Yesterday (Friday 28th October 2011) saw the final Hearing of the Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Sub Panel investigating issues surrounding the Review of financial management of "operation Rectangle." (Jersey's Child Abuse Investigation).
The final witness giving evidence was Former Health Minister, and Senator, Stuart Syvret who brought up, what has become, a recurring theme during this Review and that is The (State) Media.
Just how is that a Senior Investigating Police Officer (Mick Gradwell) can be accused by the Home Affairs Minister, and witness(es) to the Scrutiny Review of leaking confidential police information, during a LIVE Child Abuse investigation, to a "journalist" with a history of supporting convicted paedophiles and NONE of Jersey's State Media think this is newsworthy or in the public interest? It's just not conceivable.
How can CTV win AN AWARD for little more than a cut and paste job of somebody else's work and without interviewing Lenny Harper? We must also remember that the Chief Executive Officer for Home Affairs has described how he felt "sick to the pit of his stomach" after watching a CTV Report on this Scrutiny Review and further described the Report as "Gibberish."
As a result of the evidence given to this Scrutiny Review by a number of witnesses Jersey's State Media MUST come under the spotlight and be scrutinised for their role in the Reporting (or not) of Jersey's Child Abuse atrocities. The role of the State Media MUST also be included in the forming of the Terms Of Reference for the up-coming Committee of Enquiry.
The opinions shared in this interview are those of the witness and not necessarily shared by VFC.
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