
Friday 6 September 2019

Independent Jersey Care Inquiry 2nd Report Imminent.


On the 3rd of July 2017 The Jersey Independent Care Inquiry (IJCI) delivered its damming REPORT on the decades of Child Abuse carried out in Jersey State run "care" homes and elsewhere across the island. The Panel, as part of its report, made 8 key recommendations which can be found in the link above or the shorter version can be read HERE.

Two years later the Panel returned to the Island in order to assess how it's recommendations are (or aren't) being implemented by the States of Jersey with a view of publishing a second and (what turns out to be) FINAL report.

We are aware that the Panel has been asked by multiple witnesses/people (including Team Voice) to carry on its work watching, and reporting on, our governments/Law Offices' Department's actions or in-actions. It appears (from the e-mail below) that the Panel has decided to "get the hell out of dodge" and who can blame them? "THE JERSEY SITUATION" is far too big for them to tackle and will only be "remedied" when/if the UK fulfils its constitutional obligation to restore good governance and the rule of law on the Island.

Below is the relevant part(s) of the e-mail received (by VFC) from the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry today explaining when/where its final report will be published, the fact they are getting out of Dodge and much more that deserves some debate. Not least why the Panel has decided to hand over all media questions to the States of Jersey Communications Unit when it was the States of Jersey who have been investigated by the Panel. It doesn't say a great deal for the Panel's independence and hope it will revise this decision?

Relevant extracts from IJCI e-mail.

"I have just put details of the arrangements for the launch of our report on the website The launch will be on Monday 23 September 2019 at 1pm in the St Paul’s Centre, St Helier. All are welcome. The presentation will last about 30 minutes and Sandy Cameron will be available to do follow-up interviews. Everyone is happy with the presentation being filmed but we ask that no-one in the audience is filmed in a way that would identify them. We will have some hard copies of the report available at the event and the report will be online from 2pm on 23rd September. We will provide the States of Jersey with a digital copy of the report on 23 September so more copies can be printed as needed.

Because we have completed our work and to ensure people get a prompt response to any questions, we have asked the Communications Unit of the States of Jersey to deal with any questions about the day from print, broadcast, citizens media and members of the public between now and 23 September. We understand the States of Jersey plan to do a media event later that day.

The transcripts of the public sessions will be available online by Monday 9th September.

The public domain material of this review (eg transcripts of public sessions) will be kept with the public domain Inquiry material in perpetuity by Jersey Archive. Sensitive material, such as details of private meetings, contact details etc will be kept off island with the confidential material from the Inquiry.

Our email addresses etc will cease around 23rd September, after which we will not be commenting on any matters and will be unable to engage in any correspondence. In our review report we will discuss what independent scrutiny of progress in Jersey may involve in the future but this is the right time for our work to cease.

We are very grateful to everyone who has shown interest in our work, assisted us, shared their stories and insights with us, encouraged us and challenged us. We hope we will have the chance to reaffirm our appreciation in person when we are in Jersey for the last time later this month.

Kind regards."


  1. Independent Jersey Care Inquiry 2n Report IMMINENT.

  2. Hopefully someone will ask them (i)if they can guarantee ongoing access to these transcripts, and (ii) what their views are, and what they are doing, about restoring online access to all the Inquiry documentation taken down by the Jersey authorities.

    1. Dr Mark Egan is dealing with the analysis of transcripts under the new Data Protection 2018 Law. You can e-mail him.

    2. Anonymous @16:48

      I am well aware of that. My remark was directed at the Inquiry team's reaction to it.

    3. Why would the Inquiry Team react to a review of documents under GDPR?

  3. Can we get a new interview with Children's Minister Senator Sam Mezec on what he is doing about the Jersey Situation please?

    1. Hopefully around the time of the report's publication the Children's Minister will agree to an interview.

    2. Good luck in getting Sam Mezec to talk about the Jersey Situation.

    3. He has never refused me an interview thus far and see no reason why he might start now.

    4. Sam Mezec is part of the club - the COM, so he's not going to get dragged into talking about the Jersey Situation or the Jersey Way like it is on here. He may cover the role of the Bailiff but there is no way he will agree to get the UK in to restore the rule of Law or agree that corruption exists within the Law Offices.

  4. "THE JERSEY SITUATION" is far too big for them to tackle"

    This is hardly going to be on their radar in the first place.

  5. Thanks for keeping us always updated :) First on the story...

  6. It’s going to be most interesting to read the forthcoming “report” by the three members of the defunct, supposed “public-inquiry”.

    A more disgraceful spectacle there has never been - in the entire modern British history of public-inquiries.

    Not only was this exercise corrupt - it openly - calculatedly - flaunted its corruption; it not only made no attempt to hide it - instead it brandished it in our faces - as an overt gesture of contempt, and of witness-intimidation.

    The corruption of the “public-inquiry” runs from the slight - e.g. describing itself, as “independent”, and “Care-Inquiry” - all the way to stark multi-million pound embezzlement, racketeering and conspiracy to pervert justice.

    I know that Operation Kraken maintains a very lengthy and ever-growing list of ALL the prima facie criminals involved in any way in The-Jersey-Situation. The three members of the make-believe “public-inquiry” were long ago added to that list.

    We don’t know what the curiously unofficial, post-fact, “report” by these three former members of the “public-inquiry” will say.

    But I can say this with absolute certainty: there is no conceivable form of words - none at all - that the three could put in their report that could - even fractionally - redeem them.

    Stuart Syvret
    Investigative journalist, historian, international anti-mafia activist.

    1. What is Operation Kraken?

    2. Operation Kraken is the informal term used amongst international anti-corruption / pro-child-protection / anti-mafia activists to describe the global civil-society response to the melt-down in the rule-of-law revealed by, and having its roots in The-Jersey-Situation - and the whole off-shore dark-money realm of Moneyland.

      It many ways, it's no surprise - in fact, quite fitting - actually, predictable really - that the transnational response to serious organised transnational crime - borderless dark-money-flows - and the ability of that money & power to dodge & duck around national law enforcement agencies & boundaries - should have had its origin on Jersey.

      Operation Kraken is an informal, grass-roots - global - civil-society anti-mafia project.

      The Jersey Situation has woken the Kraken.

      Stuart Syvret
      Investigative journalist, historian, international anti-mafia activist.

    3. Ex States Member....?
      What does that mean, an ex member of a club of self interested parties?

  7. So you saying it is all over once they have gone?

    1. Pretty much. "The Jersey Way" has not stopped while they were here and won't be stoppng when they have gone.

  8. Because of the length of time for which their material is unavailable.

    In fact, I was being sarcastic as they have shown contempt for the general public all along.

    I'm sure the authorities have not been rushing to provide extra resources to speed up the review and ultimate further redaction of the evidence.

  9. So you think Jersey Politics is bad?
    See Boris Johnson could go to prison at the end of next month for Contempt of Court if he refuses to follow a Court order to delay a no deal Brexit.

    1. @13:19
      Did you hear that on "Remain Stream Media" ?

    2. Let's not be diverted by all the Brexit bullshit. The last people regular supporters and readers of this site should be supporting are the Brexiteers. The utter lawlessness we see on Jersey, the total absence of effective checks & balances, the wholesale corruption can only ever be fixed by the 'C' word.

      And that terror, the fear of the 'C' word, is the single ultimate motive which has made all the British billionaire press barons and the hard core Eton & Cheltenham old-boy posh multimillionaire elites support Brexit & use their influence to con so many of us powerless that leaving the EU is a 'good idea'. It is not.

      For just as all meaningful power on Jersey is concentrated into the corrupt hands of a multi-generational wealthy elite, who are ultimately under no control at all, so it is with the traditional, entrenched broader British elite.

      The one great fear the traditional British elite & press-barons, who for decades covered-up for psychopath child-abusers like Jimmy Savile & Cyril Smith, had was, that one day, the real rule-of-law would start applying in Britain, and the law would catch up with them too.

      The most likely 'threat' to the unworkable, unenforceable, 'make-it-up-as-we-go-along-and-as-it-suits-our-purposes' horseshit that is the 'unwritten' British 'constitution' was the growing requirement of international partners for respectable, democratic, allied nations to finally adopt the 'C' word.

      How do you think all of your astonishingly brazen entrenched gangsters on Jersey, and their protectors in London, have been able to get away with all the crimes and corruptions you oppose?

      They've been able to get away with it because the 'constitution' is not 'codified'.

      That 'c' word, codification, strikes terror into the heart of your Jersey mafia and their mafia-syndicate protectors in London more than any other concept.

      Being a member of the EU means that Britain would ultimately be drawn more and more, as an historic inevitability, towards finally codifying its constitution; having in place effective seperations of power, real, working checks & balances. That is a prospect which terrifies yoru lords and masters.

    3. fixed by the 'C' word

      C Word?

    4. I believe the ‘c’ word the author of the post @ 20:58 was referring to was ‘codification’ as it related to our constitution. That is, we should have a clear statement of our rights and obligations with respect to the State. It would also, I think, specify the architecture of the institutions and offices that are appointed to serve “the community”, and the relationships between them (although in practice, under our present “constitution” all executive appointees are effectively appointed to serve the Crown).

      While this might seem to be a step in the right direction in theory, in practice the Crown appointees just do as they please. Our legislative assembly is precisely that, affirming legislation drafted by Crown officers, on behalf of “the people” for subsequent approval by the Crown. Whether they are given effecting any particular circumstance is a matter for the Crown and its Officers. Some laws do get passed on the application of some individual members of the assembly, but these usually dabble at the fringes and, by and large, seem to be focused on keeping key constituencies on-side or deal with the less pleasant aspects of running the administration.

      For example, student funding, breast feeding rights for civil servants, and of course taxes.

      Codification would, in my view, do very little to combat the way that Crown Officers behave locally. The “Jersey Way” leads all the way up to the Crown. I think that the only way of dealing with the “Jersey Way” properly is to detach certain key roles such the the Attorney General from the Crown and make them roles that are elected, thereby enabling some variation in the policies that apply from time to time (the current policy is likely managed by the Bailiff, albeit “quietly”).

    5. I can't be alone but I find some of the comments on here really confusing and it's like they are encrypted or something. Some of the comments sort of go around in circles of what should be done but they will let somebody else try if you know what I mean? Let's be straight, nothing will ever change unless somebody physically does more than write a claim online. Somebody has to be like Gina Millar who uses her own cash and gets 'fund me' cash on top to take the UK Government to Court. People mention Brexit on here and this lady is a prime example of somebody who really puts their money where their mouth is when it comes to taking the Status Quo head on.
      So are there any Gina Millars on here?

    6. Are there not one or two fundamental problems in citing Gina Millar's activism, in the context of The Jersey Situation?

      For example,

      a) she had a moderately independent judicial system before which to make her claims;

      b) she is independently wealthy & well resourced.

      Neither of which apply or are available on Jersey to the opponents of the Jersey mafia syndicates.

    7. She uses 'Fund Me'.
      Time to stop talking and get on with it.

    8. Lol. So by your reckoning the Oligarchy has nothing to fear then.

    9. @ 14:35, 22:05 To bring action in a “Court of Law”, you need a cause of action; a lawful reason for applying to Court for relief. You need to choose the Court you apply to and the basis for your application must be relevant to that Court.

      Jersey effectively reports to the Crown directly; the UK Government has relatively little involvement in political affairs in Jersey. An application to the UK government would amount to an application for one commonwealth member to intervene in the political affairs of another commonwealth member. It might be possible but, even if it were, Jersey being Jersey it would probably intervene in the application and suddenly opposition costs are mounting at a rate comparable to the “Independent Jersey Care Inquiry”, costs that the applicant would have to be capable of discharging in full, or risk being declared bankrupt. The High Court Judge sitting in London probably has links, either directly, or indirectly to Jersey: property held in a trust, worked from a Barrister’s set appointed from time to time to advise the Attorney General; they may be blinded by the Crown halo effect, or pressure may come to bear through the Crown. A few words from somebody like Lord Anderson (our Wiretapping Commissioner with strong links to MI5 and someone who has already participated in giving effect to the “Jersey Way”. His recent report probably overlooks a great deal of political/anti-political wiretapping under anti-terrorism legislation to give the Island a clean bill of health) is probably enough to seal the application’s fate.

      An application to a Jersey Court would equally bound to fail. Judges are willing to, and do, misrepresent facts and law to achieve their intended outcome. The Court of Appeal will cover them; and the Privy Council will find no arguable point of law in contention when their decisions are challenged.

      There have been numerous courageous litigants challenging the “Jersey Way” in one guise or another over the last 10 to 12 years, perhaps longer. They get labelled by the community as crack pots; they become ostracised by their communities and employers prefer to not employ “activists”. Such is the “Jersey Way”, tax payers don’t want the misdeeds of the government to be uncovered because, ultimately, compensation becomes payable from their pockets.

    10. Broadly excellent points made by 07:38 - apart from this sentence:

      "Jersey effectively reports to the Crown directly; the UK Government has relatively little involvement in political affairs in Jersey. An application to the UK government would amount to an application for one commonwealth member to intervene in the political affairs of another commonwealth member."

      That re-enforces the obviously erroneous view that Jersey is some kind of mini nation-state. It is not. But - worse than that - the author of the comment makes the common mistake of viewing the Jersey power-apparatus as though it had a separate existence from power in London - was, somehow, apart from it - that the Jersey oligarchy was simply "doing-its-own-thing" - with zero involvement of London - and that it would somehow be an "unprecedented" abandonment of neutrality for London to get involved in matters of power on Jersey.

      The reality is that power in London is ordinarily and fully involved in matters of power on Jersey - AND IS SO ON THE SIDE OF THE JERSEY MAFIA.

      Where does the power and alleged "authority" of all of Jersey's Crown Offices come from?

      They're appointed by the authorities in London.

      On that basis alone, the repeated claims that the present Jersey situation somehow reflects a position of "neutrality" by London is seen for the manifest bulls**t it is.

      London is not neutral, and uninvolved in matters of power on Jersey.

      London IS power on Jersey.

      That much is very - VERY - clear.

      What was the underpinning power and apparatus involved in intervening on Jersey to illegally suspend our Police Chief?


      Where did the authority and power come from for authorising and enabling the involvement of a UK police force - A UK POLICE FORCE - Wiltshire - in that criminal enterprise in an attempt to confer "credibility" upon it?


      Where did the authorisation for that UK POLICE FORCE - wakey-wakey - A F**KING UK F**KING POLICE F**KING FORCE - Hello! Hello! - to mount a bulls**t, fake "disciplinary" action, which could never be stood-up - and was instead kept hanging around until our good - OUR good - Police Chief's retirement arrived?


      Where did the authority and power to use a UK POLICE FORCE - A UK F**KING POLICE FORCE - TO CONFER CREDIBILITY ON THE ILLEGAL hi-jacking of the Jersey Police Force come from - so that the "policing" function on Jersey COULD THEN BE USED to mount the illegal, Putinesque dawn-raid upon YOUR leading opposition politician - the whistle-blower who exposed the child-abuse cover-ups - arrest him - FOR WHISTLE-BLOWING ON THE SAME KIND OF CHILD-ABUSE COVER-UPS LONDON WAS DOING - and steal the private data of 1000s of YOU - YES - YOU - his constituents - WITHOUT A SEARCH-WARRANT?



      Where does the power reside by which the UK is a signatory-state to the European Convention on Human Rights, and by which the signatory-state is BOUND BY LAW to require the application of the ECHR - IN ALL ITS TERRITORIES - SUCH AS JERSEY - but which power corruptly assisted Jersey in casting aside human-rights and trampling into the dirt settled ECHR case-law?


      Which judicial system lent a number of ITS senior judges to sit in Jersey’s Royal “court” / Appeal “court” to guarantee that all of the above Stalinistic - MANIFESTLY ILLEGAL - CHILD-ABUSE CONCEALING - Banana-republic political oppression and suppression of YOUR opposition politicians would be disguised?


      And which power-system is thus responsible for Jersey not being a lawful free and fair functioning democracy?


      That’s F**KING LONDON.


      Is it getting through yet?


      Stuart Syvret
      Investigative journalist, historian, international anti-mafia activist.

    11. Frankly and economically explained.

      In addition I would also draw attention to the corrupt role played by the UK regulatory authority for nursing, the Nursing & Midwifery Council.

      Should anyone consider Mr Syvret's explanations to be somewhat colourful or partisan in respect of the involvement of authority in London in the concealment of serious crimes on Jersey, read and reflect on what I quote below from comments under a previous posting. (The full 3 consecutive comments can be read at this link )


      1: Excerpts from E-mailed questions to the NMC, from Stuart Syvret, written on 20th October 2010:
      [Relevant replies from Peter Pinto de Sa of the NMC, written on 22nd October 2010, below.]

      Questions from Stuart Syvret (October 2010):

      1: Why has the NMC been corresponding with, and allowing itself to be influenced by, Jersey’s wholly conflicted Law Officers’ department in respect of the case?

      4: Why have I been misled by the NMC in respect of the Data Protection and Freedom of Information requests I have made – in that evidence of direct relevance to my complaints – and evidence in respect of the contacts between the NMC and the Jersey authorities and/or their agents – has been improperly hidden from me?

      Answers from the NMC (October 2010):

      “1: You state that the NMC has been influenced by the Jersey law officers. I am not aware of any evidence to support this assertion. Please provide further details.”

      “4: You assert that you have been misled in respect of your request for information under DPA/FoI. You assert that the NMC has had dealings with the Jersey authorities in respect of this case. I am not aware of any evidence to support your statement. Please provide further details.”

      That exchange – which took place in October 2010 – must now be compared and contrasted with the following letter – only disclosed by the NMC to Stuart Syvret on the 7th November 2012: –

      2: Letter to the NMC, dated 28th May 2010 – from Jersey Crown prosecution Advocate Stephen Baker:
      Note that this letter – from the Jersey Law Officers’ prosecutor, Advocate Stephen Baker – was written to the NMC on the 28th May 2010 – five months before the NMC were categorically denying to Stuart Syvret the existence of any such correspondence:

      Professor Weir-Hughes
      Nursing and Midwifery Council
      23 Portland Place
      WIB 1PZ
      Sent by e-mail and post
      28 May 2010

      Dear Professor Weir-Hughes

      I am the Crown Advocate who is retained by the Attorney General of Jersey to prosecute a number of allegations against Stuart Syvret, who is a local politician in Jersey. The case against Mr Syvret concerns two alleged offences committed by him contrary to the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2005. In brief outline they arise from a particular posting he made upon his internet blog in March 2009 and what he said in that about [REDACTED] The trial of these matters is due to commence on 29th June 2010. [VERY SUBSTANTIAL REDACTIONS] concerning a letter that you received from Mr Syvret, which set out a number of concerns [VERY SUBSTANTIAL REDACTIONS] will not be completed before Mr Syvret’s trial in June.
      “[VERY SUBSTANTIAL REDACTIONS] As part of my duty as Crown Advocate I am required to make disclosure to Mr Syvret of any matters which may be relevant to his defence. [REMAINDER REDACTED.]”

      The above-cited letter proves – when contrasted with the answers from the NMC, as cited above – that the NMC were acting in bad faith – and lying to Stuart Syvret – when that public authority wrote to him in October 2010, and falsely claimed that there had been no intercession with the NMC by Jersey prosecutors.'

  10. The power-system responsible for Jersey not being a lawful free and fair functioning democracy is the Crown. Every institution and functionary to which Mr Syvret has referred are agents of the Crown and it is the Crown they serve under their respective oaths of office.

    1. That's correct.

      The Crown has been overtly and explicitly involved in the concealment of serious crime after serious crime - cover-up upon cover-up - corruption upon corruption - in respect of The Jersey Situation.

      The Crown has suppressed and subverted democracy on Jersey.

      The Crown has enabled and empowered the committing of appalling crimes - by the powerful - against the weak - on Jersey.

      There has been no meaningful difference between the conduct of The Crown - and that of an entrenched mafia-syndicate.

      Stuart Syvret
      Investigative journalist, historian, international anti-mafia activist.

    2. That's right. As we know from recent events the Jersey establishment are still covering up child abuse by their members. They're still doing it now. Nothing at all has changed.

  11. New and (some) Old Media Appear at Child Abuse Panel Review TRANSCRIPTS.
