
Monday 10 May 2021

Dark Secrets of a Trillion Dollar Island:Garenne (VFC)


In continuation of our Dark Secrets of a Trillion Dollar Island:Garenne series where we are interviewing participants of the documentary which can be viewed on BBC iplayer HERE. VFC was interviewed by Jill and George from ONRECORD after they had viewed the documentary and were appalled and astounded at what has, and is still able to, go on in Jersey.

As a result of the documentary being broadcast VFC has been contacted by a great number of people, and not least by Survivors, who have shared their story with us and some for the very first time. A huge thank you to those who made contact and were able to show the trust in VFC by sharing some horrific experiences they endured as a child and continue to endure as adults.

We have also been contacted by a number of YouTubers/Podcasters and asked for interviews to which we have agreed to a couple and will look to publish on this Blog at a later date. We have also been contacted by a number of people across the UK (as a direct result of the documentary) offering us, not only practical support, but also financial support to help carry on our vital work doing what the MSM (Old Media) should have done in the first place and should be doing now. We have politely declined any financial support but have made some very supportive and influential allies that we are keen to work with in the future. So watch this space.......................................

The interview (below) has been published in two parts and covers almost everything people need to know how the how cover-up was able (and still able) to happen.

A big thank you to George and Jill for inviting VFC for an interview and for taking an interest in the ongoing "Jersey Situation."

Part one of this series (interview with former Senior Investigating Officer Lenny Harper) can be viewed HERE.

Part two (interview with former, possibly illegally suspended, Chief Police Officer, Graham Power QPM) can be viewed HERE.


  1. Hi Neil,

    Great Interview.

    Two doggies and a flobber


  2. Watched the first half yesterday, and just finished the second now. The admiration that the two interviewers have for you is so, so, so deserved and endorsed x 1,000 in my head and heart. You ARE a brave man Neil. Trying to open peoples half closed and blinkered minds which the Jersey Way does not encourage them to open wide. This should be shown far and (world) wide, to enlighten people just how corrupt and powerful money is. More than people's health, lives, well-being and the care of children. I can empathise with how you feel very, very much.

    Please do not allow it to ruin your health though. You are a good man with a lovely family and that is where your wealth is.

    'Nuff said before my tears flow!

  3. See they have found the remains of 215 children at a school in Canada.

  4. Just watching the documentary on Arte here in Germany. I'm crying. The injustice. The focus on business as usual. The focus on reputation and avoiding scandal at all costs and the lack of respect or care for powerless children.

  5. I have never known a documentary about Jersey be forgotten about so quickly. Mentioned in the news for around 2 days and then not a murmur since. It is like the Hospital story is more important than child abuse.

  6. Keep on your good work! My greatest respect. Watched it on ARTE in Germany!
