
Wednesday 9 September 2020

JEP Editorials. Compare and Contrast (2)

Back in August 2009 while Jersey's biggest Child Abuse Investigation (Operation Rectangle) was still live, Bloggers were publishing the evidence and facts that the Old Media (formerly known as MSM) was trying to bury.

We (Bloggers) were being trashed by the Old Media, discredited at any given opportunity, in a desperate attempt by the Old Media to churn out the Party Line and bury the truth. Survivors/campaigners/whistleblowers and the cops, (particularly SIO/DCOLenny Harper) were all either silenced or ridiculed by the Old Media, pedophiles, pedophile protectors and supporters of the regime.

Back then (August 2009) Jersey's only newspaper, The Jersey Evening Post, published an Editorial attempting to ridicule Bloggers/Citizen's Journalists and hold onto the immense power it had back then (but was rapidly losing).

We published that editorial HERE where we asked readers to "Compare and Contrast" the opinions of the JEP Editorial and that of a (then) senior journalist working for another Old Media outlet. Readers should read that link in order to grasp how far things have come, how wrong the JEP was and how it is because of the JEP (and all island Old Media) that Bloggers became so trusted and were proven right and totally vindicated whether it be by SENIOR POLITICIANS, Former SENIOR POLICE OFFICER(S) or the Jersey Independent Care Inquiry ITSELF. Even former Attorney General/Bailiff WILLIAM BAILHACHE (through gritted teeth) HAD to vindicate former SIO/DCO Lenny Harper.

We, on this Blog, have (rightly) exposed the JEP for its (shall we say) "failings" over the years, and indeed we've exposed the rest of the Old Media as well. But I digress, regular readers will know that we try to be as fair and balanced as we can be on this Blog and like to give credit where it is due.

In 2014 Andy Sibcy took over the editorship of the newspaper and we have repeatedly given him, and the paper, credit where it has been due and we are pleased to say that has been more often than not. He gained a lot of our respect when he came to the Jersey Independent Care Inquiry to sit alongside BLOGGERS to discuss the role of New and Old Media. It should be noted he didn't have to attend and ITV/CTV as well as The BBC didn't have the courage to come and defend their (indefensible) reporting, and non reporting, of the Child Abuse cover up(s).

We found that Sibcy was humble, at the IJCI hearing, approachable and willing to take onboard constructive criticism/feedback as readers will see by clicking on the above link. The paper (since Sibcy took over) has (in our opinion) become almost unrecognisable since the bad old days. That's not to say that it now practices any kind of investigative journalism, or such like, but you are now seeing articles/opinions published that would never have seen the light of day pre-Sibcy.

In this Blog Posting we want readers to compare and contrast the JEP's opinion from today's EDITORIAL and that of 2009.

Before we do that we need to give readers some context behind today's editorial.

Deputy Mike Higgins

Yesterday, (8th September 2020) in the States (parliament) sitting, Deputy Mike Higgins asked two questions of the children's Minister, Senator Sam Mezec concerning possible criminality within the Children's Services, certainly underhanded, and dangerous tactics allegedly employed by them and it appears the Minister is more inclined to protect the system than he is to hold it to account and protect its users/clients.

Video of the questions and "answers" (sic) can be viewed HERE and HERE. It should be noted that not one other politician had a single question to ask on the back of Deputy Higgins' question. That should put fear into anybody who thinks politicians (other than Higgins) are looking after Children's best interests, or protecting them in any way.

Former Health Minister, and whistleblower, Stuart Syvret

Deputy Higgins, just like Stuart Syvret (and others) before him is going up against the establishment trying to be a voice for the voiceless, trying to root out any wrongdoing and rot, before we have another Child Abuse atrocity on our hands because of Ministers protecting their Department/staff instead of protecting those who are allegedly being abused/failed by it/them.

Regular readers will know that whistleblowers, in the States (like Stuart Syvret) were always portrayed as troublemakers or conspiracy theorists and we thought after the Survivors/whistleblowers/cops and Bloggers were all vindicated by the IJCI that this would end. Well we know it hasn't, as demonstrated by Current Home Affairs Minister LEN NORMAN who tried to portray Deputy Mike Higgins as a troublemaker/conspiracy theorist just as others did before him to (vindicated) Stuart Syvret.

So, finally on to the compare and contrast of the JEP editorials.


THE proposal that the States should be televised live on the internet should remind us that, as time
marches on, the media of mass communication evolve. A certain amount of hoo-hah over who should be allowed to video Scrutiny panel hearings also reminds us that a new breed of media person is abroad – or would like to be abroad.
Citizen journalists, as they call themselves, believe that they should share the same rights of access as
more traditional media such as newspaper reporters and TV or radio broadcasters.
In itself that sounds like a reasonable idea and a potential enhancement of democracy. The new kids on the block, however, must realise that if they want privileges they must play by the rules – and that involves signing up to codes of conduct and refraining from defaming everyone who is framed in the view finder or splashed all over a blog.
Until that sort of agreement can be negotiated and finalised, citizen journalists are about as welcome as citizen brain surgeons, citizen airline pilots or, indeed, citizen bricklayers."


"THE Independent Jersey Care Inquiry evidenced beyond doubt that  victims and those who were in desperate need of support did not trust government departments which were supposed to provide it. There was also distrust on the other side of the fence – a reluctance to believe people who said that they were abused by those in positions of authority and responsibility.

As a consequence, marginalised Islanders turned to anti-establishment politicians and bloggers outside of the mainstream who they trusted. They became their champions and ensured the spotlight shone on things that others wanted to ignore or forget.

Long-serving backbencher Deputy Mike Higgins was one of those who used his position in the States to give voice to victims who felt unable or were unwilling to seek redress through more official channels – or who simply were not listened to.

In the wake of the inquiry report there were promises of action and better funding, of putting children first and taking steps to make sure mistakes were not repeated. And yet still there are stories of failings, of case-loads which make providing a good service impossible, of mistakes and cover-ups.

And still those fighting against the system turn to people like Deputy Higgins.

There will, no doubt, be people reading today’s front-page and issuing a sigh – irked by or not interested in what the St Helier Member has to say in his questioning of the Children’s Minister.

But to dismiss the allegations would be to demonstrate that the lessons of the past have not been learned.

Assertions of anything from abuse to malpractice and incompetence must, of course, be tested in appropriate ways, as not all allegations will be fair or true, but it is critical that people with grievances and complaints are empowered to speak out, to blow the whistle and to be heard.

In her opening remarks summarising the panels’ findings, chairwoman of the Independent Care Inquiry Frances Oldham QC quoted the 2008 words of the Howard League for Penal Reform after it reviewed Jersey’s youth justice system. She said: ‘Powerful interlocking networks may exclude and disempower those outside of the groups and make it hard for those outside of those networks, who have genuine concerns, to raise them or make complaints in an effective way. This is likely to be particularly true of deprived, disadvantaged and powerless children.’ The powerful networks of today might be different to those of the past, but they remain and there is still a gulf between them and the powerless. It is through that lens that we should read Deputy Higgins’s comments.

Editor: Andy Sibcy" (END)

It is clear that the JEP has learned some lessons from the past. It's editorial today is not attempting to silence or ridicule the whistleblower, (Deputy Mike Higgins) it is (rightly) telling us to listen to him before the "mistakes" of the past are repeated.

The editorial appears to acknowledge its own (and all island Old Media) mistakes of the past when it concedes that trying to cover up the truth will only push people towards those who/were are telling it (Bloggers)

Quote JEP:

"As a consequence, marginalised Islanders turned to anti-establishment politicians and bloggers outside of the mainstream who they trusted. They became their champions and ensured the spotlight shone on things that others wanted to ignore or forget."

A line I wrote from the 2009 EDITORIAL:

"Citizens Media is here and it is here to stay, get used to it Shipley, you helped create it/us."    

So credit where credit is due. The JEP (evidenced by the two editorials) has come a long way since 2009. Unfortunately The BBC and ITV/CTV remain where they always were, untrusted, unreliable and completely silent (as far as we are aware) on the concerns raised by Deputy Higgins in the States yesterday. It was the (Old) Media's silence that helped the cover-up(s)...........History (in some cases) repeating itself.


  1. VFC, you say this: -

    “So credit where credit is due. The JEP (evidenced by the two editorials) has come a long way since 2009.”

    I’m afraid you are mistaken. Absolutely nothing in that JEP editorial shows the JEP to have evolved - in any civilised sense.

    On the contrary - all it shows is that the effective economic owners of the JEP (whoever they may be; if the fake “public-inquiry” hadn’t been a criminal enterprise in-and-of-itself, we would know, because they would have been subpoened and questioned) have learnt the lesson of how insupportably undisguised, crass, overt and self-sabotagingly unsubtle their conduct was when they were making no secret of shielding rapists, child-abusers and bent judges.

    Today, they’re pressing exactly the same buttons, working the same subliminal prejudices, trying the same Stockholm- Syndrome-methodology upon the powerless - and committing the same - glaring - omissions - as they always have.

    Never imagine the JEP to be a ‘friend’.

    To anyone who disagrees - remember this stark fact: -

    There are - multi-victim - Savilesque - child-torturing - child-pimping - child-raping - psychopaths - walking free - on Jersey - right now.

    And but for the collusions and conspiracies of the JEP and its effective economic owners - those foul maniacs would now be in prison for the rest of their lives.

    There is no-way-back for the JEP - and its owners. It’s over.

    Stuart Syvret
    Investigative journalist, international anti-mafia activist.

  2. But Higgins is tearing into Mezec. Of course they will publish it.

    1. You could be onto something.

  3. I agree with Stuart. Nothing at the JEP has changed or is ever likely too.

    As for the comment that Higgins is tearing in to lightweight pretend progressive Mezec, come on! Higgins has always stood up just like Syvret, Trevor and Shona Pitman, Bob Hill and Wimberley did. Mezec is now part of the problem for change. He just hasn't got the gonads.

    Before anyone starts seriously imagining that they see real change at thee JEP I think they should wait for the apology to Graham Power, Lenny Harper, Stuart and both of the Pitmans who the paper evidently hates so much they have effectively tried to write right out of history.

    leopards don't change their spots. Pay attention to what Stuart says.

    1. People want action not words. If there are paedophile rapists walking around then stop talking about it and do something.

    2. We did.

      The response of the Jersey establishment?

      Put his best friend and long-time protector in charge of co-ordinating evidence production to the make-believe 'public inquiry'.

    3. This 'make believe' Inquiry was attended by some 400 witnesses including me.
      And I do not know anybody apart from 1 single person who refused to go under cross examination that has slagged it off.

    4. I'm afraid if you think only 1 person refused you attend, you really haven't been paying attention. If the Jersey public inquiry was so good, why didn't it subpoena all of the many missing witnesses, of which Syvret was only 1? For example, how can any credible public inquiry have failed to question the man who was Chief Executive of Health & Social Services, Mike Pollard? That's just staggering. Pollard was the civil servant in charge of the Department, and it is a matter of public record that he wrote a lying letter to all departmental staff, falsely claiming 'all was well' in Children's Services, and threatening any member of staff who said otherwise.

      On the basis of failing to question Pollard alone, the Jersey public inquiry is obviously a lawless exercise with zero credibility.

    5. I could not agree more with this comment. The Jersey Child Abuse Inquiry failed to demand the attendance of former Chief Executive Mike Pollard as a witness. It's entire credibility vanished in that moment.

      Pollard is still around, I saw him down at Ouaisne last summer. He has no credibility. He could and should have demanded to give evidence.

  4. That simply isn't true. Stuart went on the record on many occasions naming many of these people. Violent, child battering thugs, corrupt civil-servants who covered up for them, rapists and, in particular a notorious repeat child rapist.

    All of that information has been expunged by the Jersey mafia. Even to the extent they took to themselves, against centuries pf British parliamentary tradition and democratic freedom, the power to edit Hansard.

  5. 'So you blame the JEP for child pimps and rapists walking around'

    Yes. I certainly do. And so does everyone who understands the situation.

  6. When did SS present his evidence to the Police?

  7. On many occasions.

    From November 2007 - on through much of 2008.

    That is the key motivation the mafia had for illegally suspending the Police Chief Graham Power.

    Under Mr Power's leadership, the Police were investigating all of my formal criminal complaints. Those statements included formal statements of criminal complaint about ALL of the criminals - not only the actual child-abusers.

    That was a catastrophic situation for the Jersey oligarchy.

    Their response was to mount a criminal coup against the Police leadership, so as to sabotage and stop those investigations taking place.

    Sure enough - within weeks, the 'Gold Group' the conspirator David Warcup put in place actually included - this is so extraordinary as to be without precedent in any example of Police corruption in the West - individuals who were actually already subject to very serious formal criminal complaints which the Police were supposed to be investigating.

    The JEP can continue to omit such devastating facts from its "coverage" for as long as it pleases. It fools its Jersey audience.

    But it isn't fooling the law-enforcement agencies of a number of other countries.

    It's actually quite remarkable - how an entire, vast, endlessly-enriching transnational mafia turf - with literally generations of that oh-so-important "invisibility" that mafia-syndicates cherish so much - got thrown down the crapper for a handful of perverts and their psychopathic protectors.


    The City of London and Jersey Mobs should have watched the film Casino. Its the perfect allegory for The-Jersey-Situation.

    A vastly profitable mafia operation, being run in Las Vegas, at arm's length by the Chicago Mob. A couple of their psycho thugs went maverick on the ground in LA, and jeopardised the entire operation. So they were 'removed' from the scene.

    But the City of London Mob didn't possess that basic competence. Had they done so, the handful of child-molesters, rapists and their functional-psychopath protectors on Jersey would have been shown the door by late 2007.

    Instead, the transnational mafia syndicates running Jersey complacently chose to align their fortunes with the likes of Jimmy Savile - and similar unspeakable scum.

    And - just-like-that - the "invisibility" of the City/Jersey mafia rackets - vanished!


    And can never be regained.

    Now - the people who matter see Jersey - very clearly - for just what it is. Their gaze is upon the island for evermore.

    Stuart Syvret
    Investigative journalist, international anti-mafia activist.

  8. I am done with this.
    But this Team has it's merits and it should carry on pressurising all the powers in the States to implement the Care Inquiries recommendations. Carry on liaising with the excellent Children's commissioner and keep open dialogue with her. Work with Cheyenne with her excellent work in safeguarding children online and above all, teach children to be aware of the evil that lurks out there.

  9. What does anyone expect when we have just seen a Bailiff disregard clear and obvious conflicting financial interests to allow politicians who are landlords sit on a debate about properly regulating the area? Former politicians such as Trevor Pitman and Stuart Syvret have warned us about Bailiffs for so long and only the few of us have listened. The Old Media cartainly haven't. Is it poor old Deputy Higgins who yet again will now have to take up the fight? Just how does this loan light in the political darkness keep going?

    1. Perhaps one could put the very same analogy to why ALL twelve Constables are allowed to vote on whether the Constables should be allowed to remain as States members to sit and vote in the States chamber on subjects that they are also closely linked too. My own personal believe is that the Constables should be allowed to SIT in the chamber to represent each of their respective Parishes but they should NOT be allowed to vote and they should most definitely NOT be receiving an income for that privilege courtesy of the taxpayer.

    2. I agree about the Constables. Their own parish should pay them for their work so freeing up money to have a decent increase in States members. On the issue of the Constable of St John have you asked him for an interview about his allegedly ramming an off duty policeman acting as a marshall? Maybe the Constable should even write his own blog about the incident? While I'm here and mentioning blogs have you got any idea if Trevor is ever likely to get back on the blog scene? His blogs were great and I was so pleased when he came back.

    3. Connetables should be OUT of the States. End of. No brainer. As to Trevor Pitman coming back to blog doesn't seem likely. Hasn't blogged since before Xmas has he. A loss true but what can you do?

  10. Excuse me asking this question but I am quite new to this. Is it correct that the States are currently examing the Jersey Way, as the care inquiry suggested should be done? I can't find anything so wondered if I am missing a scrutiny review hiding under another name? Thank you.

  11. Interesting question Anonymous. I doubt there is anyone anywhere who could break down exactly what the Jersey Way stands for, apart from the fact that it does not have many (if any) good facets to it. We all seem to know, but probably find it so incredulous we can't put it into words! It may be a useful exercise if people noted their thoughts on here if VFC were agreeable.

  12. There is a phrase, globally known, which explains 'The-Jersey-Way', and which is similarly used by opponents and proponents of the rule-of-law.

    That phrase is "Cosa Nostra" - "Our Thing".

    "The-Jersey-Way" is the Jersey Mafia's equivalent of the Sicily Mob's "Our-Thing".

    And both sides - good - and bad - understand exactly what the words mean.

    Stuart Syvret
    Investigative journalist, historian, international anti-mafia activist.

    1. Mr Syvret, you made a very dramatic statement in these comments on 10/11. This was what you wrote,

      'Their response was to mount a criminal coup against the Police leadership, so as to sabotage and stop those investigations taking place.

      Sure enough - within weeks, the 'Gold Group' the conspirator David Warcup put in place actually included - this is so extraordinary as to be without precedent in any example of Police corruption in the West - individuals who were actually already subject to very serious formal criminal complaints which the Police were supposed to be investigating.'

      You clearly have an understanding of the gravity of that claim, even if your area people don't. Neutral question, can you evidence your claim?

    2. "Can I evidence" my claim?


      I have it in writing - from the Jersey police force.

      Stuart Syvret
      Investigative journalist, historian, international anti-mafia activist.

    3. Thank you for replying Mr Syvret.

      Have you or any other person published that evidence? If affirmative, where may it be read?

      If not yet published, would you do so?

      Perhaps the host of this blog might be interested?

    4. No, it has not yet been published.

      It is going to be in the fullness of time.

      The letter from what passes for a "police force" on Jersey is very notable - not only for the fact it confesses the involvement in the "Gold Group" of profoundly conflicted individuals - including individuals subject to formal criminal complaint and representatives of conflicted Jersey government departments - but also because of the number of distortions, out-right lies, and deeply serious omissions it contains.

      In-and-of-itself - this one letter has demonstrated to external, disinterested, but expert observers that the States of Jersey Police Force became wholly captured by the mafia-syndicates post November 2008, and the illegal suspension of good Police Chief Graham Power.

      For example, the mere fact I wrote the number of detailed questions to them on the 25th July 2011 - and the response from the Jersey Police was sent to me - eventually - on 2nd February 2012.

      That's over six months later.

      This during a period when I required the disclosures urgently because of the Stalinistic political suppressive show-trials I was being subjected to by directly and fatally conflicted individuals such as the Bailhache brothers, Michael Birt and Tim Le Cocq.

      As others have observed to me, after reading the correspondence, 'Six months? , they and their legal advisers were besides themselves with panic, and unable to answer so many pertinent questions. We can see that simply from the lies in the eventual reply.'

      One may very well indeed, ask why the evidence in question was not disclosed by the Jersey Police Force to the "public-inquiry" - and why the fake "public-inquiry" did not demand its disclosure?

      Stuart Syvret
      Investigative journalist, historian, international anti-mafia activist.

    5. Stuart why hold onto evidence for over 8 years when the saying used to be 'get it out there' ?

  13. Got the paedo teacher for sentencing tomorrow. Let me guess. 2 years?

  14. Replies
    1. Indeed an excellent Blog from Trevor. As ever - honest, to the point and to be digested fully.

    2. I would like to know whose side Team Voice and Trevor Pitman is on after reading that.
      Reform Jersey have had a lot to deal with lately and some parts of that blog could have been written by the Oligarchy the way Trevor spits at them.

    3. The attacks against Russell Labey are uncalled for as well. He worked like the clappers to push for reform in the Spring. It's not his fault the lousy Constables vetoed it.

    4. I read this blog and thought it very thought provoking. Pitman hardly spat at Reform Jersey either did he. Pointed out how in his words leftish politicians will always work hard for their constituents. The key point I took was how he felt, quite rightly in my opinion, that the likes of Reform and others we could have hoped to be of a progressive bent were just going through the motions. Just what has Russell Labey done at PPC to push, push, push the reforms we need so badly? Very little. Labey even supports keeping the Bailiff as we know. Is it any wonder he does not take reform by the throat. Trevor Pitman was also quite right to flag up Labey trying to restore secrecy to the election of ministers. Even the Old Boys network before the Pitmans left politics accepted that just had to go.

    5. The real question is as to why Labey and his PPC are still sitting on the changes the CPA observers highlighted more than two years ago? I also don't think Trevor said anything out of order about anyone. But I do think a committee meant to champion reforms to the States needs someone committed to such an ideal or it will go nowhere. You have talked of a cosy club in the States and I think you are dead right.

  15. Good to see Trevor back online with an excellent blog.

  16. Mezec will either quit or be pushed by Xmas.

    1. I don't see why? He hasn't upset any of his chums in Le Fondre's COM after all.

    2. He's not delivered anything on Housing and comments elsewhere suggests a similar story for his Children's Ministerial position. All words no action.

  17. Deputy Mike Higgins should be Children's Minister. Mezec is too weak for the role.

    1. Mike Higgins is an establishment tool - he has to be some sort of PR genius to have you lot thinking he uses all of his powers to bring corruption to account.

      You have all been hoodwinked as to who he acts in the interests of - he may ask your questions , he may hold your hand , but at the end of the day he will never exercise his legislative powers in teh way which would be the legislative intent of any reasonable person.

  18. Higgins is actually the only one of the current crop with a past record making him worthy of suc a role. On a different note the States debate today must be an all-time low as crocs of shite go? Listening to some of the reactionaries trying to thwart good people from not being able to stand just because they weren't born in a yokel Constable's hallowed borough makes me want to vomit. As to why anyone would think that people born here in the island should lose our qualification to stand just because we might have gone off to work elsewhere for a while or maybe even Uni WTF? I predict this will still be lost which will be disgusting.

  19. Trying to follow the debate on Deputy Tadier's proposition yesterday and today. Missed a bit having to go out. Just heard Deputy Higgins going on about getting something wrong. Does anyone know what he was talking about? Also thought the speech by Constable Car Rammer of St John was appalling.

    1. The hypocrisy continues with Constable Car Rammer. It's like Jimmy Saville trying to raise the age of consent.

  20. Well the Deputy Mike Higgins intro speech to his digital property register this afternoon was better than anything Mezec could ever muster.

  21. Jersey Reform Day 1769-2020 exclusive interview with Tom Gruchy.
