We have interviewed/Blogged about Advocate Sinel extensively over the years mainly concerning his speaking out over the Child Abuse cover-ups/corruption and (un)constitutional matters. We have reported on such topics as his submission to the CARSWELL REVIEW, the constant persecution he believes he has been a victim of from The Powers That Be where he told us in a Press Release:
"OVER THE YEARS THERE HAVE BEEN NUMEROUS ATTACKS ON MY REPUTATION AND LIVELIHOOD, ALL BROUGHT AT THE EXPENSE OF THE TAX PAYER. MY ESTIMATE OF THE COST TO THE TAX PAYER IS WELL OVER £1 MILLION." HERE.He went on to tell us, in an exclusive interview, when we asked him: "why he believes those in his profession who are, shall we say, "unhappy" with the Jersey Judicial system are not speaking out publicly?" he replies""they do not wish to join me in the dock." "They know what's going to happen if they start poking their heads above the parapet" HERE.
Advocate Sinel has been an avid supporter of Child Abuse Survivors over here, has worked Pro-Bono for a number of them, has helped, and continues to help, (pro-bono) a number of us who are victims of "The Jersey Way." His submission to the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry can, and should, be read HERE.
Book cover
So hopefully this short introduction to Advocate Sinel will give our new/international readers an insight into who the man is. A straight talking fearless advocate for the underdog. But here's the thing. After knowing him for all these years, I don't know what he does for a living! I know he is an Advocate, who (I think) sues banks for corporations and private clients. For obvious ethical/legal/professional reasons he's never discussed a case with me so I've no idea what his job entails. That's where his recently published book "RESTITUTION AND HOW TO OBTAIN IT" comes in and the video interview below.
book back cover
When I heard that the book had now been published I thought it would be a great opportunity to find out exactly what it is he does for a living! It would also give me the chance, in a very small way, to help him plug the book in thanks for all the work he has done (and continues to do) supporting Victims/Survivors, not only of Child Abuse, but of the corrupt Jersey so-called "JUSTICE" SYSTEM."
We hope the short video interview below will be informative to readers/viewers and might encourage you to buy a copy of the book which is available on Amazon HERE.
Advocate Sinel also took part, and appeared in, the highly acclaimed, documentary "Dark Secrets of a Trillion Dollar Island:garenne" which is still available on BBC iplayer HERE. We hope, as part of our series on the documentary, he will give us an interview on that in the not too distant future.........................................................
I think the excellent editorial in tonight's JEP says it all really. If Deputy Macon did not wish to invite the sort of criticism and speculation that he has, especially in his high profile role as (ex) Children's Minister, he really should have kept his personal lifestyle very private, and not promote it on Social media. He has been his own worst enemy and can expect little sympathy from the public.
Yes a few people said that, especially some Parents. Deputy Macon may feel liberated but as the then children's Minister he had a responsibility to act appropriately online and not sexually exhibit himself in such a way. He is no longer fit for Political office.
We respectfully ask that you contact the applicable Parliamentary and Labour Party authorities to request immediate and urgent investigations into Baron Mandelson of Foy.
Additional information here: https://forums.richieallen.co.uk/showthread.php?tid=2504.
Respectfully yours,
On behalf of the victims and survivors of sex trafficking and child abuse
If somebody has a complaint against Peter Mandelson (or anyone else) and has reliable evidence to back it up, what they do is they go to the police, preferably with having sought the advice of a reputable solicitor. What they don't do is what you're doing, which is slurring people on the basis of guilt by association because you don't like their politics or because they happen to be on Jewish descent. Jeffrey Epstein was photographed with hundreds of people. A photograph of Epstein with X, Y, or Z is not, in itself, evidence against X, Y or Z of any criminality.
Does Jersey ever change? Can't believe that what was an original proposition highlighting how the island's people rose up in 1769 against their corrupt court this has now been hijacked by the very same ilk and is being sold as Democracy Week! Utterly, utterly shameless. Just look on the JEP (someone has to encourage them I suppose?) pages on line.
Tom Gruchy and the modern heroes who brought this to our attention, Mr Dun and Mr (former Deputy) Pitman certainly did not envisage a States still over seen and controled by an unelected judge as democracy. Just as with the media this is all about conning people, re-shaping the truth to make it fit the status quo.
Yeah, Dep. Kirsten Morel has been making the Corn Riots all his 'own' all day. Must be using it for electioneering. You wouldn't know Trev and Mike got the ball rolling or Reform Jersey had any involvement.
Reform Jersey are a joke now. Look what one of them has done via PPC. Sold real reform and democracy down the river. And lets be wholly honest here as one of the Pitmans is mentioned. Our reform party has sold the stitched up Pitmans right down the river too instead of standing up against the corruption that shafted them. They are no different to the Moores, Gorsts and country constables.
Reform Jersey were always a virtue signalling joke. The island of Jersey, under its current governance, does not have basic democracy and is clearly and provably institutionally corrupt at a basic fundamental level. While I disagree with Stuart Syvret on some matters, he is correct on this.
Said many times before. If people feel so angry about the way things are in Jersey then stop whining and sulking about it on the Internet, but stand for election. Senator Sam Mezec of RJ is possibly the only States Member right who is ruffling the feathers of all the Landlords in the States. At least give him some credit for trying to open up the real scandal of vested interest in there.
I am quite impressed with recent comments that people are actually waking up to what the reform party is actually all about, self centered inflated egos.
You can't blame Deputy Kirsten Morel for jumping on the bandwagon, blame the ringmaster, Deputy Tadier, who set up the circus.
While Deputy Tadier is away with the fairies promoting the arts and a few cannabis fields, what is his fellow reform Deputy doing, the silent Deputy Rob Ward who was formally appointed over two years ago, after the Care Inquiry, as chairperson to lead a scrutiny panel to look into The Jersey Way. Deputy Ward has done nothing, he has buried it, who can blame him putting a comfortable 50 K a year at risk by upsetting the AG's office and the LOD.
What Deputy Tadier has succeeded in doing is promoting Jersey today as a result of the corn riots as the jewel in the crown that is crying out for diversity and culture when in truth The Jersey Way is still alive and kicking.
Yes Reform Jersey have been rumbled and I say this as someone who has supported them. Flippant comments alongside how if people don't like Reform they should stand for election themselves can't conceal the truth.
The comments about Deputy Ward are spot on. His Scrutiny review wasn't even named the Jersey Way as it should have been. Pussyfooting around such outrages does nothing.
A person might also respond to the defence of Senator Mezec by pointing that the Pitmans referred to by others above can't stand for election even if they wanted to. And there are certainly many of us who would like them to do just that.
Yet what has Senator Mezec's Reform coleague leading PPC done? Just like Deputy Labey before her she has worked hard to keep the Pitmans wrongly banned from standing.
When you consider this is all in the very week Reform's Deputy Tadier is struttiung around in what was meant to be recognition of 1769's 28th September Reform Day, but is now the lamentable Democracy Week where every States Member still kisses the Bailiff's unelected Royal backside as president of the government many of us just want to wretch.
Nothing happens anywhere in Jersey any more. It is just plain boring and the States is the main cause of it. Four political parties and they are all the bloody same.
The understanding that personal insult gets nowhere, has seen a lot more restraint online over the past 18 Months and I would say a lot more progress, with focus on the real issues, but that is not all good news for the Establishment.
Like Housing, the unaffordability crisis for young people who no longer want to stick around. Or the outside workers who can no longer afford to come to the Island and work. Buy to Lets with a Political vested Interest. 23 Landlords in the States etc.
For this the Establishment has been getting a bloody (no insult) nose all year and it sets the scene for an interesting election in June 2022 with a lot more people involved.
We hear about "Just wait until the next election!" every time. Nothing ever happens. Most people are sheep who have learnt to use a keyboard and think that is the end of it. Just try even simple stuff like me phoning your States member and having a moan about them. Its a start. Let them know.
There is more chance of change than ever next June. I mean look at the news stories.....
Unaffordable rents and housing. Unaffordable Social Housing. People are leaving, people are not coming. The Hospital debacle and all the proverbial that has gone on with that. Scathing attacks from a School Governor against Education not forgetting what the Children's Commissioner has said of late. A recruitment crisis in all industries and mainly connected to unaffordable housing as wages even for Nurses has not kept up. Resentment from many people about the 'look after the Rich and Finance Industry' agenda whilst to hell with everybody else who pays tax on food. The States Landlord debacle. Then you have all the idiots JLF has appointed as Ministers over his term of office. I know a lot of people who used to support this set up have dropped them now, it's just the way people feel as they are fed up. When it starts affecting Middle Jersey, you have problems. A lot of middle Jersey families have children who cannot afford to leave home or can only leave the Island to progress in life. This is the end result of years of greed.
There will never be change of any meaningful kind in Jersey. It is rotten to the core. Lets also be up front about it, there isn't anyone in the States capable or willing to take the slings and arrows to really try and make that happen. Depressing but we should be used to it by now.
He has claimed on his Twitter account repeatedly that Dannie Jarman was assassinated. He has produced no evidence of these claims. Is there any evidence? It's not fair to her family if there isn't, it will just create added upset.
Sad to read that Senator Sam Mezec apparently has Covid. But can I ask him if he is reading this whether or not he has had the vaccine jab? A work colleague tells me that e is sure the Senator has. Can I also ask if there is any likelyhodd of a new blog? This one has been up for a long spell now.
I thought that, at least according to the media spin, two pricks were meant to make us all safe? So what is the point of being jabbed then when you meet many folk who have not had jabs but haven't had this type of flu at all?
Hello, I see trolly comments are still alive and well from one of my favorite sock puppet friends. I thought perhaps he had taken his ball and gone home after that comedown where he tried to troll Sam Mézec through a breach of code of conduct complaint via the Commissioner for Standards -- only to see that, on balance, no one really thought "sick and twisted maniac" was an inaccurate portrayal. I see Neil has put the link up there; it still gives me a chuckle.
Just to be fair, the story I believe our friend was objecting to was a feature I published here earlier this year: https://www.institutionalinvestor.com/article/b1qwpnk6j1zv70/The-Heiress-the-Queen-and-the-Trillion-Dollar-Tax-Shelter -- released just as we were seeing the results of our hard work on the BBC Storyville documentary film on Jersey. The written feature focuses on a global fraud perpetrated on the island for decades via a trust company called La Hougue, which has been written about by The Bailiwick Express, The Guardian, The Daily Beast, the Toronto Star, Mother Jones, the Tax Justice Network and the prestigious London-based nonprofit Bureau of Investigative Journalism and a bunch of others -- but not the Jersey Evening Post, which I think we are all still wondering about. Are they still a newspaper?
The La Hougue leak is Jersey's equivalent of the Pandora Papers -- roughly 350,000 pages of documents showing monumental efforts by hundreds of wealthy and big-name clients, mainly off-island, to use Jersey for purposes few who love Jersey would wish to see. These files, brought forth by an American couple who discovered them in Jersey (buried in a squash court at St. John's Manor), are enormous and deep and going through them has been a massive undertaking. A large network of journalists are now reporting out these files, which has already brought further revelations to light. Perhaps this is something a troll does not wish to see, nor any of us, but nothing he says can change what is in these files. Will be keeping you all posted in the usual places, including on here.
Thanks for your support and kind words over the years. Sending very best wishes to everyone on-island -- have a wonderful holiday and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year! LMG
Just reading the World News on the computer where transparency in journalism is illegal in Hong Kong.
But the one thing I do respect about the corrupt "Chinese Way" is, they are transparent and don't try to cover up their corruption like the powers that be who control the "Jersey Way."
One notes that a company called Everhseds has been brought in to Telford:
"Independent Inquiry – Telford Child Sexual Exploitation
Telford & Wrekin Council has agreed to commission an independent inquiry into child sexual exploitation within the Borough. It has appointed the law firm Eversheds Sutherland (International) LLP as the Commissioning Body for the Inquiry.
The purpose of the Inquiry is to fully investigate and establish the facts of child sexual exploitation in Telford & Wrekin, to identify if, and where, public, and other, services have failed and where possible, to establish who is accountable for any failure and to make recommendations for the future."
"The JCLA stated that Mr. Haworth had made vitriolic attacks on the JCLA and claimed that he had said that victims of child abuse only wanted compensation."
I am just wondering if Leah McGrath Goodman will be publishing her book on her findings around institutional child abuse on the island of Jersey imminently? I think it is around nine years since she claimed to be working on a book about this issue. Would appreciate an update.
Do you know that it is eleven years ago today that the infamous Jersey Troll, Jonnie Wetpants got convicted of making his notorious threatening and very drunk phone call telling Stuart's landlord he was going to be killed? Wonder if the recording of this is still up on Big Ian's blog?
So who is in what political party here in Jersey now? I can't seem to find out from day to day? I am in case you're wondering an Independent Liberal Conservative Alliance Reformer. Who should I vote for please?
I like to know where I stand Anonymous at 16.44. That is why I like Deputy Judy Martin. You don't get ant flip-flopping about with Our Jude. A good, solid Left-Winger. Is she she still in Reform Jersey? Must be surely?
Is it true that Deputy Wickenden is bringing a proposition to ask that the States agree to put little tables next to all States members' seat so they can put a glass of wine on these, in case they get thirsty whilst talking? You know, like they used to have, according to my day anyway, at the old New Era cinema? Seems sensible to me. This way States members will have an incentive to come in to sittings ie to get slowly pissed while talking shite.
Someone is showing their age going to the New Era. I can remember watching Paint Your Wagon and trying to work out who was more pissed, me or Lee Marvin.
Lee Marvin? Didn't he used to play for Man U? Personally I think that a better idea would be to have special seats like they had on the Graham Norton show. When a politician is talking bollocks the others can press the contre button and tip them out. Or better still eject them, fire them up out of the chamber roof. Sound good to anyone else?
Is there any way to search through blog comments? I'd quite like to chuckle again at Patrick Muirhead's article about his brief time on Channel Report https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/anchors-away-how-my-tv-news-career-sank-wkg9mqv2gpx
I think someone might have cut-and-pasted it all into a blog comment somewhere, but there doesn't seem to be search box any more, and Google isn't playing nice
Doesn't matter who gets in, its the same headache. The Island is losing people due to the cost of housing and is facing major economic problems for it.
I say fair play to Reform Jersey and Kristina Moore. They all played a professional campaign whilst the Alliance Party only demonstrated that they only care about the wealthy.
Completely out of touch with reality and also good riddance to Macon, Pamplin and some of the other dead wood last night.
The Sump has been drained for a change. It is also good that apart from some old twit on FB who forgets he was Housing Minister for 30 years and caused most of today's problems, everybody treat each other with respect.
It was because of Le Main's actions in the 2018 election. People decided it was time to stop personal attacks on candidates. He took it too far with a hate flyer sent around town. No better than Syvret with his childish twitter account.
The Blog WAS in retirement. It does look like it will be coming back soon (thanks to certain parts of the State Media) Watch this space....................
I was unsuccessful in my application to become a BBC DJ.
When I was asked during the interview whether I'd ever had an inappropriate relationship with a child, I'm now thinking that replying "I wasn't aware it was still compulsory." may have been a mistake.
Stuart Syvret speaking to Leah McGrath Goodman from exile in USA last week. This is episode 3 about Jersey. https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/column-c-with-leah-mcgrath-goodman/id1630667569?i=1000578429228
Why aren't there any updates on here like what is Stuart and Rico doing, what has happened to Trevor and Shona, what next for Leah and is the Island putting children first yet? There is no new news out there so has everybody given up?
The BBC, again
Commentators here often ask why I do not get BBC air time. In fairness,
this week I have done: Radio 4 on fiscal rules on
* Read the full article...*
*President Steinmeier*
I am in the habit of tuning in to the opening and closing of the academic
year in the College of Europe in Bruges, and yesterday (21...
"The Least Among Us"
*"Three Turds & Some Polish"*
*"Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped."*
*Elbert Hubbard*
*Our Guests Tonight Ar...
*December 2020*
*Why we need open data in Jersey*
If there’s one thing that Donald Trump’s post-election antics have taught
us, it’s that you can shout...
Re: Covid 19 and Jersey Governments response ?
I find this interesting. Jerseys' Government is asked for money to keep
business going even though the profits disappear to owners in other
destinations. A...
Education Apartheid
Educational Apartheid Good Luck to Deputy Vallois, Jersey’s Education
Minister, in her pursuit of a better deal for education. She has a mountain
to clim...
Jersey Holocaust Day 2020 - and Human Rights
On 27 January 2020 the annual Jersey Holocaust Memorial remembered that
Auschwitz camp was "liberated" 75 years ago.
It is also 75 years ago that Jersey was...
Slow changes
It has taken some time but I've finally regained access to the journal.
The start to the calendar year hasn't been great. The delivery man who
Electric cars and the coup in Bolivia
*Bolivians rally in support of President Evo Morales and CELAC (2015)* On
the morning of the 11th of November, I woke up to two big pieces of news -
Financial Interlude: The tower has toppled
The trouble with being a genius and being able to predict the future is
that no one believes you; well I chose to believe the Golden Jackass and as
usual ...
My speech at the Citizens Advice AGM
Last week I was very kindly invited to be the guest speaker at the Jersey
Citizens Advice AGM. I was pleased to take questions afterwards and hear
Three cheers and one big warning.
My old friend Daniel didn't get elected as a Green MP. Not any great
surprise in the East Midlands which is seldom kind to third parties
electorally. But ...
*Mont Orgeuil CastleClick on any image for a larger version*
I am very proud of that photo of Mont Orgeuil which I took in Jersey (CI)
in 1961. It's not...
All at Sea
Fire crew and lifeboat crew are two vocations only suitable for genuine
heroes and heroines, and fully deserve immense respect from everybody.
However, the...
Just Ask The Damn Question
Yes – Because it’s Happening Now.
“Everybody would say, ‘what evidence have you got?’ I would say, ‘w...
The Death of the Jersey Way?
Former Senator Frank Walker, who was Chief Minister in 2008
"*There is no hiding place in Jersey for anyone who abused children or, who
in any way may h...
Paying Teachers Less?
Jersey C.I. – There was an awkward exchange in the States chamber on
Tuesday – the first ever sitting to be streamed live – when Deputy Geoff
Southern su...
Disgusted by Police Cruel Dog Killing
How would you react had it been your beloved pet that they had so callously
run down & murdered? Just what sort of example is this to give to our
children ...
– 18th December 2015 – R.I.P Dannie has died. Her needlessly damaged – her
A Right AVP Devon Mash-up
Locked Up - part 1
Locked Up - part 2
Locked Up - part 3
Locked Up - part 4
From the country that is the UK (Uncaring Kingdom) comes the a...
Latest: Jersey Care Inquiry
[image: http://news.images.itv.com/image/file/641433/stream_img.jpg]
The Independent Jersey Care Inquiry is charged with finding out what went
wrong in t...
On Writing…And The Point Of It All
One of the first things you learn as a writer is how to lower your
expectations, lest you self-immolate. Then, there’s the (very
gradual) acceptance that y...
ReplyDeleteExcellent interview on the OnRecord site on line with Shona and Trevor Pitman.
ReplyDeleteI will be buying this book. Another excellent interview. Thank you Philip and VFC.
ReplyDeletePersonal Statement from Deputy Jeremy Macon.
ReplyDeleteNot much sympathy on FB tonight.
DeleteCrocodile tears.
DeleteI think the excellent editorial in tonight's JEP says it all really. If Deputy Macon did not wish to invite the sort of criticism and speculation that he has, especially in his high profile role as (ex) Children's Minister, he really should have kept his personal lifestyle very private, and not promote it on Social media. He has been his own worst enemy and can expect little sympathy from the public.
ReplyDeleteYes a few people said that, especially some Parents.
DeleteDeputy Macon may feel liberated but as the then children's Minister he had a responsibility to act appropriately online and not sexually exhibit himself in such a way.
He is no longer fit for Political office.
Please !!!!! I can't get his fat hairy belly and golden shorts out of my mind.
DeleteTo Whom It May Concern:
ReplyDeleteWe respectfully ask that you contact the applicable Parliamentary and Labour Party authorities to request immediate and urgent investigations into Baron Mandelson of Foy.
Additional information here: https://forums.richieallen.co.uk/showthread.php?tid=2504.
Respectfully yours,
On behalf of the victims and survivors of sex trafficking and child abuse
If somebody has a complaint against Peter Mandelson (or anyone else) and has reliable evidence to back it up, what they do is they go to the police, preferably with having sought the advice of a reputable solicitor. What they don't do is what you're doing, which is slurring people on the basis of guilt by association because you don't like their politics or because they happen to be on Jewish descent. Jeffrey Epstein was photographed with hundreds of people. A photograph of Epstein with X, Y, or Z is not, in itself, evidence against X, Y or Z of any criminality.
DeleteDoes Jersey ever change? Can't believe that what was an original proposition highlighting how the island's people rose up in 1769 against their corrupt court this has now been hijacked by the very same ilk and is being sold as Democracy Week! Utterly, utterly shameless. Just look on the JEP (someone has to encourage them I suppose?) pages on line.
ReplyDeleteThey are saying that the actions of Tom Gruchy created the democracy we have today.
DeleteTom Gruchy and the modern heroes who brought this to our attention, Mr Dun and Mr (former Deputy) Pitman certainly did not envisage a States still over seen and controled by an unelected judge as democracy. Just as with the media this is all about conning people, re-shaping the truth to make it fit the status quo.
DeleteYeah, Dep. Kirsten Morel has been making the Corn Riots all his 'own' all day. Must be using it for electioneering.
DeleteYou wouldn't know Trev and Mike got the ball rolling or Reform Jersey had any involvement.
Reform Jersey are a joke now. Look what one of them has done via PPC. Sold real reform and democracy down the river. And lets be wholly honest here as one of the Pitmans is mentioned. Our reform party has sold the stitched up Pitmans right down the river too instead of standing up against the corruption that shafted them. They are no different to the Moores, Gorsts and country constables.
DeleteReform Jersey were always a virtue signalling joke. The island of Jersey, under its current governance, does not have basic democracy and is clearly and provably institutionally corrupt at a basic fundamental level. While I disagree with Stuart Syvret on some matters, he is correct on this.
ReplyDeleteSaid many times before.
ReplyDeleteIf people feel so angry about the way things are in Jersey then stop whining and sulking about it on the Internet, but stand for election.
Senator Sam Mezec of RJ is possibly the only States Member right who is ruffling the feathers of all the Landlords in the States. At least give him some credit for trying to open up the real scandal of vested interest in there.
Chairman Maozec does nothing but screech soundbytes. Waste of space.
DeleteI am quite impressed with recent comments that people are actually waking up to what the reform party is actually all about, self centered inflated egos.
ReplyDeleteYou can't blame Deputy Kirsten Morel for jumping on the bandwagon, blame the ringmaster, Deputy Tadier, who set up the circus.
While Deputy Tadier is away with the fairies promoting the arts and a few cannabis fields, what is his fellow reform Deputy doing, the silent Deputy Rob Ward who was formally appointed over two years ago, after the Care Inquiry, as chairperson to lead a scrutiny panel to look into The Jersey Way. Deputy Ward has done nothing, he has buried it, who can blame him putting a comfortable 50 K a year at risk by upsetting the AG's office and the LOD.
What Deputy Tadier has succeeded in doing is promoting Jersey today as a result of the corn riots as the jewel in the crown that is crying out for diversity and culture when in truth The Jersey Way is still alive and kicking.
Yes Reform Jersey have been rumbled and I say this as someone who has supported them. Flippant comments alongside how if people don't like Reform they should stand for election themselves can't conceal the truth.
DeleteThe comments about Deputy Ward are spot on. His Scrutiny review wasn't even named the Jersey Way as it should have been. Pussyfooting around such outrages does nothing.
A person might also respond to the defence of Senator Mezec by pointing that the Pitmans referred to by others above can't stand for election even if they wanted to. And there are certainly many of us who would like them to do just that.
Yet what has Senator Mezec's Reform coleague leading PPC done? Just like Deputy Labey before her she has worked hard to keep the Pitmans wrongly banned from standing.
When you consider this is all in the very week Reform's Deputy Tadier is struttiung around in what was meant to be recognition of 1769's 28th September Reform Day, but is now the lamentable Democracy Week where every States Member still kisses the Bailiff's unelected Royal backside as president of the government many of us just want to wretch.
Said before that if you think you have all the answers and can do better, stop moaning online and stand in June.
DeleteMaybe he/she/they will, Sam?
DeleteNothing happens on here any more.
ReplyDeleteNothing happens anywhere in Jersey any more. It is just plain boring and the States is the main cause of it. Four political parties and they are all the bloody same.
DeleteVote Lord Balls-ache! He can take us to a brand new century. The 17th!
DeleteSome of your sidebar links like Planet Jersey are dead.
ReplyDeleteIt shut down 2 years ago.
DeleteTimes have changed since Planet Jersey.
DeleteThe understanding that personal insult gets nowhere, has seen a lot more restraint online over the past 18 Months and I would say a lot more progress, with focus on the real issues, but that is not all good news for the Establishment.
Like Housing, the unaffordability crisis for young people who no longer want to stick around. Or the outside workers who can no longer afford to come to the Island and work. Buy to Lets with a Political vested Interest. 23 Landlords in the States etc.
For this the Establishment has been getting a bloody (no insult) nose all year and it sets the scene for an interesting election in June 2022 with a lot more people involved.
We hear about "Just wait until the next election!" every time. Nothing ever happens. Most people are sheep who have learnt to use a keyboard and think that is the end of it. Just try even simple stuff like me phoning your States member and having a moan about them. Its a start. Let them know.
DeleteThe next elections are different.
DeleteThere is more chance of change than ever next June.
I mean look at the news stories.....
Unaffordable rents and housing. Unaffordable Social Housing. People are leaving, people are not coming.
The Hospital debacle and all the proverbial that has gone on with that.
Scathing attacks from a School Governor against Education not forgetting what the Children's Commissioner has said of late.
A recruitment crisis in all industries and mainly connected to unaffordable housing as wages even for Nurses has not kept up.
Resentment from many people about the 'look after the Rich and Finance Industry' agenda whilst to hell with everybody else who pays tax on food.
The States Landlord debacle.
Then you have all the idiots JLF has appointed as Ministers over his term of office.
I know a lot of people who used to support this set up have dropped them now, it's just the way people feel as they are fed up. When it starts affecting Middle Jersey, you have problems. A lot of middle Jersey families have children who cannot afford to leave home or can only leave the Island to progress in life. This is the end result of years of greed.
There will never be change of any meaningful kind in Jersey. It is rotten to the core. Lets also be up front about it, there isn't anyone in the States capable or willing to take the slings and arrows to really try and make that happen. Depressing but we should be used to it by now.
DeleteRotten to the core?
DeleteBut Reform Jersey never say this.
In fact they never endorse any of these views and they have been in there long enough.
More Bloody noses.
He has claimed on his Twitter account repeatedly that Dannie Jarman was assassinated. He has produced no evidence of these claims. Is there any evidence? It's not fair to her family if there isn't, it will just create added upset.
ReplyDeleteSad to read that Senator Sam Mezec apparently has Covid. But can I ask him if he is reading this whether or not he has had the vaccine jab? A work colleague tells me that e is sure the Senator has. Can I also ask if there is any likelyhodd of a new blog? This one has been up for a long spell now.
ReplyDeleteI thought that, at least according to the media spin, two pricks were meant to make us all safe? So what is the point of being jabbed then when you meet many folk who have not had jabs but haven't had this type of flu at all?
ReplyDeleteNew story!
ReplyDeleteLa Hougue Trust Company?
DeleteHaving some technical difficulties at the mo.
ReplyDeleteA comment has been submitted concerning Investigative Journalist/Author LEAH MCGRATH GOODMAN and the La Houge case.
It's proving impossible to publish the comment but hopefully THIS LINK should take readers to it.
Please let me know if the link(s) work?
Both links work.
DeleteHello, I see trolly comments are still alive and well from one of my favorite sock puppet friends. I thought perhaps he had taken his ball and gone home after that comedown where he tried to troll Sam Mézec through a breach of code of conduct complaint via the Commissioner for Standards -- only to see that, on balance, no one really thought "sick and twisted maniac" was an inaccurate portrayal. I see Neil has put the link up there; it still gives me a chuckle.
DeleteJust to be fair, the story I believe our friend was objecting to was a feature I published here earlier this year: https://www.institutionalinvestor.com/article/b1qwpnk6j1zv70/The-Heiress-the-Queen-and-the-Trillion-Dollar-Tax-Shelter -- released just as we were seeing the results of our hard work on the BBC Storyville documentary film on Jersey. The written feature focuses on a global fraud perpetrated on the island for decades via a trust company called La Hougue, which has been written about by The Bailiwick Express, The Guardian, The Daily Beast, the Toronto Star, Mother Jones, the Tax Justice Network and the prestigious London-based nonprofit Bureau of Investigative Journalism and a bunch of others -- but not the Jersey Evening Post, which I think we are all still wondering about. Are they still a newspaper?
The La Hougue leak is Jersey's equivalent of the Pandora Papers -- roughly 350,000 pages of documents showing monumental efforts by hundreds of wealthy and big-name clients, mainly off-island, to use Jersey for purposes few who love Jersey would wish to see. These files, brought forth by an American couple who discovered them in Jersey (buried in a squash court at St. John's Manor), are enormous and deep and going through them has been a massive undertaking. A large network of journalists are now reporting out these files, which has already brought further revelations to light. Perhaps this is something a troll does not wish to see, nor any of us, but nothing he says can change what is in these files. Will be keeping you all posted in the usual places, including on here.
Thanks for your support and kind words over the years. Sending very best wishes to everyone on-island -- have a wonderful holiday and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year! LMG
Just reading the World News on the computer where transparency in journalism is illegal in Hong Kong.
ReplyDeleteBut the one thing I do respect about the corrupt "Chinese Way" is, they are transparent and don't try to cover up their corruption like the powers that be who control the "Jersey Way."
One notes that a company called Everhseds has been brought in to Telford:
ReplyDelete"Independent Inquiry – Telford Child Sexual Exploitation
Telford & Wrekin Council has agreed to commission an independent inquiry into child sexual exploitation within the Borough. It has appointed the law firm Eversheds Sutherland (International) LLP as the Commissioning Body for the Inquiry.
The purpose of the Inquiry is to fully investigate and establish the facts of child sexual exploitation in Telford & Wrekin, to identify if, and where, public, and other, services have failed and where possible, to establish who is accountable for any failure and to make recommendations for the future."
Now where has this name cropped up before?
The Beano is not the Rag
One wonders if their redaction policy will benefit the Survivors/Victims or PERPETRATORS?
ReplyDelete"The JCLA stated that Mr. Haworth had made vitriolic attacks on the JCLA and claimed that he had said that victims of child abuse only wanted compensation."
ReplyDeleteOH DEAR!
I am just wondering if Leah McGrath Goodman will be publishing her book on her findings around institutional child abuse on the island of Jersey imminently? I think it is around nine years since she claimed to be working on a book about this issue. Would appreciate an update.
ReplyDelete^ That came across as perhaps unnecessarily aggressive. I am just reading Leah's article in the Institutional Investor. Mind blowing, and credible.
ReplyDeleteUpdate on Advocate Philip Sinel's book. It is officially a best seller in its category on Amazon.
ReplyDeleteIt is now also available on Kindle HERE.
A big thank you to Eddy West for inviting me on to Jersey's No.1 podcast.
ReplyDeleteA short clip of the discussion can be viewed HERE. with the full interview being released next Wednesday 9th Feb 2022. 7pm
Full, unedited, podcast with Eddy West and VFC HERE.
ReplyDelete2 'Likes' after 2 days on a Facebook Group with over 11,000 followers. Some following you have.
DeleteI hear ya! Thinking about submitting some kind of COMPLAINT!
DeleteNew documentary coming SOON.
ReplyDeleteNew documentary coming SOON.
ReplyDeleteDo you know that it is eleven years ago today that the infamous Jersey Troll, Jonnie Wetpants got convicted of making his notorious threatening and very drunk phone call telling Stuart's landlord he was going to be killed? Wonder if the recording of this is still up on Big Ian's blog?
ReplyDeleteSo who is in what political party here in Jersey now? I can't seem to find out from day to day? I am in case you're wondering an Independent Liberal Conservative Alliance Reformer. Who should I vote for please?
ReplyDeleteI like to know where I stand Anonymous at 16.44. That is why I like Deputy Judy Martin. You don't get ant flip-flopping about with Our Jude. A good, solid Left-Winger. Is she she still in Reform Jersey? Must be surely?
ReplyDeleteIs it true that Deputy Wickenden is bringing a proposition to ask that the States agree to put little tables next to all States members' seat so they can put a glass of wine on these, in case they get thirsty whilst talking? You know, like they used to have, according to my day anyway, at the old New Era cinema? Seems sensible to me. This way States members will have an incentive to come in to sittings ie to get slowly pissed while talking shite.
ReplyDeleteSomeone is showing their age going to the New Era. I can remember watching Paint Your Wagon and trying to work out who was more pissed, me or Lee Marvin.
ReplyDeleteLee Marvin? Didn't he used to play for Man U? Personally I think that a better idea would be to have special seats like they had on the Graham Norton show. When a politician is talking bollocks the others can press the contre button and tip them out. Or better still eject them, fire them up out of the chamber roof. Sound good to anyone else?
DeleteTed Vibert for Chief Minister.
ReplyDeleteYou know you want it.
Time for a new Post like any predictions for the June Elections???
ReplyDeletePlease do a recap of Ozo The Bozo's position during the abuse scandal, now that he's standing again!
ReplyDeleteIs there any way to search through blog comments?
ReplyDeleteI'd quite like to chuckle again at Patrick Muirhead's article about his brief time on Channel Report
I think someone might have cut-and-pasted it all into a blog comment somewhere, but there doesn't seem to be search box any more, and Google isn't playing nice
Just laughed my head off at the St Saviour Hustings clips. Poor Pamplin and Macon. They looked liked scared rabbits in the headlights.
ReplyDeleteNo predictions for tomorrow?
ReplyDeleteDoesn't matter who gets in, its the same headache. The Island is losing people due to the cost of housing and is facing major economic problems for it.
DeleteI say fair play to Reform Jersey and Kristina Moore. They all played a professional campaign whilst the Alliance Party only demonstrated that they only care about the wealthy.
ReplyDeleteCompletely out of touch with reality and also good riddance to Macon, Pamplin and some of the other dead wood last night.
The Sump has been drained for a change. It is also good that apart from some old twit on FB who forgets he was Housing Minister for 30 years and caused most of today's problems, everybody treat each other with respect.
It was because of Le Main's actions in the 2018 election. People decided it was time to stop personal attacks on candidates. He took it too far with a hate flyer sent around town. No better than Syvret with his childish twitter account.
ReplyDeleteThe Blog WAS in retirement. It does look like it will be coming back soon (thanks to certain parts of the State Media) Watch this space....................
DeleteI was unsuccessful in my application to become a BBC DJ.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was asked during the interview whether I'd ever had an inappropriate relationship with a child, I'm now thinking that replying "I wasn't aware it was still compulsory." may have been a mistake.
Stuart Syvret speaking to Leah McGrath Goodman from exile in USA last week. This is episode 3 about Jersey. https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/column-c-with-leah-mcgrath-goodman/id1630667569?i=1000578429228
ReplyDeleteA must LISTEN.
People who speak the truth never object to being questioned. People who lie avoid being questioned. Now who does that remind you of?
DeletePrince Andrew is going to look after The Queen's Corgis.
ReplyDeleteMakes sense with his experience in grooming.
Yes. 100% agree with you on the Queens death. It's over kill the way the media has gone on about it. I am sick of it.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year VFC ..... hope you find the mojo to post more!
ReplyDeleteWhy aren't there any updates on here like what is Stuart and Rico doing, what has happened to Trevor and Shona, what next for Leah and is the Island putting children first yet? There is no new news out there so has everybody given up?