In part two of our in-depth and exclusive interview with Former Senator, and Health Minister, Stuart Syvret we discuss, very briefly, some contents contained in the 62,000 word document submitted by the Former Police Chief, Graham Power QPM, to the Wiltshire Constabulary as published by Mr. Syvret.
Mr. Power's submission to the Wiltshire Constabulary was published by Mr. Syvret after it became apparent that the BBC, who have been in possession of it for eleven months and five days, had no intention of publishing it. This, as regular readers will be aware, is despite the BBC, and all other island State Media publishing the prosecution case or parts of, against the former Police Chief. Mr. Power's submission to Wiltshire is viewed as his defence case, yet the BBC still won't publish it.
We discuss the implications of this apparent decision by the BBC and point out the documents that HAVE been leaked to Bloggers (Jersey's only independent media) and NOT the BBC, CTV, or the JEP.
When was the last time, you the reader, can remember a leaked document that was given to, and reported by, the State Media? In the interview below, we name but a few, that have been leaked to Bloggers, there are many more that could have been mentioned with yet still more to come. (we are told)
It is becoming more and more apparent that Jersey's mainstream media are not trusted and we believe with good reason. Bloggers (Jersey's only independent media) have blown apart (to smithereens) the official version of events surrounding the Child Abuse atrocities and related matters. We have done this purely by asking questions. When have the BBC, or any of our State Media, seriously challenged or scrutinised ANYTHING churned out by the states Communications Unit? Could Decades of Child Abuse have been possible without the complicity of the mainstream media? What part, if any, have they (State Media) played over the decades in keeping the lid on controversial issues for our government? Why were the documents leaked to Bloggers (Jersey's only independent media) and not leaked to Jersey's "accredited" media?
Part one of this interview can be viewed HERE.
Reeves’ headlines suggest there is such a thing as bad publicity
According to Politico this morning, the headlines for Reeves are not good:
“Five years of record taxes” (Telegraph) … “Tax hikes and extra cuts on
* Read t...
1 hour ago