Once more VFC is able to bring its readers/viewers another, what we are told is, a world exclusive.
With the assistance of Former Senior Investigating Officer of the Jersey Child Abuse Investigation, and Former Deputy Chief Police Officer Mr. Lenny Harper, we are able to bring you exclusive video footage of arguably the world's most renowned Cadaver Dog "Eddie" not only working at the crime scene of the Former Jersey Children's Home, Haute de la Garenne, but alerting to the scent of human death.
Not a great deal of these Cadaver dogs work has been reported in the State Media, other than to discredit them, so we asked Mr. Harper to document for us just exactly what is happening in the video below, what does a Cadaver dog do? How significant to the investigation the dog was? What, if anything did he (the dog) find?The results, it has to be said were astounding. Mr. Harper agreed to our request and once again we thank him for his commitment to the truth and justice.
For viewers information "JAR/6" is the fragment of child's skull.
00.00.0 Getting ready. I was reluctant to let the dog inside as I did not feel that it would do much good. In truth, I was a little sceptical – I had not felt a favourable impression from the handler (Martin Grimes) at our initial meeting and I was dubious, although my opinion of his qualities and integrity was to markedly change as events unfolded. I began to realise as I worked closely with him over a period of months that what I originally took as arrogance was simply supreme confidence in the ability of his dogs in the face of jealous, empire protecting rivals who were not as professionally capable. Throughout the investigation, we subjected Martin and his dogs to many ‘verifying’ tests, from burying swabs in sand (which he always found no matter how large an area), to minute blood stains. The dogs never failed. Many of these tests were carried out in front of Jersey politicians and media, including Channel Television and Diane Simon of the JEP. Frank Walker and Andrew Lewis were only two of the politicians who witnessed the ability of the dogs in hugely impressive displays. Funny how they all forgot this when they jumped on the bandwagon which sought to ruin Martin Grime’s reputation. One of the most spectacular exercises occurred when one of the Anthropologists brought a vial of sand back that she had removed from the tomb of a mummy in Egypt. We put this vial on a beach, below the sand, and let Eddie off to look for it. The dog amazingly sought it out in a few minutes and gave us the reaction you will see in this video. To get back to the start of the video and my initial doubts, after a few days outside I had at least gained a grudging respect for Martin’s hard work and dedication. I still was not keen to extend the search inside the house with the dog; however, I reluctantly conceded that we should look at all our possibilities so that we could walk away and say that we had given it a good shot. You can see me standing looking less than confident.
00.00.45 The first indication that the dog (Eddie) is finding something amiss. His behaviour has changed, and is remarked on by the handler. He is initially reacting further down from where we were to eventually find the initial fragment, (which ILM and others still incorrectly claim to be definitively identified as coconut) and in the flow of the drainage from the area where it was found. To clarify, Eddie is trained to trace the scent of dead human flesh. He will react where this scent is found, not necessarily where it was originally located. His strongest reaction will normally be where that scent is strongest, which will usually be where the dead flesh has lain longest, but he will sense it in areas where the scent has been carried, for instance, by drains.
00.01.08 Eddie is starting to react strongly now. Although still some yards from the finding of JAR/6, he smells something which has been carried down in the drainage from the original source. We were later to find that the drain ran down from where we found JAR/6 and where the bones were found by the builders, who suspected that they were also the bones of juveniles. One of them identified a child’s pelvic bone from the internet. These bones were found with children’s’ shoes which were to be later the source of interesting conflicts between the evidence of the pathologists and the staff at the Jersey Museum.
00.01.50 The doors and wall where Eddie is reacting so strongly now lead into the room where the top wall adjoins the stair area where JAR/6 (the infamous initial fragment) was found. Note the change in the dog’s behaviour, and the strong indication from his that there is something to be investigated here. It is important to note at this point, that the dog is only telling us that the scent of human death is here. He is not telling us that there has been a murder; he is not telling us that this is the spot where a body has been buried. He is only telling us that the scent of human death is at this spot. He is saying, “There is something here for you to investigate.” It is worthy of note, that this is also next to the location where builders found the bones which they thought were human juveniles, and where they were told that if they found bones to let “bygones be bygones.”
00.02.25 Eddie is now at the doors leading to the stairwell where both JAR/6 and the “builders’ bones” were found. Note that he is reacting strongly. To corroborate Eddie’s reaction we used the most up to date geological equipment supplied to us by the British Army and the Metropolitan Police (more services obtained through the use of contacts and a hospitality budget!) for which we paid nothing. These surveys confirmed inconsistencies in the sub floor levels.
00.02.39 Eddie is telling us that there is something we need to investigate on the other side of the door and he wants through to indicate this to us.
00.02.58 Eddie is now reacting very strongly and indicating to us that the scent of dead human flesh is in this location. This is where we were to find JAR/6, which the establishment continue to say was only coconut, but cannot explain how Eddie reacted as he did, nor indeed, how the lab at Oxford found Collagen.
Collagen is not found in coconut or wood, it is only present in mammals, which would seem to destroy the claims of the Jersey establishment, aided and abetted by the Jersey Evening Post and Channel Television, that JAR/6 is coconut or wood. Again, it is worthy of recall, that the builders who found the bones at this location thought they were human, and that one of them actually identified a bone as that of a child’s pelvic bone from the internet. Additionally, the police officer who was called to the scene was also dubious of the bones’ origins, as was the female pathologist who attended. She “did not like” the situation and referred the matter to her boss who said the bones where not consistent with being human. However, an Anthropologist later stated that he was incorrect and the measurements he quoted were entirely consistent with the bones being children’s’ pelvic bones as identified by one of the builders. The Anthropologist further stated that the Pathologist was not qualified to make the statement that he had.
00.04.06 Now Eddie has just left the wall adjoining the stair area where he reacted earlier. The drains in the building run from those stairs, under the adjoining wall, and down the room where we are now standing. As the dog is trained to detect the scent of dead human flesh, he is now following the strong scent emanating from the other side of the wall and being carried in the drains under the floor of this room and down the room towards the corridor seen earlier in the video.
00.04.15 Note the dog’s return to the wall. This was almost the exact spot where JAR/6 was found. It is a few inches from where the builders found the bones which they thought were human and which they were told about, “Let bygones be bygones.” If this dog was a waste of money, then how did he lead us to this exact spot? How did he later, in the ‘live’ presence of Wendy Kinnard (the then Home Affairs Minister) and Graham Power (the then Chief Police Officer), lead us to the bones in the cellars which an Anthropologist in the United Kingdom said were “fleshed and fresh” when burnt and buried? It cannot be a co-incidence that this dog, trained to detect the scent of dead human flesh, reacted so strongly in an area where we were to find a fragment of substance initially identified by a professional, accomplished, Anthropologist, as a part of a child’s skull, and right beside the spot where builders found bones and children’s shoes which they thought were human bones. No amount of spin by Le Marquand and others can contradict this, and no amount of misinformation from Warcup and Gradwell can conceal this truth.
00.04.41 Eddie still on stairs, right above the location where JAR/6 was found. He comes down again to the exact spot.
00.05.20 Eddie still reacting strongly at the spot where JAR/6 was found.
This is the live video, filmed on a mobile phone as it happened. The film was made by the Homicide Search Advisor of the National Policing Improvement Agency, on his mobile phone. He was to later say that the way we had carried out the search of HDLG was a “shining example” and should be documented as an example of good practice. Where has this recommendation been lost in the mists? The reactions of the dog speak for themselves. Eddie is not telling us that murder was committed at HDLG. He is telling us that somewhere in the floor-space of the premises; the scent of human death has been present. He is telling us that there is something there for us to investigate. His findings have been corroborated by the finding of the bones and teeth, by the results of the surveys carried out by the most sophisticated of electronic geological equipment, and by the evidence of builders and former residents and victims of abuse in HDLG. This video totally contradicts the spin of Frank Walker, Andrew Lewis and Diane Simon of the Jersey Evening Post, all of whom were taken on a tour of the building and given a demonstration of the ability and capability of Eddie and his companion "Keela" the blood detection dog. All of them were aware of the true situation relating to the dog and the finds. All of them, for their own reasons, chose to ignore the truth and to peddle the myths of those seeking to discredit the victims of the horrific abuse within HDLG. They are now, in my opinion, exposed as craven cowards and not fit to lick those victims’ boots. As for Martin Grimes and the dogs that they have tried to discredit, they are now working full time for one of the best Law Enforcement Agencies in the world in the USA.(END)
We will publish some of the documented evidence concerning the finds of human remains in the comment section of this post.
WATCH: Ash Sarkar Turns Against Identity Politics
Former Corbo poster girl Ash Sarkar is going around promoting her new book:
“*Minority Rule: Adventures in the Culture War.*” *She’s popped up today on
12 hours ago
As mentioned in the main posting.
ReplyDeleteSome documented evidence.
JAR/30: 3-4; 1940s to 1980s. Two fragments of burnt bone one is fragment of longbone? Tibia. Submitted to University of Sheffield with KSH/158. Origin confirmed as human. Submitted for dating awaiting results.
JAR/33: 3-4; 1940s to 1980’s.
Calcined fragment of bone. ?human.
JAR/53: 183. Cellar 3 Dark char rich deposit equivalent to 169.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
5 fragments of calcined long bone ?human.
JAR/54: 183. Cellar 3 Dark char rich deposit equivalent to 169.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
4 fragments of calcined bone ?human.
JAR/55: 183. Cellar 3 Dark char rich deposit equivalent to 169.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
1 fragment of calcined bone ?human.
JAR/57:183. Cellar 3 Dark char rich deposit equivalent to 169.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
2 fragments of bone of unknown origin.
JAR/56: 183. Cellar 3 Dark char rich deposit equivalent to 169.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
1 fragment of bone ?human.
JAR/67: 183. Zone 3 East Cellar 3.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
Human Tooth: deciduous left maxillary first molar, age 9 yrs ± 3 yrs. Could have been shed naturally (Anthro exam).
Submitted to odontologist, see report.
JAR/69: 183. Zone 3 East Cellar 3.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
Fragments x 3 of possible human cortical bone.
JAR/61: 183 Zone 4 East Cellar 3.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
23 Fragments of bone:
1 Burnt fragment which closely resembles a human juvenile mastoid process.
2. Burnt fragment of ?human mandible.
3. Fragments of burnt long bone x 3 measuring between 11.3 and 16.3 mm.
4. Fragments of unidentified burnt cortical and trabecular bone x 7.
5. Fragment of slightly burnt long bone measuring 33 mm. The cortex of the
bone resembles human but it is quite thick and the trabeculae can not be seen because it requires cleaning. It appears to have been cut at one end.
6. Fragments of unburnt unidentified long bone. x 3 The appearance and texture of the cortex of the fragments appears more animal than human but it is advised that further examination should be undertaken in order to confirm this.
7. Fragments of unidentified long bone x 7. 5 have been burnt and 2 haven’t. Species
uncertain although two of the burnt fragments could possibly be human
JAR/90: 183 Cellar 3 Zone 3 East.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
Fragments of unidentified bone of unknown species. One which is calcined is possibly human bone.
Cellar 4 Context 169 (redeposited char material from fire elsewhere. Unsealed)
JAR/36: 169. Cellar 4 E. Charred material at southern end of Zone 4. Equivalent to 127.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
Fragment of bone ?human.
JAR/37: 169. Cellar 4 E. Charred material at southern end of Zone 4. Equivalent to 127.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
Fragment of burnt bone. ?human mastoid process
JAR/39: 169. Cellar 4 E. Charred material at southern end of Zone 4. Equivalent to 127.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
Fragment of burnt bone ?human.
JAR/40: 169. Cellar 4 E. Charred material at southern end of Zone 4. Equivalent to 127.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
Fragment of bone ?human.
GMK/18: 169. Cellar 4 E. Charred material at southern end of Zone 4. Equivalent to 127.
4 / 5: 1960s to present date.
Human tooth. Anthro exam – deciduous left maxillary lateral incisor. Age range 6 yrs ± 2yrs
ReplyDeleteAnother exclusive from a Jersey Blogger excellent work. We have left the Jersey Media in our wake. All the exclusives plus investigative work is found on the blogs. I will also be showing the utter sham that was Operation Blast over the coming weeks.
There’s been a few comments submitted that have been deemed not suitable for publication. These range from travel arrangements of the dog and owner to the dog sniffing out a backbone in Ian Gorst.
ReplyDeleteWe should remind readers that that there is a very real possibility that we could be talking about dead children here and would ask that readers bare this in mind before submitting a comment.
Can you please provide a link to a Police Press release specifically saying the 'find' did contain a measured amount of collagen because I cannot find one?
ReplyDelete“Very surprisingly, the sample yielded 1.6% collagen (our cut off for dating is 1%).”
ReplyDeleteLook also at the first comment on here, there is a large list of other juvenile remains. The child's skull wasn't the only human remains found.
A reader (possibly Jon?) says "Can you please provide a link to a Police Press release specifically saying the 'find' did contain a measured amount of collagen because I cannot find one?"
ReplyDelete1) There is no requirement for the police to provide blow-by-blow press releases in any investgation.
2) The SOJP website always has been very limited and often out of date in terms of its press releases
3) As we know, important press releases have previously been removed from the SOJP website.
4) The SOJP don't even have a press officer any more, do they? She went to work at the hospital
This needs re-opening as a murder investigation.
ReplyDeleteVFC, I have forwarded a link to this post to Sunday Times Magazine journalist David James Smith.
ReplyDeleteHis 2008 article (unfortunately now behind The Times' paywall) was one of the more balanced articles at the time. I recall Mr Harper saying a similar thing.
In the interests of finding out the truth, it would be encouraging if Mr Smith took a look at the story again.
Other burnt bone fragments were also recovered from the context within this area.
ReplyDeleteThe EVRD alert indications were confirmed by intrusive archaeological excavation and sieving. A significant number of bone fragments and teeth have been recovered which have been corroborated as human.
Predominantly the human remains have been recovered from cellars 3, 4 and 5 which historically were one large classroom.
Enquiries at this time are suggestive that the human remains were deposited in this area and covered with top soil in a deliberate act of concealment. The deposition could only have taken place during a period of time when the floor had been removed. Research into the historical renovation of the property suggests that the floor above cellars 3, 4 &5 was taken up in the late 60’s early 70’s.
Karl Harrison’s archaeological theory of the burnt debris including human bone fragments and teeth being deposited in the east wing cellars from the west wing is contained within this report. This theory is suggestive that the solid fuel furnace in operation in the west wing around the time of 1960 – 1970 may have been used to dispose of human remains.
Enquiries to date are showing that the original solid fuel central heating and hot water supply furnace in the west wing was replaced in the late 60’s early 70’s with oil fired furnaces. This may have coincided with the floor in cellars 3, 4 & 5 being removed. This would explain the deposition of the bone fragments and teeth with ash deposits as being the
waste from the furnace upon decommissioning. It would also suggest some element of ‘guilty knowledge’.
The tests clearly indicated the presence of human remains decomposition scent.
Remains identified by the resident forensic anthropologist Miss Julie Roberts as human, and items of interest to the enquiry, have been submitted for forensic analysis.
Forty eight human deciduous teeth have been recovered to date. Twenty six of which are presently in the UK being examined to identify the number of individuals from whom they originate.
Numerous bone fragments are being examined at Sheffield University for histology purposes.
The meticulous search of Haut De La Garenne has now been completed and the building handed over to Property Services. Evidence has been obtained to support the abuse enquiry and suggestive evidence that the remains of at least one child were present within the structure of the building.
A significant amount of human remains have been recovered that is suggestive of foul play in relation to the cause of death and guilty knowledge during deposition.
65 Human deciduous teeth
Numerous human bone fragments
It would appear at this stage that the remains were deposited into the area of cellars 3,4 &5 having been removed from a secondary deposition site in the west wing. They were then distributed evenly over the ground and covered with a layer of top soil so as to conceal the deposition from all but the most meticulous scrutiny.
For more "evidence" click HERE
How many politicians and 'people of influence' are now standing on the same manhole cover?
ReplyDeleteName and discuss.
When bodies or remains thereof are found buried inside buildings it's almost always a consequence of a deliberate attempt to hide a murder victim, or hide the body of someone who died in legally questionable circumstances. It's rarely indicitive of death though natural or accidental causes.
ReplyDeleteIn our culture it is neither normal nor common to bury a corpse inside your place of work or residence, and I have never read a history book of Jersey or the British Isles where the opposite has been claimed or shown to be the case. For that we have things called graveyards, which have been in use for centuries. And when graveyards weren't available, there were fields.
I believe it's important to mention history because certain people are on record as brushing off the care home remains as coming from the previous century. One only has to read the anthropologists' report to see remains were found on site which were estimated as dating from a period between 1940 and 1980. That is modern history, recent history, history within the lifetimes of many of the readers of this blog, for whom I now have a simple question;
How many of you are personally aware of a body buried inside a place of work or residence on this island?
I'm guessing not one of you.
Think about that.
Then think again the remains discovered at Haut de la Garenne.
ReplyDeleteI must read posting if I don't mind saying so myself.
Re: Katherine's comment at 18:47
ReplyDeleteThe only way the post 2008 behavior of the Jersey government makes sense is when seen as an attempt to cover up mysterious deaths of children. With that as a motive, their suspicious actions to avoid transparency and to prevent democratic checks and balances take on the appearance of a logical and deliberate method.
This sentence sums it up.
ReplyDelete"This would explain the deposition of the bone fragments and teeth with ash deposits as being the waste from the furnace upon decommissioning. It would also suggest some element of ‘guilty knowledge’.
Element of guilty knowledge, that's without mentioning the lime pits.
ReplyDeleteA reader says:
"VFC, I have forwarded a link to this post to Sunday Times Magazine journalist David James Smith.
His 2008 article (unfortunately now behind The Times' paywall) was one of the more balanced articles at the time. I recall Mr Harper saying a similar thing.
In the interests of finding out the truth, it would be encouraging if Mr Smith took a look at the story again."
I published the entire Sunday Times article in question, and it can still be read in its entirety on my blog in the entry of the 30th October 2008:
Maybe someone could do the link?
David James Smith Article
ReplyDeleteCredit where it's due vfc BBC have given this blog a good plugging today.
ReplyDeleteWhere and what happened with BBC, in reference to the comment at 15:15? Is there a link, or a listed time to listen again?
ReplyDeleteBBC has been running this as their headline story today and has interviewed former SIO Lenny Harper on the radio this morning. The interview should be up on TJW Blog site tonight and will put a link to it on here when published. They are interviewing Mr. Harper (via Skype) for their local T.V news tonight. Am holding judgment until I’ve seen tonight’s interview and when I have an explanation as to why I was “yet again” prevented from going on the radio this morning. The BBC has, in fairness offered me an interview both for radio and television but due to the death threats I’ve received, threats of physical violence and threats to harm my children I was unable to accept their offer.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the info on BBC. I have emailed their UK offices several times to inquire about biased or absent BBC Jersey coverage of important matters so I want to track this. As for these death threats, it is important to document and continually update the international associations of bloggers and independent journalists to place the world's eye on your protection. Keep safe and know you are supported.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your support.
Even though I occasionally come on here with a counter view which you sadly see as trolling. Death Threats against you and your blog are totally unacceptable and I say that because unlike other blogs you never insult or make insinuations against people which could be seen as even intimidating anybody. Do you interviews and let me deal with these to$$ers.
ReplyDeleteBBC TV feature:
ReplyDeleteJersey blog uploads sniffer dog video
That video footage braught back a lot of traumatic memories! Especially the scene with the dog at the bottom of what used to be the stairwell leading from the hallway/shower room to the boy's dorms!
ReplyDeleteHi VFC.
ReplyDeleteJust put up the audio of the interview with Mr Harper on the radio this morning.
You & your reader's can listen HERE
"due to the death threats I’ve received, threats of physical violence and threats to harm my children "
ReplyDeleteHow come death threats against anti child abuse bloggers and survivors of child abuse aren't investigated by the police (drawn lines under them) and yet the police can be made to dash round child abuse survivors houses at the drop of a hat without the police even seeing any evidence of any crime committed at all?
Who is Pete Drummond?
ReplyDelete“Who is Pete Drummond?”
ReplyDeleteAt a guess one would suspect Mr. Drummond is about as real as Mick Gradwell’s Tooth Fairy.
Should he be real then that’s equally disturbing as we are possibly talking about dead children.
The name Pete Drummond is connected to Radio 1. He was a broadcaster who new Chris Denning! We all know Chris denning was pulled in operation yewtree for sexually abusing boys aged between 9-16 years old from the 60's. He was jailed in 1988 he was jailed for sexual assaults. He also was friends with the notorious Jonathan King.
DeleteMaybe drummond was up to the same thing but not enough evidence. Seems strange he was close to Denning in the 60's?
the bones found were classified as ? human and sent for further analysis,
ReplyDeletewhat were the results ?do we know ?
No we don’t know the results. All we know is David Warcup closed the Child Abuse Investigation down leaving us with more QUESTIONS THAN ANSWERS
ReplyDeletePete Drummond
ReplyDeleteThe link doesn't work.
This review is from Robbie Garner’s book “Nobody Came”
ReplyDelete“Robbie Garner was taken into care in Jersey at the age of five following the catastrophic breakdown of his mother's dysfunctional relationship with her partner, his short life already blighted by callous maternal neglect.
With him to the Sacre Coeur orphanage went his three year old brother, Davie, while older brother John was dispatched to the Haut de la Garenne children's home, where Robbie was later to follow.
`Nobody Came' is the story of the horrific emotional, physical and sexual abuse Robbie experienced and witnessed in these two `care' establishments. He finally decided to tell the story he had kept buried for so many years when Haut de la Garenne hit the headlines in 2007 with allegations of decades of abuse. A disclaimer states that "in order to protect privacy, some names, identifying characteristics, dialogue and details have been changed . . . and the staff mentioned in this book are composite characters, drawn from the experiences of those whom the author remembers." No doubt this has also been necessary because of the ongoing investigation of historical abuse claims surrounding Haut de la Garenne, and the hope that perpetrators will eventually be brought to court.
Were the nuns of Sacre Coeur misguided religious zealots or manipulative abusers hiding behind the cloak of religion? The book simply tells the story of their barbaric cruelty and leaves the reader to wonder. But the sense of authenticity is enhanced by the young Robbie's sensitivity, even at such a tender age, to the occasional nun who appears troubled by the nature of the regime in which she too is trapped. One such is `Sister Claire', who to her eternal credit (composite character or not) finds ways to practise subversive acts of kindness.
On graduating to Haut de la Garenne, Robbie finds himself in a nightmarish world of casual brutality, where physical and sexual bullying is commonplace and where the depraved lusts of certain members of staff are given free rein in ritualistic orgies of abuse. Whether this extends to murder it is not possible to say, but there are unexplained disappearances, and one of Robbie's friends is driven to suicide. Robbie is acutely aware of the suffering of other boys (and in due course girls) and counts himself lucky that he is not pretty enough to become a `favourite'.
If Haut de la Garenne has a saving grace it is the quality of the food, so someone at least is doing the job they are paid for.
Happily, Robbie Garner has proved to be a survivor. His book too will survive. It adds a powerful and compelling voice to the ongoing pursuit of justice for Jersey's abuse victims.”
This is a must read book to try and even grasp the true extent of abuse that took place in HDLG and other care institutions in Jersey. I don’t for one minute think that children were deliberately murdered at HDLG but, I do think that children were accidentally killed there and in particular during sexual rituals (for want of a word) which would appear to have been a regular occurrence especially during the 60’s and 70’s. Can I be more explicit in what I am saying? Yes, but I don’t think VFC would appreciate such vile details on his blog.
" I do think that children were accidentally killed there and in particular during sexual rituals (for want of a word) which would appear to have been a regular occurrence especially during the 60’s and 70’s"
ReplyDeleteIt would not be too difficult to place all the pieces of the jigsaw together, to have a proper investigation with the people who have already given police statements to be allowed to give an account of their treatment, and to check the records to see who worked there and the social work records of the children who were there. If the victims were willing to waive anonymity there is no reason why this could not be done in public, as the Stafford hospital investigation was. Only best get someone other than Leigh Day and Co to do it, as they have blocked victims of abuse from giving evidence, therefore giving lie to their opening statement that "no stone would be left unturned".
Unlike some of the members of our government and judiciary this dog does not lie. It is highly trained and focussed on the job in hand, and knows exactly what is what.
ReplyDeleteProof if proof were needed.
Zoompad - records and Haut de la Garenne, and records of an awful lot that happened to children in care in Jersey seem to be very hard to come by. They either do not exist or are not 'wanted' to exist. Whichever way, a lot just ain't there.
"Zoompad - records and Haut de la Garenne, and records of an awful lot that happened to children in care in Jersey seem to be very hard to come by. They either do not exist or are not 'wanted' to exist. Whichever way, a lot just ain't there. "
ReplyDeleteRight then, they SHOULD exist. So what can be done is to go back and look at the people who were responsible for keeping those records safe. Now there have been no news reports of a big fire burning all the records, so we can rule that excuse for them not being there out, and we can also rule out them being lost, as electronic records didnt exist at that time. So if they are not there and they ought to be there then surely, again, that is a matter for the police to investigate, and I would hope that they would be just as keep to jump into action at this major data offence as they were when ten of them dashed round in a dawn raid to arrest Senator Stuart Syvret!
Occasionally the book 'Nobody Came' gets a mention.
ReplyDeleteI managed, immediately it was publicised, to obtain a copy of it and devoured it in one sitting.I dont mind admitting that i cried virtually the whole way through it owing to the graphic descriptions of violent treatment of children by uncaring adults.
Sadly, i became a little disillusioned as i read of his time at Haut de la Garenne and his description of the cellar area, as it was blatantly obvious that the writer had no idea of the layout of those cellars.
I have often wondered if the unidentified author was ever interviewed during the 'Rectangle'investigation.
Anonymous at 13 March 2012 13:36 said:
ReplyDelete"Occasionally the book 'Nobody Came' gets a mention......little disillusioned as i read of his time at Haut de la Garenne and his description of the cellar area, as it was blatantly obvious that the writer had no idea of the layout of those cellars."
The below as provided by Anon 13 March 2012 10:05 might explain:
A disclaimer states that "in order to protect privacy, some names, identifying characteristics, dialogue and details have been changed
Sorry for being totally off topic but I cant post this on the blog concerned because I wont be able to see the answer!
ReplyDeleteOn Stuarts blog it states 206 comments however I can only see up to 200. there used to be a newer/newest link but I cant see one. Can anyone point out where I should now be looking?
I have tried on internet explorer and firefox but on neither can i see a link anymore to comments past 200.
To the "private" commenter I have no objections, sounds like a good idea and thanks for your support.
ReplyDeleteFor the commenter struggling with the newer/newest comments on Stuart's site. Click onto the title of the Blog posting and scroll to the bottom.
ReplyDelete"For the commenter struggling with the newer/newest comments on Stuart's site. Click onto the title of the Blog posting and scroll to the bottom."
ReplyDeleteThanks very much. I dont recall ever having to click on the title first but thanks for explaining.
Re.....``If Haut de la Garenne has a saving grace it is the quality of the food, so someone at least is doing the job they are paid for''.
ReplyDeleteOh Yes they were and some, were doing a lot, lot more besides!
The sexual abuse that some of us expierenced at HdlG, was not soley restricted to male members of staff or, to those directly employed in a caring role.
A lot happened in the Kitchen or should I say, rooms adjacened to it, and it wasn't just cooking.
But yes, the food was very good!
A disclaimer states that "in order to protect privacy, some names, identifying characteristics, dialogue and details have been changed
ReplyDelete13 March 2012 16:24
Thank you. I am well aware of that statement,and I can understand that person wanting to protect their identity. No excuse though for giving a wildly inaccurate description of the cellars at HdlG
You know as well as I do that real experts - not a bulder using the internet - concluded that JAR6 was NOT human and almost certainly not even bone. You also know, because you have the report here on your site, that Eddie alerted to a tissue used to clean up after sex at a bunker at HDLG. So it is not true to claim, as Harper does, that he only reacts to cadaver odour. It's a gross oversimplification of the true facts.
To the commenter (above) who clearly hasn’t followed the story of the child’s skull. Your assumption that it almost certainly isn’t bone is that wide of the mark it could have been written by the State Media.
ReplyDeleteThe “evidence” clearly points to the item being the partial remains of a child’s skull containing 1.6% collagen (0nly found in mammals). The evidence also strongly suggests that the item (JAR/6) that left Jersey for further examination was not the same item that returned as Mr. Harper has explained on many of occasion including in a comment he left on an earlier posting (below)
“There should be no problem whatsoever with accounting for the movements and whereabouts of this fragment, JAR/6, at any time. Each time it moves from or to the police store it should be carefully logged. We found the item on 23rd February. It remained with us, until from memory, the 6th March when it was taken to the Carbon Dating Lab in Oxford. We logged it out. We logged it back in again on 8th April when our Anthropologist again examined it and noticed that its appearance had changed considerably, and she was now not so sure of her verdict, although she could not reach a definite conclusion. The item should have been in the presence of the Oxford lab throughout the time it was there but it seems, that in breach of the rules of evidence they 'passed it around.' They seem to have got themselves into a real tangle, first of all stating it was too old for finding collagen, then finding it, then saying it was too degraded to date. Somewhere in all of this, a lab technician made the throwaway comment that it looked like a piece of coconut. (Funny how it was an unqualified technician and none of the experts who had examined it closely) This is the origin of the "ILM coconut" theory and of course encouraged by Warcup and Gradwell, along with their other public declarations such as the cellars not being cellars but only three feet voids. The item JAR/6 came back to us without a log of its movements from Oxford. As soon as it returned then we commenced again logging its movements and it should be no problem whatsoever to account for it from there on. Lenny Harper” END
As for the “real experts” it appears this was “a lab technician” We, and former Deputy Bob Hill, tried to find out more about the “experts” but Home Affairs Minister Ian Le Marquand, was not at all forthcoming as demonstrated HERE.
The misinformation the commenter wishes to peddle about, possibly the world’s leading Cadaver Dog also needs addressing.
The fact is that in over 200 cases, it has been reported, he (Eddie), has NEVER given a false positive. The commenter has clearly not done any homework because if he/she had have done they would know that the dog that gave a reaction to the “tissue after sex” item was in fact a blood dog by the name of “Keela.”
"To the commenter (above) who clearly hasn’t followed the story of the child’s skull. Your assumption that it almost certainly isn’t bone is that wide of the mark it could have been written by the State Media."
ReplyDeleteOr more likely, States Member!!
It should also be said that the Blood Dog Keela had done her job. There were indeed traces of blood on the tissue.
ReplyDeleteThis brings up an important question. What do we know about the safeguarding of any of the evidence? Is it true that the concrete bath (which abuse witnesses accurately described before HDLG cellars were excavated) has somehow disappeared?
ReplyDeleteWell we know that David Warcup admitted to destroying evidence and yes the bath (which had traces of blood detected in/on it) has mysteriously disappeared. There is procedure in place to safeguard evidence but, as we have learnt, procedure and protocol counts for nothing in Jersey.
ReplyDeleteNot forgetting that according to Mick Gradwell the cellars at Haut de la Garenne disappeared but miraculously they REAPPEARED
ReplyDelete2nd page of comments on Stuarts Blog - for those having trouble.
ReplyDeleteIf you have the stomach for it then Paul Connollys 'Against all Odds' is a remarkable account of his life so far, and a childhood survived in a kids home run by pedophiles.
ReplyDeleteHi VFC,
ReplyDeletePlease could I explain to those having problems with getting to Stuarts comments over 200?
When Stuarts initial page comes up, click on comments, and another page appears with a red lettered heading at the top, click on the red lettered title and scroll right down to the bottom where comments numbers and newer/ newest is. Click on newest and you will then be on the latest page of comments over 200, and up to date.
Yes, it is a trial, but it does work, many thanks VFC
re 200 plus comments - just ask Stuart to put up a new blog, problem solved!
ReplyDeletedose anyone know what is going on with ian,s blogg what has happend to ian do the cops still have him is he ok
ReplyDeleteHopefully will be able to give some news on Ian this afternoon.
ReplyDeleteIt is anticipated the Ian will have a new Blog up today that will hopefully explain his situation.
Its awful to see a place where I was beaten and raped and tortured and almost left for dead as a little girl (in the building and underneath it). The memories are so painful. The flashbacks keep getting worse. I was a child and it wasn't my fault. This case is important to hopefully being the beginning of ending this kind of abuse. Kindness, honesty and justice for all survivors is so incredibly important.
ReplyDeleteI want to believe in justice but I find it hard to cope with the flashbacks that are overwhelming. Surviving ritual abuse is incredibly difficult.
ReplyDeleteA question please.....it's a privilege watching the police dogs at work funny but when I was illest a dog use to jump on my lap and hold me close as if trying to make me better....sounds silly doesn't it? I was thinking of Madelaine and wondered how the connection of a woman on her monthly period might effect the dogs ability to scent because a police dog worked through the apartment. I am a survivor of horrendous stuff myself given it was somehow given approval almost by others. Thank you for sharing with us.
ReplyDeleteA woman on her monthly cycle will not affect "Eddie's" ability to do his job. He is trained to detect Cadaver (dead bodies) not blood.
ReplyDeleteReblogged http://onlyinamericablogging.blogspot.com/2015/11/haute-de-la-garenne-place-of-evil.html