Tomorrow, Thursday the 20th September 2012 at 7pm will see the re-launch of Team Voice's live and interactive Blog TV broadcast.
After a summer recess the popular show will return with RICO SORDA discussing the hot topics of the moment on political issues covered by Bloggers (Jersey's only independent media) and topics covered by the State Media.
Some of these will include the watering down of Verita Terms Of Reference for the Committee of Enquiry into the decades of Child Abuse in Jersey, Super injunctions, Parliamentary Privilege, corrupt and politicised judicial systems, Democracy, The Rule of Law and last, but in no way least, the banning of U.S. author and journalist Lea McGrath Goodman, from the UK and Jersey after it became apparent she was researching the Child Abuse atrocities and related matters on the island.
Deputy Trevor Pitman has launched an e-petition in support of Ms. McGrath Goodman's quest to have her tier-1 visa restored and we ask our readers to sign, and just as importantly, share the petition which can be signed HERE
If you have an interest in any of these subjects or have a topic of your own you would like to bring then come and discuss it with us.
The live, and interactive, broadcast will be available HERE
WATCH: Ash Sarkar Turns Against Identity Politics
Former Corbo poster girl Ash Sarkar is going around promoting her new book:
“*Minority Rule: Adventures in the Culture War.*” *She’s popped up today on
12 hours ago
That is one great MLK quote, above. You have two powerful weapons in the fight for truth: People in Jersey who won't shut up about it, and people outside Jersey who won't shut up about it. That is why you will win.
Rico will no doubt (tomorrow night on Blog TV) be discussing the Attorney General's reluctance to re-open the case involving the seemingly "dodgy" conviction of Alan Norton and giving Mr. Norton the evidence needed to prove just how dodgy the conviction might have been............"Jersey Justice" not to be confused with "justice."
ReplyDeleteAnother shocking post by Aangirfan who has again featured the Jersey Bloggers.
ReplyDeleteHi VFC.
ReplyDeleteJust put up the Audio of the Interviews that happen today on the BBC Radio, with Mr Norton, his Lawyer & Mr Hemming MP.
You & your readers can Listen HERE
We, as much as we think we Know, just have not got a CLUE about the goings on of this Lovely Island!
What will come out NEXT?
We are considering the ancient murder of a child here just as the more recent multi- murder trial dealt with the murder of several children.
ReplyDeleteToday BBC gaga is discussing new UK rules for dealing with domestic violence and abuse.
Don't lose the central plot VFC.
ReplyDeleteI hope Trevor Pitman would not mind me bringing his comment over. It is relevant to topics you may be discussing on blog tv.
Watching the video of Channel news, even putting aside Senator Philip Bailhache's childish, snide and generally pathetic lies about me in the States last week (no doubt to distract from the latest example of his legendary incompetence)you still have to say it is somewhat ironic that Chief Minister Ian Gorst would send this man over to the UK to talk about 'cover ups'.
Just the Senator's willingness to tell downright lies to the Assembly in falsely and maliciously stating that some of the bogus Electoral Commission submissions I highlighted for him were anything to do with my faimly (please tell us who, Senator?)is likely mark enough of how desperate and out of his depth politically Mr. Bailhache is.
Yet has it really escaped Ian Gorst's notice that this is the same man who was so grossly incompetent, negligent or, to be fair, perhaps just plain stupid (you choose which one you think most likely) that whilst Attorney General he allowed the convicted paedophile Roger Holland to be sworn into the Hon. Police!
A decision, of course, which if my memory serves me led directly to more innocent young women being abused - young wormen who would otherwise have been safe. he should have resigned or at least been sacked.
A man who was, if my memory serves me (which I'm confident that it does) also revealed in the banned and suppressed Sharp Report to have been Chairman of the Victoria College Board of Governors when Jurat John Le Breton was writing that another paedophile, Andrew Jervis-Dykes (speciality plying young boys with alcohol on school boat trips then videoing himself sexually abusing them!) might not have 'a case to answer' at all.
The same Mr. Bailhache in fact who not only later claimed in truly pitiful fashion the excuse that back in those days it 'wasn't known' how dangerous paedophiles like Holland were; but also hijacked the Liberation Day speech to make his revolting speech belittling Haut de la Garenne set against the global media frenzy that surrounded it.
I ask - is this really the best you can do, Chief Minister?
And in the same breath you expect us all to believe that you are serious about support for an independent Committee of Inquiry into 'historic' child abuse?
Face facts, Senator Gorst, you are Chief Minister will all the powers that go with it. Yet it took me, a backbencher, to highlight the reality that you and your two predecessors in the role had done nothing to prevent individuals sitting amongst the ranks of Jurats who should not have been anywhere near a court - other than perhaps to appear before one for their appalling failings!
And yes, the further fact is isn't it, Chief Minister - and I know this because I put you on the spot - you still haven't even bothered to read the Sharp Report as I had advised you to.
To think...I actually voted for you to get the 'Top Job'. Can I ever forgive myself - even if the alternative was even worse?
Credit to Deputy Pitman for having the courage to speak his mind on this island.
ReplyDeleteAfter being (IMO) bullied by one Bailhache brother in the States the other day, and then Deputy Tadier being bullied (IMO) by the other Bailhache brother it takes courage to speak out against either of them.
How long will it be before Mr. Pitman gets the syvret treatment?
ReplyDeleteHe's already getting it isn't he? Seemingly fake letters in the JEP attacking him to name but one example.
ReplyDeleteYes he is, starting with the slow to fast boil PR campaign last night being a prime example.
ReplyDeleteEnding with a full monty police arrest and raid, as well as being sacked for undermining whatever the oligarchy want to tag on him.
It is better to have ten genuine submissions to Scrutiny submission panel than 290 which were false. The commission may be satisfied with this, as a member of the public I am not.
Lawyers of "STEAL!"
ReplyDeleteHere's to those Jersey bloggers who fight against injustice and indifference in the face of state retaliation. It is the public's passive acceptance of the banal evil around them which is your true enemy, in my humble foreign opinion. A favorite quote, by Antonio Gramsci:
ReplyDelete"I hate the indifferent. I believe that living means taking sides. Those who really live cannot help being a citizen and a partisan. Indifference and apathy are parasitism, perversion -- not life. That is why I hate the indifferent. Indifference is the deadweight of history. Indifference operates with great power on history. Indifference operates -- but it operates passively." ~ Antonio Gramsci
The Jersey Evening Post takes on John Hemming & THE JERSEY BLOGGERS :)
ReplyDeleteHi VFC.
ReplyDeleteGradwell on Radio Five Live last Friday morning.
You & your readers can Listen HERE
ReplyDeleteMore Interviews Bailhache & Leah Goodman HERE
Please tell me what did the Bailhache brothers say to Dep Pitman and Tadier. I missed it and would really like to know.
ReplyDeleteSome can be listened to HERE