
Monday 13 May 2013

Business As Usual/The Jersey Way.

After the Dean of Jersey, Bob Key, had his commission renewed by the Bishop of Winchester, Tim Dakin, the Dean was back in the island's parliament after a 7 week absence while his commission had been withdrawn.

Regular readers of this Blog Site and that of former Deputy BOB HILL's will be aware that the Dean's commission was withdrawn after the publication of "The Korris Report" which outlined numerous failings, of the Dean, concerning safeguarding issues involving an alleged victim of abuse (now known as "HG") at the hands of a church warden.

Some of the Dean's failings are listed here (from Korris Report).

Alleged victim "H.G."
Bob Key "R.K."

Page 9.

5 days later R.K responded from his deanofjersey work email account saying, “I have not been able to access my email for a few days so have only just found this”.This seems disingenuous as H.G. had not sent her email to that address. It implies that Dean R.K. had just discovered its contents whereas it is highly likely that he had already discussed it with other recipients, not least with Vicar

Page 23.

H.G. felt disbelieved and publicly humiliated. In reaction to her sense of getting no adequate response to any of the issues she raised she appealed to the higher authority of the Bishop, to Lambeth Palace, and to the media in the form of BBC Jersey, all to no effect. Following this she went on a much publicised offensive against any number of people connected to the Church.

Page 25.

Following this H.G. was arrested for breaking a harassment order, brought before the magistrate and as she had no money, was at that time of no fixed abode and appeared mentally distressed, she was remanded in custody.

Safeguarding Advisor J.F. records her concern at these extreme measures and worked at setting up care for her with the prison chaplain. She is shocked when on 11th October H.G. was bound over and summarily deported from the Island for three years and put on a plane with no-one to meet her, no planned accommodation and no money. J.F. wrote to Bishop Michael, “Whilst I don’t think this is our responsibility in that the court decision and action was not of our making, I do feel we have a basic responsibility, as we would have for anyone, to do all we can to ensure her wellbeing

Page 33.

There seems to be no spirit of willingness or inquiry in this matter. I found that some of the Island clergy had been actively discouraged by the Dean of Jersey from fully engaging with me and therefore complying with the Bishop’s request.

Page 37

However, as a result of the absence, or withholding, of records on Jersey and Dean R.K.’s resistance to co-operate with my requests, against the expressed desire of his Bishop, I have had to look more deeply into the possible reasons for this and comment upon whether there are disciplinary matters involved.

Page 37

The Church let H.G. down. Despite the difficulties of her background and disablement, and struggle with some everyday practicalities, H.G. was none-the-less in employment, pursuing hobbies, socializing and wanting to be accepted in the church community. Over the next three years H.G.’s life changed from having no history of being in trouble with the law, to having a police record and being a displaced person, homeless on the streets of the mainland.

Page 38.

Dean R.K. has not refuted H.G.’s description of their meeting. The only witness was Dean R.K.’s personal assistant who is his wife and she has refused to be interviewed for this Review.

Page 40.

Safeguarding Advisor J.F. described the annual training sessions on Safeguarding she had offered on Jersey over the past seven or eight years. She was not aware that the Dean of Jersey had attended at any time.(END)

Regular readers will be aware that church lobbyists, to include,former Bailiff, and now Senator Philip Bailhache, wrote to Bishop Dakin, not to support the victim ("HG") but to support the Dean. 

Senator Bailhache actually went one step further in his LETTER as he went on to label "HG" as the abuser where he wrote;
"it was clearly considered by all concerned that that order was in the best interests both of HG and those she had abused." Thus portraying the victim as the perpetrator, or "The Jersey Way" as it has become known.

So the Dean has had his commission renewed and was/is back in his seat at the island's parliament much to the delight of many States Members and to the huge delight of the Bailiff who is the (unelected) speaker of the parliament.

The Bailiff, Michael Birt, gave a rousing speech (below) in support of the Dean in appreciation of his return. This speech DID NOT acknowledge the victim "HG" and went on to receive rapturous applause, in the way of foot-stamping, by the vast majority of our politicians........But not by all.

Anti Child Abuse/corruption campaigner, Deputy Trevor Pitman, spoke in support of "HG" and nobody stamped their feet in support/appreciation of "HG" or Deputy Pitman although Deputy Montfort Tadier did add his support which was quickly shut down by the (unelected) Bailiff.

Constable Juliette Gallichan rose to her feet to proclaim "Deputy Pitman does not speak on behalf of me" So a politician (Deputy Trevor Pitman) gives support to an abuse victim and fellow politician (Juliette Gallichan) goes out of her way to distance herself from that support?

Long time readers might recall Constable Gallichan was the Chairman of the Privileges and Procedures Committee (PPC), back in 2010 when the then (illegally suspended) Chief Police Officer, Graham Power QPM, wrote a letter addressed to the "Chairman" of PPC which we published HERE. Constable Gallichan DID NOT share that letter with her committee and went on to reply to the Chief Police Officer HERE again without sharing it with PPC Members. Mr. Power QPM was (illegally?") suspended while his Police Force was involved in the biggest Child Abuse investigation ("Operation Rectangle") the island has ever seen. He was looking for support from PPC..............He never got any.

What the (edited) video below demonstrates to us is that despite "Operation Rectangle", despite the Jimmy Savile (who allegedly abused in Jersey) atrocities and despite all the blustering of "we have learnt lessons" the truth is, in the Jersey Parliament, no lessons have been learnt. Abuse Victims/Survivors get next to NO recognition/support yet those who fail them appear to be hailed as heroes........... Business as usual in Jersey..........The Jersey Way.

Credit, and thanks, to TJW for this recording.


  1. The sound of mad cows stampeding!

  2. This is so very sad and really highlights the brain dead fools who stamped their feet.

  3. The people stomping their feet are an embarrassment to the island and do not represent me. The same goes for the Bailiff.

  4. Thanks for a very good post VFC.

    What does all of this show? Basically that apart from a few of us government has learnt nothing since Haut de la Garenne. The attitude to victims is still one of 'couldn't care a less'.

    I was deeply embarrassed by the footstomping and the whole tone of Establishment party triumphalism. It is in fact pretty lonely being a politician in this States who actually cares about the things that are morally right.

    1. It's as though HDLG and Savile never happened. The States Chamber is still in the mentality of the 50's and 60's which sends out a very negative impression of the island. The next time somebody wants to accuse a politician of slurring Jersey's image, they should ask themselves were they one of the foot-stampers?

  5. I found the foot stomping embarrassing as well. These people, the Baliff and the Dean do not speak for me.

  6. I found the foot stomping disgusting.. Are those States members from a different planet.?

    1. Just as worrying is that the UNELECTED Bailiff is the person who tells the ELECTED politicians what they can, and can't ask in the States, what personal statements they can, or can't make. Yet he can say whatever he likes and answers to nobody.

      It was sickening having to listen to his speech in support of the Dean while at the same time totally ignoring the abuse victim HG. It was equally sickening when an ELECTED politician attempted to support the victim and gets told "we are not talking about that."

  7. The footstomping was unbelievably sickening, Constable Gallichan's comment was actually incredibly vile, especially from a woman who I assume has children or family, but obviously no compassion for those with health issues.

    ...and I did actually miss this part of Bailhache's letter when I read it which shows Jersey and its Establishment in all its true and gory colours - shocking.

    'Senator Bailhache actually went one step further in his LETTER as he went on to label "HG" as the abuser where he wrote;
    "it was clearly considered by all concerned that that order was in the best interests both of HG and those she had abused." Thus portraying the victim as the perpetrator, or "The Jersey Way" as it has become known'.

    This is the pattern that has followed the child abuse victims throughout their fight for justice and recognition. Lessons have not been learned and quite frankly may they all rot in the hell of their own making.

  8. As a woman Constable Gallichan should be ashamed of herself. Deputy Pitman is to be applauded - the States is a lonely place for those with integrity.

    As a survivor of HDLG I feel deeply for HG. The foot stamping for the Dean seems like they were stamping on the feelings of that brave abused woman. Sickening!

  9. It may be that this high level entitlement to dismiss their obligation to moral justice is repeated everywhere in the world, but Jersey leaders seem oblivious to discretion and practical wisdom, at the very least. Their words and behaviour are being permanently archived on the internet, thanks especially to TheJerseyWay Blog, and will be repeated to shame them endlessly as the child abuse cover-up explodes again, and as compassion leads more to question the inhumanity of tax evasion. The treatment of this C of E victim offers, as many have said, a striking parallel to other Jersey disregard of the vulnerable. An island of 90,000 can be dissected all too easily, too easily condemned by evidence the leaders have gleefully footstamped into the catalogue at the library of global human failings.

  10. Important posting and comments, here. Lorna's and Gee Gees words bear repeating. Both are so right. The States must indeed be a lonely place for those with integrity.


  11. I didn't find the foot stomping disgusting, I actually found it rather threatening. It was as if the Powers at Be wanted to intimidate and cower those who opposed them. It was ugly and menacing. I firmly believe that Jersey is sleepwalking into dictatorship. I fear for my Island

  12. Metaphorically after listening to the states debate today with the discrimination discussion with mention of the well used ''boat in the morning'' retort, things dont change HG may not have got the retort she got the full monty treatment, shipped out and dumped.

    1. HG was dragged through Jersey's politicised and corrupt judicial system in order to shut her up and eliminate the problem (IMO). There are many questions that need answering concerning that court case and Former Deputy Bob Hill has asked (alleged) Chief Minister Ian Gorst to put in place some kind of investigation. Ian Gorst hasn't even acknowledged the e-mail.

  13. If the Dean had of cooperated perhaps the police do hold evidence re the warden which may have supported HG claims. which in turn could of allowed the case to be handled fairly

    1. Agreed But neither the Dean, nor his wife, would cooperate with Korris, according to the Report.

      "Page 33.

      There seems to be no spirit of willingness or inquiry in this matter. I found that some of the Island clergy had been actively discouraged by the Dean of Jersey from fully engaging with me and therefore complying with the Bishop’s request.

      Page 37

      However, as a result of the absence, or withholding, of records on Jersey and Dean R.K.’s resistance to co-operate with my requests, against the expressed desire of his Bishop, I have had to look more deeply into the possible reasons for this and comment upon whether there are disciplinary matters involved.

      Page 38.

      Dean R.K. has not refuted H.G.’s description of their meeting. The only witness was Dean R.K.’s personal assistant who is his wife and she has refused to be interviewed for this Review."

      And the Jersey government applaud the Dean while refusing to acknowledge support for the victim. #TheJerseyWay

  14. Readers are encouraged to look at Bob Hill's very informative Blog HERE

  15. Could you post the part where it was known about the warden behaviour

    1. "E.Y.’s behaviour towards women had been a matter of concern at St for some time with comments about it coming from various sources. In a telephone call to the Safeguarding Advisor J.F. in December 2008 the Dean R.K. says that E.Y. had been spoken to about the fact he is too tactile, stands too close to women, touches too much/inappropriately.3 His manner was deemed to be inappropriate to such an extent that he was chaperoned within the church when in close proximity to women. This was an informal but explicit policy of the parish and at interview the Dean of Jersey acknowledged that it was known to him."

      Thanks to Peter Ould for the link HERE

  16. If the last Sitting displayed the worst of the Jersey Establishment then today wasn't much better. 'Malicious' and 'fictitious'. What a nice way for our great Senator to refer to a member of the public who is demonstrably genuine in his concerns.

    1. Senator Bailhache does have a habit of personally insulting States Members and members of the public with complete impunity. It sounds like he is now calling you, and the fellow plane traveller (member of the public) "liars."

      The Korris Report did not name the abuse victim, nor the abuser, yet Senator Bailhache says that's what he was reading..................Somebody's lying.

  17. Re Senator Bailhache - there will be a reckoning at the ballot box!

  18. A reckoning at the ballot box?!

    How? The Misled Masses, spoonfed their beliefs by the State Media, will have no idea and will still vote for who they're told to vote for!

  19. Martin.

    As much as I may empathise with your frustration, I can't publish your comment in fear of it being construed as inciting violence. People taking to the streets in peaceful protest could make a difference.

  20. vfc
    that,s a fair comment,but people taking to the streets just will not happen not in any great number,s

  21. Can someone remind me again what purpose this church and dean believe they have in Christiandom?

  22. Jersey has has offered a wide range of training on safeguarding for the past ten years as well as the training the church has provided why has the Dean not taken advantage of it.

  23. This piece of Audio should be the first piece of evidence given to a Committee of Enquiry. Nothing has changed. It shows the culture we live in.

  24. So the Bishop has given the Dean permission to resume his "duties as head of the Anglican Church" in Jersey. We are supposed to be "relieved" about that! What exactly are those duties? Failing to support a vulnerable abused parishioner and supporting her abuser by default? Where is the Christianity in that?

  25. The Jurat that turned a blind eye to the child abuse eventually resigned. The Dean who its said actively discouraged the Island clergy from engaging with the safeguarding advisor whilst resisting to cooperate himself. These two get treated like Messiahs by States of Jersey and establishment members whenever the subject is discussed or questioned in the States.

    1. Hence the title of the Blog Posting. Nothing has changed since the Haut de la Garenne days and children/vulnerable adults are not safe in Jersey.........................."Business As Usual/The Jersey Way.

  26. Disgusting, but normal for Jersey. How many lives of decent people will be ruined by 'The Jersey Way' one has to wonder?
