
Friday 15 May 2020

COVID-19. What is the "Real" Death-Toll?

Further to our PREVIOUS POSTING where we discussed (among much more) how our Civil Liberties/Rights/Freedoms are all being eroded by some of the most dodgy, and dangerous, legislation ever to have passed in our parliament because of so-called COVID-19.

We have been asking just how many people have "really" died of this disease, how dangerous is it "really?" The official local (death) figures for the last three years tell us that, so far, the amount of deaths this year are average (if not less than) the last three years.

Last Tuesday (12th May 2020) Deputy Mike Higgins (video below) asked the following question of the Health Minister Deputy Richard Renouf:

"Given that there are currently 12 “presumptive deaths” amongst the 24 people reported to have died from Covid-19 in Jersey, will the Minister advise members what steps, if any, are being taken to determine conclusively the cause of death of these 12 ‘presumptive’ victims and, furthermore, to ensure that, in future, any deaths from Covid-19 are accurately and conclusively determined?"

Readers/viewers will have to make up their own minds as to whether the Health Minister's "answers" (video below) were convincing or reassuring? From our perspective he was blindly parroting the official guidelines which (from our perspective again) read that if a doctor presumes the patient died of COVID-19 then that's good enough for the death certificate.

Credit Eddy West

Credit Eddy West

Credit Eddy West

We ask: "How many brave people have fought a courageous, long, hard, battle against cancer, and many other diseases just to go down as a COVID-19 statistic? Is that fair to them and their families/loved ones?" Shouldn't there be more stringent conclusive tests carried out before registering COVID-19? 

Is: "COVID-19 can be put on the Death Certificate on clinical BALANCE OF PROBABILITIES WITHOUT TESTING" adequate?

The island is in huge fear and the public are willingly having their civil freedoms, and rights, stripped from them on a balance of probabilities and this is scary stuff. Scary that the public (for the most part) are so willing to be stripped of their rights and scary because "The Powers That be" (the Attorney General's Office) are stripping us of them.

For the avoidance of doubt we are NOT claiming that covid-19 doesn't exist. We are NOT claiming that it doesn't kill people. We are NOT saying that everybody should ignore the suggested guidelines to help curtail the disease.

What we do advocate is that people do their own research and don't blindly believe what you are told by the Old Media (formerly known as MSM), The government or so-called "experts." They are all proven liars. That's not to say they are lying about EVERYTHING to do with COVID-19 it's just stating a fact. Does the "official line" stack up? Do we, or our loved ones, not deserve something better than a "probable" cause of death?

Don't we deserve to know "exactly" how many people this illness has killed before we give up all our rights and freedoms so willingly?

It should also be noted that I am inundated with private messages on Facebook/Twitter/emails and texts by people who do not believe the official line surrounding COVID-19 but are in fear of speaking up/out. The fact that the Jersey "Culture of Fear" is still so prevalent is another alarming factor to have arisen from this crisis.


  1. Deputy Higgins is the only politician we have in the states who asks the real questions. People are living in sheer terror because of the media and their puppet masters inflating the death toll of this virus. How many people who have supposedly died of Corona had other underlying health issues which a common cold or flu would have finished them off? Why is that question not being asked?

  2. This is just powerful proof that all the UK deaths have been inflated by at least 50%

    1. Powerful proof also that the 'Government' have not been totally honest with us (any surprise there then). Remember how long it took them to even include Care home deaths in their stats? Remember how they said Island wide testing would take place when now they have put this on hold? Many instances of saying one thing and doing another. We need a PUBLIC question and answer session methinks.

  3. You should have the opt-out option regarding Corona when you enter Hospital. A simple form that gives your consent. If not then the real cause of death gets registered.

  4. I have a pal in the UK who is a Funeral Director. I spoke to him recently and he pointed out that the lockdown was having one positive medical effect which had not been reported by the media. It appears that pneumonia has now been totally eradicated as a cause of death in England.

    Pneumonia is a severe lung disease which has been killing millions for thousands of years. Every year it kills around 30,000 in the UK. It mostly strikes the elderly, those with underlying health conditions, and people who are hospitalised or bedridden. But now it appears that, according to the paperwork crossing his desk, it has gone completely. Nobody is dying of it any more. Quite a few folk are dying of Covid 19 though!

  5. Every single person/family who has lost loved ones to 'Covid 19' has my deepest sympathy.

    However, the laxity which has either just by chance been allowed to creep in, or even far more worryingly been deliberately introduced in to play to help distract from the shambles that has been many governments response is something which just must be examined also, and no stone left unturned.

    I don't know how Jersey is doing in this further aspect, but here on the UK mainland the number of people with proven, very serious illnesses whose treatment has just been effectively abandoned because of this is something which also needs looking at.

    To put this in to perspective two days ago I was chatting to a lady with a close relative who has a serious and very agressive form of bladder cancer. Because of apparent instructions on reserving facilities in case of a huge influx of 'Covid 19' cases he had just been told that any treatement would now be postponed until September.

    That man had already been told that he may have as little as three weeks left without treatment.

    How can this sort of approach be acceptable? Hope it isn't the same in Jersey but if governments within democracies are effectively ordering doctors to let people die because of 'Covid 19'. Well...

  6. To hear this is shocking and you can bet it is just the tip of the iceberg and probably happening in many jurisdictions.

  7. Two bullet holes you say? Shit! This will cost money to investigate. Put it down as Corona.

  8. Hey VFC, the coronavirus/COVID 19/crownvirus nonsense is just that, nonsense. It was designed to lock down the whole world whilst all governments went bankrupt and into de facto mode. After the 90 day bankruptcy, all governments will crawl out from under their rocks with a NEW registration! Then the process of fleecing the people can start all over again. Whilst on lock down, the military weapons grade side of the 5G smart grid is being installed away from the prying eyes of the public. Lock down is also being used to create fear over handling cash and will result in the long awaited cashless society. Rest assured that the New World Order, having seen just how gullible the COV-IDiots of the world really are, will never allow things to back to what they were. That door has now been firmly shut behind us. Will the sheep take any action before the second wave of the Covid 19 nonsense hits us? Please see my link to find out why it is impossible to catch a virus, and what is going to be in the miracle vaccine that was patented a fair while back!!!

  9. How come so little fuss or Old Media hoo-hah reporting demanding Deputy Scott Wickenden resigns over his wine drinking antics during a Scrutiny meeting? This bloke must be the new Teflon Tel no matter how many times he screws up he always gets away with it. Elected twice. Broke election laws twice. Never kicked out though as he, and let me be quite fair, as all of those who broke the expsenses law last time around, should. To think that this dude is an Assistant Chief Minister is unbeleivable.

  10. "Can't catch a virus"? You do talk some shite amongst your good stuff.

  11. Our Deputy Mr Ferbrache was right about we donkeys having a far superior government to you crapauds. The comment above alerting me to the fact that apparently more than half of your politicians broke the law at the last election you had. And so should have seen their elections made void. Only to be let off by your legal authorities says it all. We may be the smaller island but we are obviously the better as we at least have law and order.

  12. What's happened to Big Trev's new Blog?
    No post since last year.

    1. Who knows? Blogs are not what they were even with the continuing demise of the msm. Perhaps he has more important things to focus on right now? Wonder if he would do an interview if Voice is still in touch with him? I would certainly like to know if he and Shona really are still illegally banned from standing for election here. Could certainly do with both of them.

    2. What do you mean by 'illegally banned'

  13. What does everyone think of all these kids disobeying the police over Covid 19?

  14. Barring somebody from standing for election years later just because they were once made bankrupt is most definitely in breach of a person's human rights. We should also not forget that had the Pitmans been Constables they would have kept their seats. Even more bonkers if one had been a Deputy but the other a Constable only the Deputy would have lost his or her seat.

    1. Sure I replied to this but censorship on here is like Kim's twatter account.

    2. Maybe you didn't focus on the legality/corruption issue and just had a rant at former politician(s) you have a thing about? This blog always seems very open to genuine differing opinions to me.

  15. I think it is high time we increased the number of States members. The reduction was a big mistake and all about trying to concentrate more power in less hands.

    The salary of offer should be increased as well to make it more realistic for the responsibility. We could find the pay increase by cutting the wage of Crown officers like the Bailiff.

    Until we have a balanced voter-MP ratio across our island everything will remain skewed and not functioning to every person's interest. This can't be good.

  16. I bet Jersey's states members are loving lockdown. Now even when working they can sit at home steadily getting pissed and none of us are any the wiser as to their condition when making decisions. So long as they aren't as dopey as Deputy Wickenden obviously. The States should sit in public again immediately.

  17. Has anyone else had the situation where you send an email to a states member and then get absolutely no response, not even an acknowledgement!!!?? I not only did this once but then sent it again AND copied it too two other elected members, Is it any wonder the voters in this Island just cannot be bothered to vote.

  18. Time to start thinking about candidates for the next election. We still have far too many clods in the Assembly.

    1. I'm afraid I wouldn't vote for any of the present incumbents. It isn't that I think the States is anywhere as right-leaning as it used to be a few years ago. It isn't. There just doesn't seem any real get up and go, no real fire or willingness to pull up any trees to get the system changed. That is what we miss and what we need. We all know the names who are needed so I won't bother with that. But true it is. Basically I think we have poor and timid leadership from the ministerial ranks. And no real opposition to talk of.

    2. Agreed it's a lost cause. Reform Jersey are trying to close the stable door years after the horse bolted. Especially with housing.

  19. Agreed likewise. Deputy Tadier's proposition on allowing people of any nationality to stand for election here in Jersey is a perfect example. Everything gets done, or rather generally doesn't get done, piecemeal with no appreciation as to the full picture. But let me give an example here.

    I support what Tadier is saying. But what he also should have done is try to right the other wrongs in a proper package. Example. My father is a Jerseyman. He has had successful businesses for a good number of years. So why, under the current law can he not jump on the boat the week before nominations and offer himself up for election to the States?

    At present he has to move back here and so close his business, which he has a schedule to stick to, a full six months beforehand. Absolute nonsence. Why doesn't/hasn't Deputy Tadier considered this? It is obviously wrong. There are other deep flaws in the current law too I know as indicated above.

    So come on good, honest politicians, pull your fingers out have a look at this antiquated law and do away with it all so any honest Jerseyman, Jerseywoman and non-local caring about the island can stand. If none of you will we can only conclude that it is out of self-interest.

  20. Deputy Tadier rarely manages to look at the whole picture. His record shows this. Just like his nonsense on colonialism generally the proposition you refer to is just him taking one little bit which obviously tickles his fancy for some reason. Maybe Reform have a couple of non-Jersey potential candidates lined up for 2022? The bigger question is why aren't PPC bringing proposals on all of this outdated election stuff? Have a look yourselves readers, next to nothing highlighted by the electoral examiners two years ago has been dealt with. The States is a closed shop and if it was a union they would be getting slaughtered for it.

  21. So Deputy Scott Wickenden gets away with it yet again? Broken the election laws and kept his seat both times, now he has been shown to drink alcohol during a Scrutiny meeting but is let off because the 'guidence isn't clear'. This useless Deputy really must be the new Teflon Tel. What an asset he is to St Helier No 1 district.

    1. No way, Deputy Wickenden is a Legend.

    2. Don't you have to do something to be a Legend? I mean politically obviously. Not just get away with breaking the law and then be awarded with an assistant chief minister bag carrying job!

  22. What's the beef with Scott Wickenden. You need drink to do his job.

  23. Are you saying Wickenden was also eating beef with his alcohol? Now that is irresponsible! What if he had caught foot and mouth? Thinking about it the Deputy does put his foot in his mouth rather a lot.

  24. I have a solution to the problem regarding the statue of former Bailiff and dictator George de Carteret.

    Why not get a welder to cut the head off and transplant a new one of either Michael Birt or one of the Bailhache brothers?

    Okay, I get it - a new statue needs to be of somebody nicer and more honest not a cover up merchant.

    Sorry. Only trying to help.

    1. I feel sorry for the Bailhache Brothers. They are very nice with hearts of cold.

  25. Can it be true the troll has been identified hacking in to people's emails?

  26. Hi ya. Can I just tell all of your readers that I am no longer calling myself Hilary of Saint Brelade? Just too many people rumbled me. I am Alision now.

  27. Shut up! You can't be Alison because I am.



  28. Allison McArdle30 June 2020 at 11:46

    It's not me because I'm dead and used to live in St. Brelade with Hilary.

    Sue Young. Oops!

  29. Quinton Qwisp of Les Quennevais Gym30 June 2020 at 11:54

    Leave it out. None of you is Allison coz we are and we are both dead too.

    1. People who have fake profiles and tell everybody that everything is old news are old news.

      RIP Quniton Qwisp and multiple fwiends

  30. Football fwiends?

  31. Hi VFC

    I hope you're well, long time, no comment.

    Bit of an off topic comment...I notice that the website seems to be offline.

    I am asking, via you, if you or Stuart Syvret know of why that might be? It was always a treasure trove of information after the original site got taken offline. Real shame to see it go. Hope you don't mind me asking anonymously via your comments

    Keep up the great work!


    1. I remember speaking with Stuart about it some time ago but don't recall why the Blog has gone. Hopefully he can leave a comment letting us know?

  32. I listened to the States debate yesterday where they voted to open the borders. I won't comment on the outcome of the debate and only come on to give a special shout out for Deputy Kevin Pamplin who - in my opinion - is a breath of fresh air and a much needed injection - to the States - of care compassion and inspiration. His speech yesterday almost had me in tears because you could feel his emotion and compassion for the most vulnerable in our society and knew he meant every word of it.

    I have also seen a couple of his YouTube videos which are extremely inspirational and have helped me through these tough times as I am sure they have helped many others. I don't want to sound too OTT but I liken Deputy Pamplin - because of his unwavering positive - can-do - attitude through these very uncertain times - to Sir Winston Churchill.

    Sir Winston helped the nation through World War II with his positive - no-surrender - attitude and that is exactly what Deputy Pamplin is doing for Islanders in these dark and uncertain times and I salute him.

    We need more like Deputy Pamplin in our government.

    1. I don't think it is OTT to compare Deputy Pamplin to Winston Churchill and I agree with everything you have said about him. He also does impromptu videos on Facebook and twitter offering excellent advice and inspiration to many people including the vulnerable. I don't know of any other politician who does this and if Churchill was around today he would be doing exactly the same to help people through these tough times.

    2. I didn't think much of Pamplin when he was on the wireless (I think Channel 103) and didn't hold much hope when he got elected. I'm pleased to say he has changed my mind and his inspirational speeches both in the big house and his Youtube videos have made me think of him as a modern day Churchill and believe me I can't believe I am admitting that (albeit anonymously)

    3. Every one of Kevin Pamplin's speeches are from the heart because you couldn't fake that heartfelt emotion if you tried. He has devoted his life to the wellbeing of this island and has done more for charity than anybody I know. I'd have no hesitation in referring to him as *Kevin Churchill* and our next Chief Minister.

    4. Dear Voice. I think you really need to send the medics around to whom ever is writig this crackpot kak about Deputy Pamplin's allegedly heartfelt and inspirational speeches and videos. Even more so comparing this rather silly little chap to Britain's war leader Churchill. Nothing against the chap personally but a good speaker or inspirational Deputy he is not.

  33. Kevin's whole life is dedicated to charity and doing good for others. What have you done for charity and this island and let's compare it against what Kevin has done? It would be a no contest.


  34. Kevin. Writing these emails praising your appalling speeches and your non-achievements is embarrassing. And I have known you since you were a sprog. Bob Duhamel was were both you and the bearded mummy's boy put together.

    Bob Churchill Thatcher Blair Duhamel For Chief Minister & Bailiff

  35. If you meant to say that Rob D was worth both Pamplin and Macon I have to say that I agree. Rob or Bob as only a few called him remains a huge loss to the States. Pamplin's career highlight is likely to be organising a big screen for the football during the world cup in a surely shameless hope of winning a few votes. What has he done since? Nothing. Rob D did loads and even sttod up to Lord Bailhache over Plemont.

  36. With claims that our last Chief Minister was Senator Ian Abraham Lincoln Gorst and now a barely known Deputy is really Sir Winston Churchill is it any wonder that people from outside look at Jersey as some kind of joke?

  37. On a different tangent, I was wondering if anybody had any thoughts on the blog Gary Burgess put up on ITV and his Facebook page? He appears to be slamming social media users, which I assume to mean bloggers as well. This related to this last week's debate amongst States Members to permit the opening of our borders last Friday. The day after the debate Facebook had comments that there was one confirmed case which had been known about the previous day to the sitting. It was in a school, and that was it. Yes - there was speculation rightly or wrongly, but, and this is the big but, had the Chief Minister let the facts be known straight away he could have avoided this. So the shambles continued.

    My turn to speculate now. Was this deliberate as the debate seemed to based on the fact that there were no new cases in the Island? If not, why withhold the information. It matters not one jot Gary that it was 'a cleaner at a private school who wasn't working while children or teachers were present'. It does matter though that this came into the public domain the day after the proposition was passed, and it would be interesting to know when parents were informed.

    It also matters because you are seeming to portray the public and bloggers as purveyors of untruths and speculation. Never was this proved to be so laughable as at the time of the Child Abuse Investigation and Inquiry when Jersey's MSM were so dire in what they reported, or rather didn't report as it was, or not at all if necessary. Joe Bloggs in the street, reading and listening to what was available to them would clearly think - 'it must be true, the papers and television said so'! Then we had the bloggers, Voice for Children, Rico Sorda, The Bald Truth, Bob Hill etc., who made excellent contributions to bring us the FACTS, openly and honestly, which shed a whole new light on what the MSM were telling us. These people were not getting paid for doing a job. They were doing it because they were passionate about the cause, and getting the truth out there. They had a massive impact which was recognised by the Inquiry Panel. Hence your criticisms are not fully justified at all. In fact, do you not realise that of the Chief Minister had not shilly-shallied over the release of the news of another case, the outcome could have been different. Maybe it would not, but that is not the issue - you shifted the blame onto social media and you were wrong to do so.

    In your concluding sentence you say 'it is worth keeping a sense of perspective and sticking with known facts than dangerous and unhelpful speculation'. I agree 100%, but if we are not getting the full facts from the MSM, or timely communication from the Government people will speculate. Over to you guys and leave the good bloggers alone.

  38. Well said Jill. Good points. It was social media via the blogs you name and a few more who started to tell us the truth that only a handful of politicians ever did. Next to none of these left now either. On the blog front while I understand Bob Hill's health does not permit him to continue his excellent blog I wish Rico and The Bald Truth could be persuaded back. Anybody know why they no longer blog even with things slipping back to how they were?

  39. Far be it from me to 'speculate'!, but, I think it fair to say that the bloggers, who are certainly very missed, had an awful lot to contend with from trolls, abuse who tried their damndest to destroy them in the most awful ways. It is a wonder that they never lost the conviction to continue. I can fully understand why they decided to step back after it was all over. Who can blame them? It took its toll on everybody who supported them and contributed to the blogs. It is a shame that Gary B chose to write those unfortunate words as seemingly he still throws some blame their way for the whole of social media and what can be it's ills.

    VFC - you have taken a step back, but please don't you ever give up. We need you!

  40. We LOVE THE VOICE. He, they, it - lifted the scales from our eyes along with their comrades mentioned above and allowed us to see and hear the truth.

    Long live The Voice!

  41. Allison Lobster-McCurdle7 July 2020 at 22:07

    I love the VFC Jill. Always cutting edge. Never old news. The sort of quality everyone is interested in.

  42. Hilary Crayfish-McCardle8 July 2020 at 11:41

    I totally agree with the above sentiments.

    1. Allison J McNerdle8 July 2020 at 14:48

      I also totally agree with us. Voice is just the best blog of the past 20 years.

    2. Garry Cummins McNerdle8 July 2020 at 18:23

      I don't agree with myself at all.

  43. I have just noticed that Deputy Tadier thinks that if a person from another part of the world has been living/working in Jersey for a period of five years then they should be allowed to stand for election to the States.

    I am not a supporter of the Deputy but for once I can agree with him. This being the case though if such a proposal is passed then I really do think that all existing restrictions on we Jersey born residents should be removed too.

    Years ago I worked in the Swiss banking sector for a number of years simply due to the opportunity of a secondment coming up which ultimately benefitted me and my family. Now I have two children who are at university. Both were born here. If one of these subsequently decided that he or she wants to stand for the States then surely they should be allowed to without any strings attached.

    We really need to start looking at the whole picture when these propositions are brought forward.

  44. Are there any 'live' cases of Covid 19 here on the island at present? I keep hearing differing tales.

  45. Does anyone else agree that instead of spending 14.5 million on a temporary hospital never used we should have put this toward building a bridge to France? The Frenchies would have almost certainly helped fund this now Britain has kicked them and Europe in the boules and the boost to our economy would be huge considered long term.

  46. We should become a part of Franch. No more bowing down to an outdated monarchy who cost millions.

    1. We are a "Franch-ise" of the Mafia already.

  47. All of those twenty-plus States Members who broke the election law and so should have lost their seats should not be allowed to vote on Tadier's proposition, and if he was one of them then he should not be allowed to bring it in the first place. That none of these politicians was sacked is a disgrace as is the Royal Court which allowed the travesty.

  48. So £36.000 of my and your money spent on the statue of the corrupt Bailiff and part-time pirate George de Carteret?

    How the hell did this happen?

  49. Any chance of a new blog Team Voice? There must be somebody interesting willing to give you their thoughts on Jersey Today?

  50. Anyone else having problems logging on to the States crap order paper page on the net|?

    1. Yes. Must be something set to be debated that they don't want us to know about? Also, why can't the States sit in a bigger place such as the Town Hall or at Fort Regent? These sessions via video from member's homes just allows them to get pissed and sit in front of their laptops in jacket, shirt and tie but no underpants! It should be stopped.

  51. Allison J McNerdle13 July 2020 at 11:05

    Too right. Speaking as a lady lad I would hate to catch a glipmps of a Member's member if you take my meaning? Would put me right off of my Stella and Weetabix.

  52. States got a fair bit to get through for a change. Almost like a proper government instead of the sham of recent years. Not even an election year either? Very strange.

  53. The States is so boring to listen now who really misses it? If I hear Deputy Pamplin going on about his charity work again in his whiney, droney voice I will scream. What happened to good old contentious, rumbustious debates about real issues that just made you want to listen through your earpiece even while at work? Bring on the next election.

    1. Deputy Alves asking the Treasury Minister a question that was clearly for Senator Mezec as Housing Minister is the biggest laugh today.

    2. The sad thing is that laugh is all you can do at most of these. Dull. Timid. Playing at being politicians. The States used to be compulsive viewing/listening whatever you thought of some of the personalities. Now nothing more than yawnsville most sessions.

  54. Philip Ozouf will be standing again next time mark my words. Not for Senator but as Constable of St. Saviour.

    1. No such thing as a boomerang politician. Even for Bozo.

    2. Oh Ozouf is well capable of coming back I think. Not as a Senator perhaps after his arrogance and cock-ups. But Parish Constable? Yeah, I can see it. Family roots run deep. We have a few ex-politicians well capable of returning I would say. Unfortunately most you wouldn't want back. But a couple on the progressive side of things I would love to see return.

    3. Only Progressive who ever made proper waves was Ted Vibert.
      Can't think of any others.

  55. He was always going to seek a comeback. One of those who has to be important.

  56. There is now way Ozouf would beat Sadie Rennard in an election.
    He's another political has been 'attention seeking tweeter' who thinks he's more important than he ever was.

    1. I don't know who would want to vote for Soppy Sadie? What has she ever done apart from rescue a stray dog (well done for that) and sing that bloody awful dirge Beautiful Tax Haven every year? Nowt.

    2. It isn't about anyone being important it is the fact that a few genuinely often had something important to say and were willing to say it. That is what is missing so badly now.

    3. See this blog still personally attacks states members.
      We never see this anymore on Facebook, totally unacceptable these days.
      Only on these blogs run by the same bitter person....people.

    4. Allison J McNerdle14 July 2020 at 14:16

      This blog never attacks States members personally. Unlike Facebook and the fake discussion groups filled 90% with a person and his multiple made up names talking to himself. This blog is great.

  57. I can't get in to this watching debates with politicians sitting in their own front room. Just no atmosphere. The radio is better. Maybe they should even do like is happening with the empty football stadiums at present during matches and dub on some crowd noise? A few 'here! heres!' 'bah-humbugs!' or even some footstomping? Perhaps even a sudden 'the member next to me has just told me to slash my effing wrists'? I need to get out more I know.

  58. How much longer will the new hospital farce go on? We must have spent enough to build one twice over with all the consultants employed? Then you have the joke of the Nightingale temporary one on top. Shambles.

  59. I would be a good states member. I do a lot for charity you know.

  60. The states is dire right now. Just stating fact. Hopefully change come 2022?

  61. This may be of interest to your readers and the Jersey Judicial authorities a ruling by the UK Supreme Court.

    Gathering evidence in covert sting operations by “paedophile hunter” groups does not breach a person’s human rights, the supreme court has ruled.

    Dismissing an appeal by Mark Sutherland, a paedophile who was convicted using evidence collected by an anti-grooming group in Glasgow, Lord Sales said “the reprehensible nature of the communications means they do not attract protection under article 8(1). The interests of children have priority over any interest a paedophile could have in being allowed to engage in criminal conduct”

  62. So the states couldn't be bothered to roll up their sleeves and finish the order paper before pushing off for their long summer holidays. What a lazy bunch of wasters we elected.

  63. A bunch of leaks in the new and unused very expensive temporary hospital and a bunch of welks in the chamber hardly inspire confidence that the new new hospital will ever be built in the right place or for a good price. Anyone differ?

    1. No. You couldn't be more right.

  64. What do readers make of claims the police here "lost" witness statements to do with the dangerous driving charge against the Constable of Saint John?

    Has anyone else had this kind of experience of the boys in blue?

    Or could it be a nice, cosy get out of the court, case dropped carve-up?

    All sounds a bit Dukes of Hazzard County.

    1. The Jersey Police have history when it comes to conveniently losing witness statements do they not? This very blog once published a very revealing interview with one of their victims. Must have been 4 or 5 years ago now. But even more dubious than this instance.

  65. Lord Faulkner criticises the treatement of the former Dean. What does anyone think of that?

  66. Great in depth interview with "grooming gang" survivor Dr Ella Hill

  67. You do have to both chuckle at and admire the brass neck of Constable Taylor regarding his dangerous driving debacle. So now the parish are paying his legal costs thanks to his parishoners, or rather just 13 of them, voting to ok it! Imagine the outcry if the Pitmans had tried this stunt! They probably had every much as right to do so as they were by then parish elected Deputies when they responded to that scurrilous JEP cartoon making false claims about them. Good luck Constable. I think you are on to a winner what with the allegedly missing witness statements. Just don't suddenly announce that you have become a Leftie!

    1. The Pitmans did have a sum of some £20k paid towards an appeal taken from the tax payer.

    2. I think not. But they were as I seem to remember denied a legal appeal because the Privy Council rather bizarrely claimed that an appeal was not in within their jurisdiction.

      So very conveniently preventing the couple from being able to take their case on to Strasbourg as the domestic appeal structure had not been completed.

      I am sure that the good Connetable of St John will not suffer that fate. If he does it would be outrageous as it was in the Pitman's case.

      It is really high time the whole Jersey legal system, or what is sold to us as such, was invetigated by an outside body with the powers to bring our island in to the 21st century.

  68. ...........or a Freemason!

    1. How do you know the Constable isn't a Freemason already? Besides I would have thought being a Freemason out in his parish might have helped things?

  69. Are any of our current states members freemasons? Surely this would have to be declared? Does anyone know if any former politicians were freemasons for that matter?

  70. Jersey's "legal" system is a Potemkin Village of epic scale.

  71. I can well imagine who is trying to divert attention from a barely believable revelation regarding one of the two dozen assistant chief ministers getting his legal costs paid by agreement of a few chums at a parish assembly, him being a constable, by bringing up the Pitmans. But this is desperate to say the least. The Pitmans lost an unlosable defamation case under the most corrupt of conditions. Here we have a constable having legal fees paid even though he has been found neither innocent or guilty yet. If he is innocent then I have no problem with his parish paying his bills if he really was being constable at the time. But if he was driving dangerously then he should be paying his own bills and the parish doing so would be a disgrace. I have to add that I think all of this rather trivial news about a witness statement being late does smell of a likely let off by the court. What else can you think when the constable tells the media he is writing to the Bailiff claiming a miscarriage of justice? as for the Pitmans again they clearly had a cast iron case to this regard given what transpired with the jurat involved. But did they get justice? Of course they did not. Potemkin Village is a tern used far too much in my opinion. But in this case it is bang on. The Pits were shafted big time and even though they probably should have seen this coming it still can't alter the fact.

  72. All gone politically quiet on the George Carteret statue front. Out comes the sun and the appalling atrocities of the former slave trade quickly gets forgotten. Just the way the world is I suppose?

    1. I am more than a little surprised that so little media attention has been turned to the fact that public money was quietly used to pay for a statue of a man who could really not be considered a hero to anyone with a shred of decency. That the handing over of this cash on the quiet was at first not admitted by senior politicians and civil servants is even worse.

    2. But George de Carteret is exactly the sort of privileged, wealthy thug those who consider themselves the island's elite would still worship today!

  73. What's happened to Trevor Pitman's new blog.
    Has he stopped for another 5 years?

    1. You could hardly blame him. Why write or even care about Jersey politics any more? It is Tumbleweed Town over here.

  74. Can we have a post on what is meant by 'the Jersey Situation'?

  75. In the two years since Syvret made his speech to some States politicians can we honestly say that anything appears to have changed? No one listens because no one wants to suffer the same consequences as those who have stood up to try and change things. This is the truth isn't it and you have to say it is very depressing. Jersey politics today is about playing politics.

  76. Anybody else think that Covid will still be an issue come the next election in May 2022? If nothing else it will make a revealing question at hustings for any candidates. I bet the building of the new hospital will still be on the agenda then for sure. How I laughed to read the excuse that they couldn't use the St Saviours hospital site because it was so isolated! Hasn't anyone told these idiots that they are politicians on an island less than 50 miles square??????????????????????????????

  77. Credit to Ben Shenton and a couple of others in the States finally catching up with what former Deputy Trevor Pitman told us nearly ten years ago about the scam that is the influx of "High Net Value" wealthy parasites. We need a firm hand on a great big broom to sweep these maggots off island, bloody tax dodgers.

  78. Excuse me but Ben Shenton has always been an apologist for tax avoiders such as Jersey's old 11K bunch. He is obviously just trying to look good with an eye on a comeback to the States.

    If I am correct then I would say to anyone tempted to vote for him: please don't! Remember his last stint? Shenton had one of the worst attendance records when they put the official figures out. I'm not sure he ever sat through a whole Sitting before sliding off to his business.

    We don't want to go back to that sort of thing do we?

    1. Ben Shenton is immensely popular still. He'd get back in easily.

    2. Immensely popular purely down to his father's reputation. BS himself was absolutely useless and a supporter of the cover-up merchant Establishment.

  79. Poster at 18.43.

    Bit confused here Jon my old son. Only the other week you were saying that there was no chance of any boomerang politicians making a comeback. So which is it? Me, I can think of a few who would have no trouble in my honest and humble. On the right - Shenton (unfortunately because I think he showed himself to be lazy and little more than a populist).Also Ozouf (but only as a Constable in his own late father's parish - same reason as Shenton). From the middle - Duhamel (we still need Green politicians even if they do ramble and sometimes spout off the wall stuff like he did. From the left - Both of the Pitmans (proper constituent politicians and utterly fearless in taking on the old boys network). So what I am saying is it isn't impossible to come back under the right circumstances. I wouldn't even be wholly surprised to see Mr Drains Phil Rondel attempt to take Taylor's seat if the Constable is forced out too. Could be a more exciting election than usual though I hold up my hands and admit I haven't got a clue if any of these really want to come back in to the Grinder with all the dunderheads in there now. Have to see in 20 months time or whenever it is.

    1. Ben Shenton is basically a populist and a (former) politician with very little, if any, substance.

      He certainly won't be very popular with FAMILY X nor indeed, one should have thought, the tax payer after (needlessly) spunking up £600,000 of their money against all expert advice (above link.

      Not forgetting he is one third of THE THREE GOONS.

      One should also read what the Jersey Independent Care Inquiry had to say about his tenure as Health Minister. Not to forget what Frank Walker (statement to Care Inquiry) had to say about him.

  80. But at least one person really loves Ben. Himself!

  81. In today's news alone we have heard differing stories about Covid. A medical report says masks are dangerous and don't protect us either. In another we hear that the government have been exaggerating the number of Covid deaths. The comedians at the Mail even tell us Britain is 'finally winning' the battle against Covid. It can't all be true can it? How I wish I had voted for a Corbyn led Labour at the last election instead of the Conservatives. And now I live in Guernsey where no one says or worries much at all. I almost feel guilty for now working in such a sensible place. What do you poor Jersey folk feel about it all?

  82. Ben Shenton being as sickeningly populist as ever with his ludicrous petition regarding writing off tax. What this man knows about fair taxation could be written on the back of a stamp, folded twice. Obviously very desperate to get elected again. If only he had his dad's charisma and political know how.

    1. And his father's leftist political leanings. Old Dick was even the Patron of the Jersey Democratic Alliance after he left politics. Can't get much better leftie credentials than that I suppose? Ben it seems will say anything that gets his mug on TV or in the paper.

  83. Just lay off of Ben you hear me? Who cares if he was a rubbish politician at least he used to chip in to the old Jersey Wreckers blog me and my imaginary chum Gary used to run. Apart from the odd one from Seamus Tealeaf Ben's were the only real comments there ever were. A top bloke.

  84. Shame about the Air Display being cancelled. Always really enjoyed it as a really great family day out.

  85. The Millie Weaver Arrest. Canadian and US lawyers discuss:
    This could be big.

    1. The macrocosm of government corruption

  86. What about a new post exploring why the Constable Taylor farce is being allowed to quietly fade away?

    1. When I say fade away I mean in regard to does this head of a police force lose his States seat? I appreciate we know that half of the current shower in the Big House should have lost their seats after breaking the election laws. But what we have to ask ourselves is whether we can really accept a legal system and alleged laws when the only politicians they ever apply to are those who rattle the old boys network's cages? I think as head of a police force, even a mickey mouse one, he has to go.

    2. I think in answer to your question that he should be hung in the Royal Square as he advocated to the brave unknown politician who leaked the secrat debate transcript about what Andrew Lewis said. Only fair?

  87. Certainly make for an interesting blog read I can't deny.

    1. And will the good people of St John (well half a dozen of them at the parish assembly) be happy to stump up another £4000 of their money for his fine on top of paying his legal fees?

  88. Watching the Jersey pantomine from our smaller but vastly superior island of Guernsey I have to laugh at the neverending shenanigans you go through. This blog which I have been reading for a good 8 or 9 years now is a goldmine.

    What I don't understand in all of this Constable business, and you should have got rid of them years ago like we did with our equivalents, is does this chap now have to resign having been found guilty? If as I understand it he is head of his parish police then surely he does?

    I also have to raise a different question that I don't think anyone has touched on in all of this yet. If I have learnt anything about your island from this blog then it has to be that your court and police structures are as dodgy and regularly manipulated as any banana republik.

    What I am getting at here is this. A few years back I watched a video interview with a former lady Deputy who had been bounced over a car by a driver not stopping at a zebra crossing. The driver was never charged you reported. What he did apparently "just being an accident". Now however when the person evidently merely "nudged" by this Constable's car turnes out to be an off-duty copper the driver gets the book thrown at him?

    If any of your homegrown readers can explain to me how that works I will be interested to hear.

    1. If you lived here you would not have to ask. That the case you refer to regarding the non prosecution following the pedestrian crossing knock down of Shona Pitman is just the tip of the Jersey Way iceberg. All controlled from the justice system down. As Syvret says a potemkin village.

  89. Well, this conspiracy nutter was right yet again!!! Wake up in the next three months and ACT, or it's all over for you....

  90. The Constable of Saint John tells us that he is "totally devastated" as he is totally innocent but will be staying in his post, so two fingers to the court (fair enough) and to the public who think he should resign or just lose his seat. Well, harking back to the comment at 19.23 above Mrs (and Mr) Pitman, two good honest Deputies were likely "totally devasted" too at being screwed by a bent Royal Court but they still consequently lost their seats with no right of appeal even though they had broken no law. Go figure.

  91. Good to see Big Ian on here. He was a Legend.

  92. I loved it when Ian used to put up his Jersey troll Christmas Special. Regularly used to piss myself laughing that anyone would be sad enough to spend so much time writing such garbage. All the best Ian where ever you are these days.

  93. I don't like the look of this. No call for it VFC.

  94. So let us get this clear:
    St Johns Constable Chris Taylor is found guilty under law and retains his seat in the States, he claims innocence even though he has been judged under a law that by all accounts he should hold sacrosanct. However he keeps his job, and his states income.
    Trevor and Shona Pitman on the other hand were 'engineered' into becoming bankrupt when they could have retained their seats, continued to carry out their duties, earned their well earned States income and paid off their costs. BUT by 'engineering' their bankruptcy they were forced out of office.
    However it would seem that a Parish Constable can become a bankrupt but still continue to be a States member and now it would appear that they can also retain their seat when convicted of a serious criminal conviction. The Jersey Way just as good as ever.

  95. New post if you have the time Voice?

  96. Go back to sleep Ian. Or at least go down the library and read a different sci-fy yarn. Or maybe get another DVD out? Contagion should appeal to you. Made 4 years before Covid as well. They must be in on it all surely?

  97. Wonder if these Coronavirus riots will spread to Jersey?

  98. I am quite happy to pop back over there and dig the holes for people like you.

  99. Contagion was made in 2010/2011 and released in 2011, I guess that was perhaps before four years ago? Your research is impeccable, keep slavering on and get your shot in the new year, please.

  100. Can't we have a discussion without the snideness.

    1. Not sure what I think about Covid but I do worry that people wearing masks means I will not be able to recognise who is demonically possessed. How can you tell who is human and who is a servant of the forces of darkness now? Used to be easy. You just looked out for the red cloaks.

    2. I have always found that looking out for folk who smoke non-stop is a fairly good method. They do it to try and cover up the smell of brimstone you see.

    3. Can anyone help with info on a link to find out which UK areas are now classed as Amber and have to isolate if coming to Jersey? My boyfriend is meant to be coming to see me but obviously doesn't want to spend 5+ days shut in a room.

    4. The list of countries which require quarantine on arrival in Jersey is not so easy to find on the government website but here is the link:

  101. I was told there is a Scrutiny review in to the Jersey Way but I can't seem to find any details on the States website. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

    1. Never heard of this and it would surely be being discussed on this very page? Probably been called Moving forward - Nothing to learn from the past or some such other bullshit.

  102. Exclusive interview with Britain's most prolific pedophile Hunter Cheyenne O'Connor.
