Below are the top ten most hit VFC Blog Postings of 2015.
In tenth place ITV/CTV To be Banned from Reporting at Child Abuse Inquiry?

Trevor Pitman
In ninth place Jersey Child Abuse Inquiry Witness. (Trevor Pitman)

Shona Pitman.
In eighth place Former Jersey Opposition Politician and "The Jersey Way."

Mario Lundy.
In seventh place Mario Lundy Named by Jersey Child Abuse Inquiry.

Child Abuse Inquiry.
In sixth place Jersey Child Abuse Inquiry Carries On “The Jersey Way.”
Stuart Syvret.
In fifth place. Mario Lundy, and Stuart Syvret, at Jersey Child Abuse Inquiry.

Ted Heath.
In fourth place Ted Heath Might Be "The Headline" But He Is NOT The Story.

William Bailhache.
In third place. Jersey Child Abuse Inquiry and William Bailhache.

Child Abuse Inquiry.
In second place. Jersey Child Abuse Inquiry Adopts "The Jersey Way."
Andrew Lewis
In first place. Complaint To PPC (2)
VFC readership continues to grow with in excess of 45,000 more hits this year than the last. Last year's hits were up by 30,000 to the previous year.
Thank you to all those who support the Blog and Merry Christmas.
RIP. Danny Jarman.
Team Voice.
Top Ten 2014 can be viewed HERE.
Top Ten 2013 can be viewed HERE.