corroborate the testimony that the cellars were used by children, imprisoned, abused either sexually or violently, within.
Search Phases
The search process was conducted in five phases.
Phase one
Desk based study – this was completed by LGC prior to a site visit.
Phase two
On the ground reconnaissance and control measures survey.
Identify relevant features on the ground that provide optimal areas for burial.
A number of potential deposition sites were identified by geophysical survey using magnetrometry , resistivity and ground penetrating radar. The anomalies are numerically identified and recorded mapped GPS locator digital imagery. Full descriptions and explanations are recorded later in this report.
Ground characterization – dig test pits on the site to establish the ground geology and the sub surface hydro domains.
Test pits revealed a sandy top and sub-soil that had been cultivated to a depth of around 18 inches to two feet. The ground drains very efficiently with there being no readily available ground water.
Digability and excavatability survey – establish the viability and ease to dig a burial using hand tools on the site.
A number of test digs were carried out which revealed a high degree of digability to a depth of around twelve to fifteen feet due to soft sandy sub-soil. Probing however was difficult due to the density of the sub-soil prior to digging.
Analyse the soil to determine type and the probable effects on decomposition.
Analysis of the soil revealed a neutral – slightly alkaline PH which would have little adverse effect on decomposition.
Geophysics study to determine the optimum equipment type for the site and the maximum resolution and depth penetration available.
A study provided information that was suggestive that all types of geophysical equipment may be deployed. However in practice GPR was found to be more timely and efficient.
Geomatics – create a plan drawing of the site to record any significant finds or search activity.
The States of Jersey Police road collision investigator has produced a detailed plan of the HDLG site using theodolight technology. (appendix6) GPS satellite positioning equipment was used to pinpoint anomalies, features and search areas covered by the canine assets. These are produced on digital mapping.
Conduct a walk through with a knowledgeable person who can provide information regarding the changes and renovations to the building and grounds.
The historical renovation and extension to the building, due to expansion and changes in usage required archive research to identify sequential changes to the property which revealed anomalous voids and possible deposition areas.
Phase Three
Search of the site in a prioritised order, all assets should be used moving from the non invasive to the invasive.
Where geophysical surveys identify anomalies these should be compared against any known sub surface utilities prior to invasive excavation.
Building plans, archive planning and interviews of witnesses provided the required information with regard to sub surface utilities both past and present.
Where any EVRD (Enhanced Victim Recovery Dog) indications are given consideration should be made to any sub surface scent pathways gravity fed either via pathways through the soil, bedrock or hydro geological action.
Following EVRD indications all the required information with regard to scent pathways etc was obtained. This enabled the handler to form expert opinion with regard to behaviour changes and identify points of interest.
Where there are physical excavations on any priority area or identified anomaly they should be supervised by an Archaeologist and Anthropologist.
Forensic archaeologists completed excavation by hand or machine of all sub-surface anomalies and supervised the search of banks etc. A forensic anthropologist was on site to identify bone excavated from sub surface anomalies and produced by sieving techniques. Samples that were not immediately identifiable on site due to degradation
were conveyed to the UK for further expert analysis.
Grounds of Haut de la Garenne
The grounds are an open area approximately 220m x 130m with hedgerows bounding the perimeter and the four irregular sections within it.
The search of the grounds utilised fieldcraft, EVRD wide area screening, geophysical survey and GPR followed by intrusive archaeological excavation where required. All anomalies and points of interest are recorded on the site mapping,) and GPS data logging records
Courtyard within Haut de la Garenne
This courtyard has a smooth tarmac covering. The courtyard has been subject to extensive renovation over the last 40 years. Within the courtyard are two large drainage tanks and a well. It is recommended a GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) survey is conducted to establish the sub surface utilities, the boundaries of the tanks and well and establish the number of unaccountable anomalies. Depending on the number of anomalies it maybe necessary to bore holes to facilitate the egress of “scent” (volatile organic compounds) emitting any grave or to facilitate more detailed imaging. If the anomaly is considered a possible grave then the GPR can be used to image the area prior to excavation. The well, depending on it size and condition, may require exploration to determine the presence of any remains. Clearly this method is invasive and reparation work will be required once the search is complete.
The courtyard was subjected to GPR survey by two independent agencies (HODSB, 38 Sqn RE) Several anomalies were identified and were intrusively investigated by forensic archaeologists the results of which were recorded.
Interior of Haut de la Grarenne.
Information exists of the previous finding of buried bones co mingled with a pair of children’s shoes and fragments of cloth. The location of these finds within the building is known. It is therefore recommended that an EVRD and then a GPR survey is conducted over this known location in order to determine any anomalies or positive indications. These anomalies could then be invasively explored in order to identify their source. The remainder of this large building could be subject to a VRD sweep of all rooms and open areas. This would be a proportionate response as there is no intelligence relating to other areas of the building at this time. Inhibiting factors are the large size of the building and its comprehensive renovation and extension in recent years.
Anecdotal witness evidence suggested that bones found by builders completing renovations near to the north west stairwell may have been of human origin. An alert indication by the EVRD in this area resulted in the excavation of the site by forensic archaeologists. During this intrusive procedure a 2 inch X 2 inch piece of what appeared to be bone was recovered. This was preliminarily identified ‘in the field’ as possibly being juvenile human skull by the forensic anthropologist and was submitted for confirmation including species carbon dating and DNA.
Other alert indications by the EVRD coupled with anecdotal witness evidence of abuse led to the uncovering of a system of ‘cellars’ under the ground floor of the eastern aspect. The cellars were subjected to meticulous forensic examination where evidence of the presence of children was recovered. Subsequent deployment of the human blood search dog revealed three locations in the bath of cellar one where blood was present (presumptive positive tests).Subsequent forensic examination, intrusive archaeological excavation and sieving of spoil in relation to the east wing cellars produced further evidence listed within this report.
Phase Four
This would be enacted if an evidential find is made and the forensic body recovery strategy is implemented.
The possible human remains recovered from the North West stairwell (piece of juvenile skull) preliminarily identified by the forensic anthropologist on site was considered historical and was conveyed to Oxford for carbon dating. The bone was so far degraded that further analysis was impossible.
The teeth recovered from cellars 3-4 were identified as juvenile human deciduous teeth and have been conveyed to the UK for further analysis.
Phase Five
This is the exit strategy. On completion of the search a full geometric survey will have been conducted recording in document and mapping form all search activity undertaken on the site. Where possible, geophysical surveys should have data logging and GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) positional recording to enable proof of coverage. Searches involving the VRD should also be recorded using a mobile GPS data logger. All anomalies, indications and test pits should be recorded in a GIS (Geographic Information System) model.
All records as advised have been completed and are attached as appendices to this report.
The following assets were deployed within search areas 1-8 in the grounds of HDLG.
Area 1
Fieldcraft walkthrough
Feature search
Area 2
Geophysical survey
Archaelogical dig
Area 3
Ground Penetrating radar ( GPR)
Geophysical survey
Archaelogical dig
PolSA team search
Plan survey
Drain survey
Area 4
Fieldcraft walkthrough
Geophysical survey
Area 5
Geophysical survey
Archaelogical dig
PolSA team search
Area 6
Geophysical survey
Archaelogical survey
Area 7
Archaelogical dig
PolSA team search
Area 8
The following assets were deployed within the building:
Canine EVRD and Human blood search dog.
Ground penetrating radar.
PolSA team.
Imaging equipment.
Forensic Scene of Crime Officers.( Collation of exhibits, fingerprinting, hair and fibre recovery, DNA recovery, chemical treatment etc.
Forensic specialists ( Luminol screening).
The Enhanced Victim Recovery Dog (EVRD) ‘Eddie’was deployed in a wide area screening capacity within the outer boundaries of the HDLG with no alert indications or behaviour changes evident. The search was recorded via GPS data logging equipment attached to the dog’s collar to ensure complete area coverage.
Geophysical anomalies identified by other assets, were probed and subjected to EVRD screening. No alert indications were forthcoming.
A large amount of animal bone historically deposited in the grounds of HDLG as garbage was ignored.
The EVRD was deployed tactically within the ground floor of the premises where a continuing alert indication of varying strength was given in the western aspect. The weakest being in the south-western corridor, the strongest and most significant being in the north-western stairwell.
The reactions of the dog are explained as scent travelling through ‘chimneys’ such as conduit, electric cable ducting, which transects from the north west stairwell along the western corridor in a southerly direction.
Anecdotal witness evidence was suggestive of juvenile human bones being recovered from the area of the north-western stairwell during recent building renovations in 2003.
Human remains deposited within the ground in that area would contaminate the ground, and any porous material within it. The dog’s reactions were therefore consistent with this scenario. The area was therefore subjected to intrusive archaeological excavation.
A fragment of what the forensic anthropologist describes as being possibly human juvenile skull was recovered from within a Victorian context of the excavation. The fragment was shipped to the U.K. for confirmation of substance, species, carbon dating and DNA testing. The laboratory conducting the analysis reported confused and conflicting findings therefore no conclusion is available at this time. Other burnt bone fragments were also recovered from the context within this area. The dating of the context is Victorian, outside the time spectrum of a homicide enquiry at this time. Therefore further testing will be the subject of a forensic submission review later in the enquiry.
The EVRD gave a number of alert indications in the eastern wing of the building. Holes were drilled through the 3 inch thick wooden / insulated clad flooring to allow the dog scent access to the voids below. He identified areas of interest which supported anecdotal witness evidence. This prompted the complete removal of the flooring in 2/3 of the east wing.
Removal of the flooring revealed the original ground floor of the building including a large brick and rendered bath, original sinks and toilet area, play rooms etc. Renovations had enclosed the areas which then resembled ‘cellars’.
The EVRD was again deployed in a detailed search of these areas. Alert indications were forthcoming which, where appropriate, were confirmed using the human blood search dog.
The EVRD alert indications were confirmed by intrusive archaeological excavation and sieving. A significant number of bone fragments and teeth have been recovered which have been corroborated as human. The remains are at the present time undergoing forensic testing including carbon dating procedures.
Predominantly the human remains have been recovered from cellars 3, 4 and 5 which historically were one large classroom.
Control testing of the EVRD would suggest that although the dog alerted to specific areas where human remains were situated the entire top two inches of soil within this area is contaminated with human cadaver odour. Enquiries at this time are suggestive that the human remains were deposited in this area and covered with top soil in a deliberate act of concealment. The deposition could only have taken place during a period of time when the floor had been removed. Research into the historical renovation of the property suggests that the floor above cellars 3, 4 &5 was taken up in the late 60’s early 70’s.
Three indications by the human blood search dog were given in cellar one which, when subjected to presumptive testing, proved positive.
Two indications by the human blood search dog were given in the cellar entrance hall which when subjected to presumptive testing proved positive.
The EVRD provided alert indications in support of the human blood search dog.
Forensic samples were recovered and conveyed to the UK for further testing.
Other deployments of the EVRD were based upon the blind screening of soil samples and other areas from which suggestive intelligence is supported:
The EVRD was deployed to screen soil samples from certain contexts of archaeological excavation. A positive reaction was forthcoming from a context where it is reported human remains were uncovered and removed by builders in the area of the main electric feed in the north-western wing. There is some witness evidence to suggest that these remains were also human juvenile. Although the remains were examined by a pathologist they were not positively identified. In fact the pathologists report lists at least one bone that was ‘UNIDENTIFIED’. Measurements of the bones would tend to suggest that they may well have been juvenile human.
Karl Harrison’s archaeological theory of the burnt debris including human bone fragments and teeth being deposited in the east wing cellars from the west wing is contained within this report. This theory is suggestive that the solid fuel furnace in operation in the west wing around the time of 1960 – 1970 may have been used to dispose of human remains.
Enquiries to date are showing that the original solid fuel central heating and hot water supply furnace in the west wing was replaced in the late 60’s early 70’s with oil fired furnaces. This may have coincided with the floor in cellars 3, 4 & 5 being removed. This would explain the deposition of the bone fragments and teeth with ash deposits as being the
waste from the furnace upon decommissioning. It would also suggest some element of ‘guilty knowledge’.
Having considered options to support the theory a series of scent sample screening tests was completed using the EVRD These tests were yes or no answers to the presence of human remains decomposition scent. It does not rely on change in behaviour or handler judgement and is therefore more accurate.
The series of tests involved the use of samples of soot and debris from the chimney situated in the plant room that was in use at the time the solid fuel furnace was in operation. The tests were completed in such a way as to isolate the samples from containers, human ‘live’ scent and other distracters.
The tests clearly indicated the presence of human remains decomposition scent.
A forensic review team may be in a position to assist with further testing procedures to corroborate the dogs presumptive testing.
It is important to note that a substantial weight of animal bone has been recovered from the site as a whole. The EVRD has ignored all such material whilst alerting to confirmed human remains. This tends supports the scenario above.
Both the EVRD and Human blood search dog are presumptive screening assets. Any alert indications given MUST be forensically corroborated to be conclusive.
The entire building and grounds have now been screened and detail searched by the canine assets attached to the enquiry. Preparations are now underway to prepare for phase two at Victoria Tower.
A team of archaeologists and anthropologists from LGC Forensics, under the supervision of Miss Julie Roberts, were deployed to excavate areas of interest identified by search assets, geophysical survey or anecdotal witness evidence.
All anomalies and areas of interest were intrusively investigated to conclusion.
The spoil from contextual hand trowel excavation, cellar floors and other anomalies was sieved by hand or with the use of mechanical device. (100 tons plus).
Comprehensive records of excavation were completed including the approximate date of context and exhibits recovered. Items of interest include;
Fragment of possibly juvenile human skull was recovered from within a Victorian context of the excavation of the north-western stairwell.
Burnt bone (pending species identification) from context at the
north-western stairwell
Burnt fabric and toys from anomalies within the grounds.
Lime at the base of anomaly LR 8
Human teeth from cellars three and five ( sieving)
Human burnt bone from cellar 4.
Human bone from cellar 3
Human deciduous tooth from water cistern (sieving)
In addition, numerous bones were discovered within the search area both through excavation of anomalies and when investigating anecdotal accounts of previous finds by witnesses. These were identified by the resident anthropologist as being of animal origin.
With regard to the human remains recovered from cellars 3,4 & five. Karl Harrison, LGC Forensics lead archaeologist explains :
Detailed archaeological analysis of the building and its structure, in conjunction with archive plans, has provided time lines for historical renovations within the building. Phase I – area above the cellars is a School Room - Victorian styli and slates are dumped in large quantities on the cellar floor. These are in such quantities that it would suggest the floor were being taken up when they were deposited. Although they are mixed throughout the cellar deposits, many slates are lying on the base of the earthen floor, suggesting an early fall. A number of dateable Phase I items (Victorian coinage, Napoleon III coin, Victorian Jubilee medal) have been found in close association with this material.
Phase II/III - At the extension of the building following the major works over the bathhouse directly south of the School Room, educational activities move southwards to our Press Room (as was). The School Room becomes a Play Room in the early 20th C. This would explain the lack of pen nibs such as those in the cisterns entering the record here.
With the exception of a few coins of the period, native Phase II/III material seems to be in short supply. Instead we seem to have imported material - masses of shoe leather and heel irons relate to the shoemakers that functioned through the 20s and 30s, along with buttons
and thimbles from the neighbouring dressmakers room. This is closely associated with concentrations of kitchen waste (bottle glass, jar glass, plain domestic ware, patterned ware and charnel), which seems contemporaneous based on design and scraps of printed labels remaining.
All of this is mixed with two distinct non-native soils - a virgin 'potato' soil which provides much of the compressed material, and a concentration of charred material - coke, clinker and some charcoal (in very small fragments) - whilst the charred material is associated with
smoke stained masonry, none of the goods in the cellar have been burned (as opposed to cooked in the case of animal bone) - other than some of the bone fragments.
Phase IV - Phase IV is characterised by sweeping, evidenced by changes in texture of the cellar fills and the presence of large numbers of plastic bristles and brush head fragments stuck through lower elements of the contexts. In terms of depositions in phase IV, these are (with the exception of a single coin) native in character - the room above the cellars remains a Play Room, and we have a profusion of glass marbles, toy soldiers, play money, farmyard animal figures)
Phase V - Access is gained through the floor by hatch cutting for the 2003 refurbishment - some of the outlying bone and teeth fragments perhaps owe their position to cable laying.
What I now think has happened is that a mass of material has been imported from the west wing at a time when the floor of the Play Room was up. This would explain the mix of material from north to south along the wing (glass and ceramic from kitchen larders, leather goods from the shoemakers, buttons from the tailors and high-temperature char from the bake house foundations) These renovations to the west wing have been carried out since 1960 (the brush bristles relate to sweeping of floor surface elsewhere and have been incorporated into the fill elsewhere, rather than someone bothering to sweep a cellar's earthen floor) - they have involved cleaning, but also significant digging into underlying soil (we have small concentrations of Phase II/III pot sewer pipe, as well as the mass of potato soil). Whilst some of the material might have been taken off site, some has been ditched in barrow and bucket loads on the cellar floor, hence the complex lensing of charred and virgin soils, especially along the footing trenches
Police search teams under the direct supervision of a PolSA were tasked to search the north and east banking of the southernmost field to HDLG (boundary to search areas 4,5&7). The search was conducted with the aid of mechanical earth moving equipment.
The banking had been identified by witness testimony concerning the deposition of bones the origin of which was not known whether to be animal or human.
A large amount of bone was recovered and examined by the on site forensic anthropologist. The bone was identified as animal.
Clothing was recovered and has been retained whilst the investigation continues.
The team was also deployed to conduct a search of the attic within the confines of the building.
The States of Jersey Police forensic examiners with the aid of UK based personnel provided the following services:
Mrs Coupland, the States of Jersey Forensic Services Manager provided day to day management of the search venue, forensic strategy and supervision of forensic scene examination.
Provision of multiple scene management.
Provision of multiple scene examination.
Provision of photographic support.
Provision of exhibit management at HDLG.
Forensic Strategy.
The Forensic Service Manager’s log shows that in the event that any of search assets deployed at the scene identified an area of interest / anomaly the following procedure would be implemented:
The area would be declared a crime scene and subjected to intrusive examination using SOCO and forensic archaeologists. All scenes were subjected to meticulous examination once the floor had been removed to allow access:
Scene recorded photographically.
Floor joists taped to recover hair, fibre and skin cells.
Ultra violet light search.
Floor joists and floor boards subjected to chemical treatment to identify and recover fingerprints.
Walls taped to recover hair, fibre and skin cells.
Light source search including quaser.
Floor swept using gridding system.
Items of interest recovered and exhibited.
Sweepings sieved.
Human blood search dog screening.
Archaeological excavation.
Archaelogical spoil dry / wet sieved
Chemically treated (Luminol) to highlight areas of interest for further testing.
Six crime scenes were declared in relation to the abuse enquiry and identified as:
Cellar 1 containing bath area
Cellar 2
Cellar 3
Cellar 4
Cellar 5
Cellar entrance
The following are the main items of interest to the investigation from these areas.
Blood in bath. Cellar 1
50 +Human teeth cellars 3 and 4
Human bone fragments cellars 3 and 4
Blood stained cloth cellar 3
Chemical reaction in cellars 1 & 2 (Luminol) Cellar two under animal carcases.
Condom wrapper cellar 1 (partial DNA profile)
Used condom. Cellar 2
Dated reading material pertinent to enquiry.
Children’s toys and written work.
The forensic team also provided a detailed photographic record of the search including written evidence from the wall of the south west wing toilets which tends to support abuse allegations.
“ *** ** **** RAPED HERE 17/9/76 WHO WILL SAVE US
Gradiometer and Resistivity techniques were carried out at 7 different locations within the grounds of Haut de La Garenne in order to detect likely remains indicating clandestine burials. Two areas were chosen for control purposes (Test Pits 3 and 7) to determine the underlying responses from the soils and geology of the area. These were located in the north east corner and southernmost point on the promontory respectively of the site.
The results indicated some significant anomalies possibly representing pit-like features (F1, F2, F3, and F6-8). The majority proved to be of recent origin and associated with rose bed planting immediately to the south of the house. Other anomalies indicated modern services or features of geological/natural origin.
Ground Penetrating radar was deployed on two separate occasions within the grounds and the interior of HDLG. Detachments from HOSDB and 58 Squadron Royal Engineers identified a number of anomalies both within the grounds and the interior of the building.
The anomalies were numbered and their locations plotted on building plans and site maps. Although some could be explained as pipe trenches and known features identified by witness testimony, unexplained anomalies were subjected to screening with the EVRD and intrusive investigation by forensic archaeologists.
The anomalies were recorded on the search spreadsheet document together with the results:
Finds of interest from identified anomalies are:
Burnt bone (awaiting further examination)
Burnt clothing
Burnt toys
Burnt bed sheets
Coins (provided indication of dating of anomaly)
Of particular interest were anomalies that were identified by GPR, Geophysical survey and by witness account.
Approximately 20 years ago two large holes had been dug with the use of a mechanical digger at the request of staff at HDLG. The following day the staff caused the reinstatement of the ground without any explanation or obvious reason for the ground intrusion. These holes have since been excavated by the resident forensic archaeologists who discovered at the base of the hole hardcore and lime.Lime is a well known addition to deposition to aid the reduction of decomposition scent. Its inclusion in this scenario may be suggestive of suspicious activity although no human remains were found.
Remains identified by the resident forensic anthropologist Miss Julie Roberts as human, and items of interest to the enquiry, have been submitted for forensic analysis.
Forty eight human deciduous teeth have been recovered to date. Twenty six of which are presently in the UK being examined to identify the number of individuals from whom they originate.
Numerous bone fragments are being examined at Sheffield University for histology purposes.
Concrete samples from the bath area as identified by the blood dog are undergoing DNA testing.
A condom recovered from cellar two is in the UK undergoing DNA analysis.(Cellmark)
A condom wrapper recovered from cellar 1 has been subjected to DNA analysis from which a partial profile has been forthcoming.
A number of confirmed human juvenile bone fragments have been examined of which three have been subject to carbon dating:
Exhibit JAR 30 95% probability 1660 – 1950
Exhibit KSH 137 94% probability 1470 – 1650
Exhibit KSH 137 86.7 % probability 1490 – 1670
7.4 % probability 1780 – 1800
1.3 % probability 1940 - 1960
Luminol presumptive testing from cellars 1 & 2 produced samples that were examined at LGC Forensics with no DNA profiles being forthcoming.
The number of victims and cause of death remain unknown but the prevailing circumstances would tend to be suspicious at this time.
The meticulous search of Haut De La Garenne has now been completed and the building handed over to Property Services. Evidence has been obtained to support the abuse enquiry and suggestive evidence that the remains of at least one child were present within the structure of the building.
A significant amount of human remains have been recovered that is suggestive of foul play in relation to the cause of death and guilty knowledge during deposition.
65 Human deciduous teeth
Numerous human bone fragments
It would appear at this stage that the remains were deposited into the area of cellars 3,4 &5 having been removed from a secondary deposition site in the west wing. They were then distributed evenly over the ground and covered with a layer of top soil so as to conceal the deposition from all but the most meticulous scrutiny.
Enquiries with regard to the dating of a time of death are ongoing and will be considered during a forensic strategy review. At present the techniques used for dating purposes are suggesting a period of time for three fragments as being
1450 – 1650
1450 – 1650
1650 – 1950
This is not of sufficient accuracy to assist the SIO in a decision as to commencing a homicide enquiry.
Consideration is being given to source other methods of dating techniques. Any advice from the forensic review team with regard to dating would be gratefully received.
Scientific analysis as to a time line for deposition has revealed that this would only have been possible at a time when the floor to cellars 3,4 & 5 was removed. Archive research has shown that the floor was removed in the late 60’s early s70’s. The research will continue to provide a more accurate date stamp of deposition.
We have now received information that a dentist historically practiced at the site.
Dr Campbell, 13 Spinnaker Court, captains Place, Netley Abbey, Southampton.
The MIT have been tasked to conduct further enquiries.
Investigation into the use of heating systems including solid fuel furnaces, the time line of installation and decommissioning of systems, their use and disposal of waste ash etc.
The HAT team are continuing enquiries.
Whilst conducting the search at HDLG the enquiry team became aware of intelligence suggestive of historical sexual abuse and human remains deposition at the German War bunker complex at Victoria Tower.
Victoria Tower is situated approximately 450 metres from HDLG and was regularly visited by both staff and children from the home.
The war bunkers formed a defensive position overlooking Gorey and the bays on either side. Constructed from reinforced concrete with a system of connecting trenches the site is a complex array of positions that in the past have been open to passers by using the public footpath which cuts through the site giving access to the coast road. The bunkers were closed and covered over with building rubble and soil in the late 70’s- early 80’s to bar access.
There is in existence plans of the site and defensive positions therein. These have been obtained and have formed the basic search planning material.
On the instructions of the SIO search and forensic strategies were prepared to enter the site, locate the defensive positions, uncover the entrances and forensically examine the interior to locate supportive evidence of the witnesses. The site would also be subjected to deposition reconnaissance, searched by PolSA led team to identify anomalies which would then be probed and screened by the EVRD.
The Victoria Tower site was prepared for search, a cordon was erected at 150 metres radius from the central defensive position encompassing all known constructed emplacements. A scene guard was rostered to cover 24/7 security.
The site had been previously cleared by National Trust ground clearance teams to aid visual inspection and search. Further clearance of the site would be completed by the search team in accordance with the PolSA and search / forensic management.
The SIO visited the site and the site management strategies were discussed and approved for work to commence on 9 July 2008. The original search / forensic strategy employed for phase 1 at HDLG would be continued.
On 9 July 2008 entry to the site was made and work commenced.
All constructed defensive positions identified by archive information were located marked VT / 1-VT / 10 and plotted by GPS. A further position was located from photographic archive material by intrusive excavation and was included numbered VT /11. It is possible that further positions may be located during the operation.
The EVRD was deployed in a wide area screening sweep of the site. The following alert indications were forthcoming:
VT / 9 Trench and gun emplacement containing small personnel shelter. Forensic examination revealed recently deposited tissues that appeared to have been used to ‘clean up following sexual intercourse’. It would appear that the shelter had been used as a venue for courting couples. This alert is within the trained parameters of the dog’s repertoire and is a satisfactory explanation of the alert.
Base of an oak tree planted as a memorial to the two sons of Mr Hamon, Flat 2 Delborgho Lodge, Upper Clarendon Road, St Hellier. The cremated remains of the two adult sons had been previously scattered just under the surface of the ground and the tree planted as a permanent memorial together with a plaque. This alert is within the trained parameters of the dog’s repertoire and is a satisfactory explanation of the alert.
There being no other points of interest, intelligence led excavation of the site commenced to locate and investigate defensive positions by excavation, forensic examination and canine screening.
V/T 1 re-enforced concrete bunker constructed as a barracks and personnel shelter. The entrance was located by mechanical earth removing plant machinery revealing a walled barricade dated 1974. The barricade was demolished allowing access.
The forensic strategy was implemented with the following results.
EVRD – negative
Earth and debris was removed by hand, examined and removed. Small animal bones were recovered which are of no importance to the enquiry. Other exhibits have been recovered but are not considered to be of interest to the enquiry at this time.
Light source – negative.
UV light - negative
Graffiti – not supported by witness evidence.
CSI dog not deployed – 2 inches water covering floor.
V/T 2 Small personnel shelter. Re-enforced concrete bunker, six feet by four. Entry gained following extensive excavation by mechanical plant machinery.
The forensic strategy was implemented with the following results.
EVRD – negative.
Blood dog – negative.
Light source – negative.
Visual – negative.
UV – negative
Quasar - negative
V/T 3 Re-enforced concrete gun emplacement (not a bunker), completely backfilled to prevent access.The fill was removed by hand to give access. A trench link to V/T 4 and V/T 6 was identified. The trench was excavated by plant machinery to complete the deposition search linked to bunker
The forensic strategy was implemented with the following results.
EVRD – positive indication
Blood Dog – positive indication
Visual SOCO examination – positive
UV – positive
Quasar - positive
Positive indications are of a small human blood deposit confirmed as being accidental spillage by one of the search team.
V/T 4 Re-enforced concrete bunker / barracks. Trench link to VT/3 - V/T 6. Entry gained following extensive excavation by mechanical plant machinery and by hand.
The forensic strategy was implemented with the following results.
Quasar – positive – revealed graffiti not previously identified.
Sieving of soil and debris – animal bone, and items of property not believed to be connected with any offences.
V/T 5 Excavation revealed that this was window type entry into VT/ 4 and therefore no investigation was required.
V/T 6 - Re-enforced concrete gun emplacement (not a bunker), trench link to V/T 4 and V/T 3. Complete excavation by hand of back fill was required to allow access. The trench was excavated to complete the deposition search linked to bunker
The forensic strategy was implemented with the following results.
EVRD – Negative
Blood dog – negative
Visual - negative
Light source – negative
UV – negative
Quasar - negative
V/T 7 Re-enforced concrete trench and machine gun emplacements incorporating a small personnel shelter. Entry gained to sealed shelter.
The forensic strategy was implemented with the following results.
EVRD – negative
Blood dog – negative
Light source – negative
UV – negative
Quasar - negative
V/T 8 Re-enforced concrete trench and machine gun emplacement completely covered by top soil and rubble. Excavated by plant machinery and by hand to allow complete access.
The forensic strategy was implemented with the following results.
EVRD – negative
Blood dog – negative
Visual – negative
Light source – negative
UV – negative
Quasar – negative
V/T 9 Re-enforced concrete machine gun post and protective trench, personnel shelter attached. Earth and debris removed by hand and plant machinery to allow access.
The forensic strategy was implemented with the following results.
EVRD – positive indication.
SOCO visual – positive.
Blood dog - positive indication.
Visual – positive
UV – negative (items removed prior to screening).
Quasar - negative
Positive indications confirmed as being recently deposited tissues used to clean up after sex by unknown persons. Offences not suspected at this stage. Retained as exhibit should there be future reports of offences. There will be no forensic submission at this stage.
V/T 10 – Command centre. Multi room large defensive position. The main part of this structure to the right at the bottom the approach staircase is now used by States of Jersey for communications networks. It is well maintained and is of good repair. It has been subjected to re-decorating in the recent past and any evidence of offences is most likely to have been lost.
The forensic strategy was implemented with the following results.
EVRD – Negative.
Blood dog – not deployed.
Visual – negative
The rooms to the left of the approach staircase have not been used in the recent past and were filled with soil and black sacks of rubbish. This was removed to allow access.
The forensic strategy was implemented with the following results.
EVRD – negative
Blood dog – negative
Visual – negative
UV – negative (10a)
V/T 11re-enforced concrete bunker / barracks, double entry to one main entrance door. Single room, shelter for gun emplacements nearby. Extensive excavation by mechanical plant machinery and by hand gave access.
The forensic strategy was implemented with the following results.
EVRD – Negative.
Blood dog – Negative.
Visual – negative.
UV – negative
Quasar – negative
PCA are conducting laser scanning of all relevant areas including the route from HDLG to Victoria Tower.
On Saturday 12 July 2008 PS Leo Sheridan, PolSA, supervised a search team within the Victoria Tower site.
The team assisted the forensic officers to locate VT/11 and clear the surrounding area of vegetation.
The team cleared the remainder of the areas of the site of interest to the enquiry.
The ground was walked and depressions which may indicate sub – surface deposition were marked by paint. They were not numbered, flagged or recorded by GPS tracking nor were they probed or intrusively investigated at that time. There has been no de-brief nor have any plans of the locations of the sites been made known to the Co-ordinator for further investigation. The search team do not appear to be experienced in fieldcraft and deposition location techniques. This is a discipline in which a training package including fieldcraft may benefit SOJP for future deployment of the search team in support of ‘no-body’ homicide investigations.
The areas identified by the search team have been numbered and positions recorded by GPS tracking. Areas of interest have been probed and screened by the EVRD with a negative result. Larger areas have been excavated by mechanical plant to raise assurity of search for deposition. There have been no human remains recovered.
The search undertaken at Victoria Tower based upon anecdotal witness evidence is now completed.
Although historical graffiti on walls and other elements support the witness accounts there is no supportive forensic evidence of abuse or human remains deposition within the cordoned area.
Behavioural responses from the dogs, the discovery by human sight of small animal bones and items of property from spoil support fully the methodology and efficiency of the assets employed within the search and forensic strategies. This is a high assurity search where all pertinent assets were deployed and utilised to their fullest extent.
Martin Grime
PO BOX 789 JERSEY JE4 8ZD TELEPHONE 01534 612612 FAX 01534 612613
WEBSITE www.police.gov.je
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PO BOX 789 JERSEY JE4 8ZD TELEPHONE 01534 612612 FAX 01534 612613
WEBSITE www.police.gov.je
CHIEF OFFICER: GRAHAM POWER QPM MA (Oxon) DEPUTY CHIEF OFFICER: LEONARD HARPER MSc BA (Hons)(END) “ *** ** **** RAPED HERE 17/9/76 WHO WILL SAVE US?" Even more chilling to know that nobody would.
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