
Monday 26 July 2021

St. Clement Constable Bi-Election (Simon Bree)


Candidate Simon Bree.

On Wednesday 28th July 2021 a bi-election will be held for position of Constable in St. Clement. Thankfully there IS going to be an election for a change. Ten out of the eleven current Constables have not received a single vote between them so this rare opportunity of casting a vote should not be missed.

There are two candidates standing, Simon Bree, and Marcus Troy. Team Voice sent them both an email asking if they would agree to a head-to-head discussion for this Blog and only Mr. Bree has replied to that email, he agreed to a head-to-head, obviously that couldn't happen, so agreed to a one-to-one instead. (below)

Last Wednesday (22nd July 2021) there was an online Hustings meeting with the two candidates at the St. Clement Parish Hall that can be viewed HERE. I have made a complaint to the Parish Hall about the absolutely atrocious Chairing of the meeting. Unfortunately the Parish Hall is being very obstructive and refusing to answer my questions. This will make for a blog Posting of its own soon..........................

In the discussion below, Mr Bree talks about the Hustings, a dirty tricks campaign, planted questions, party politics, a Constable's right to be in the States or not, the Parish Mafia and much more.

We encourage all St. Clement residents to come out and vote this Wednesday where voting will be open from 08:00 - 20:00 at the Parish Hall. Details can be found on website HERE.

The website of candidate Marcus Troy (according to his leaflet) can be found HERE.

The website of candidate Simon Bree can be found HERE.


  1. I tried to ask at the Virtual hustings if either candidate would have challenged Len Norman next June if he had not passed way and had carried on as Constable - but my question was not asked. Now the question has several dimensions - shall this contest be repeated next June with these 2 candidates (and poss others) or shall either candidate prefer to stand as a Deputy or not at all next June ? (Mike Dun)

  2. The next elections will not be dictated as to whether it is a Constable or a Deputy.
    Nor will it be down to whether you are Left, Middle, Right or Green.
    It will all boil down to whether you are a Landlord or not.

    1. Troys Estate Agents......I do not think Simon Bree is a Landlord.(?)

  3. For having the courage to speak out against the parish mafia and because he is a victim of the parish mafia Simon Bree will now be getting my vote. I was undecided until this interview and because Mr Troy didn't take part in it is a strike against him as well.

  4. Who exactly is this “Parish Mafia” ??

    1. I'm more concerned about the States Assembly mafia still doing the judiciary's bidding. Absolutely disgusted to see the Privileges & Procedures Committee refusing to bring our electoral laws up to international standards just because they want to ensure the Pitmans can't stand for election. Surely no coincidence that the Reform Jersey chair of PPC and the useless minister Labey sit in seats they know they would likely lose. We are long overdue for a Royal Commission to finally sort this type of abuse of office out, not least ending the role of the Bailiff and barring the Attorney General from speaking in the States. Neither role is independent and anyone can see that. Clothier was twenty years ago for heaven's sake.

  5. There are now all of these parties within the States. Yet none of them really offer any prospect of putting an end to the type of thing highlighted by the poster above. Just as bad is that when you look at some of the names you see that leopards apparently really can change their spots. Former campaigners for change now swinging wildly to the political establishment.

  6. Troy won easily.

    1. Another head-nodding Establishment Jersey Way poodle by the sound of him; and clearly knowing bog all about politics or the economy by the sound of it. Wants to keep the Bailiff? Enough said. Be an Assistant Bag Carrier in no time.

  7. What went wrong with Simon Bree's election? He was annihilated and we have now got a 23rd Landlord in the States.

  8. I want Al Murray THE pub landlord for our next Deputy. He has 'never been confused'.

  9. Which party will Ian Gorst standing for? And Kristina Moore? I just want to know so I can vote for whoever else is standing. Even a potted plant.

  10. "Today we will be swearing in our 23rd Landlord of the States".

    Only need 2 more for full control of the lucrative Buy to Let market.
