We have interviewed/Blogged about Advocate Sinel extensively over the years mainly concerning his speaking out over the Child Abuse cover-ups/corruption and (un)constitutional matters. We have reported on such topics as his submission to the CARSWELL REVIEW, the constant persecution he believes he has been a victim of from The Powers That Be where he told us in a Press Release:
"OVER THE YEARS THERE HAVE BEEN NUMEROUS ATTACKS ON MY REPUTATION AND LIVELIHOOD, ALL BROUGHT AT THE EXPENSE OF THE TAX PAYER. MY ESTIMATE OF THE COST TO THE TAX PAYER IS WELL OVER £1 MILLION." HERE.He went on to tell us, in an exclusive interview, when we asked him: "why he believes those in his profession who are, shall we say, "unhappy" with the Jersey Judicial system are not speaking out publicly?" he replies""they do not wish to join me in the dock." "They know what's going to happen if they start poking their heads above the parapet" HERE.
Advocate Sinel has been an avid supporter of Child Abuse Survivors over here, has worked Pro-Bono for a number of them, has helped, and continues to help, (pro-bono) a number of us who are victims of "The Jersey Way." His submission to the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry can, and should, be read HERE.
Book cover
So hopefully this short introduction to Advocate Sinel will give our new/international readers an insight into who the man is. A straight talking fearless advocate for the underdog. But here's the thing. After knowing him for all these years, I don't know what he does for a living! I know he is an Advocate, who (I think) sues banks for corporations and private clients. For obvious ethical/legal/professional reasons he's never discussed a case with me so I've no idea what his job entails. That's where his recently published book "RESTITUTION AND HOW TO OBTAIN IT" comes in and the video interview below.
book back cover
When I heard that the book had now been published I thought it would be a great opportunity to find out exactly what it is he does for a living! It would also give me the chance, in a very small way, to help him plug the book in thanks for all the work he has done (and continues to do) supporting Victims/Survivors, not only of Child Abuse, but of the corrupt Jersey so-called "JUSTICE" SYSTEM."
We hope the short video interview below will be informative to readers/viewers and might encourage you to buy a copy of the book which is available on Amazon HERE.
Advocate Sinel also took part, and appeared in, the highly acclaimed, documentary "Dark Secrets of a Trillion Dollar Island:garenne" which is still available on BBC iplayer HERE. We hope, as part of our series on the documentary, he will give us an interview on that in the not too distant future.........................................................
Part six of our "Dark Secrets of a "Trillion Dollar Island:Garenne"series, is former Senior Investigating Officer (SIO) and Deputy Chief Officer (DCO) Lenny Harper being interviewed by Jill and George of ONRECORD. This is a MUST WATCH interview showing Mr. Harper at his most relaxed, and watching the reactions of Jill and George as he discusses THE JERSEY SITUATION is just priceless.
One of the most difficult parts of telling people about what goes on in Jersey, how it's run, who runs it, etc is getting them to believe what you're saying. For a section of Jersey people the absolute lunacy is pretty much the norm, it's what makes Jersey "special," or they are not aware (because the media doesn't tell them) just exactly what IS/HAS gone/going on. It's not until you explain it to those who are from off-island and not familiar with THE JERSEY WAY that you see (as in the interview below) just how bonkers/corrupt and almost unbelievable it is.
Mr. Harper talks extensively about the vast amount of firearms/ammunition on the island, how he tried to bring the out of control gun ownership under some kind of control, and what/who he was up against. As mentioned in the interview below, and in Mr. Harper's own AFFIDAVIT, he is/was not just talking about the odd dodgy handgun. Listed in his Affidavit, among other weapons confiscated were an RPG7 Rocket Launcher which was later found to have only "a minor fault." A SEACAT Missile Launcher and much, much more. To include (from Mr. Harper's Affidavit):
"One man applied for a firearm and ammunition for the purpose of ‘pest control.’ The firearm in question is classified as for the purpose of hunting large game such as elk.
Another family in an outlying parish were known to have twenty high powered and semi automatic weapons in a cellar on their property. They also had thousands of rounds of ammunition. When visited by SOJ Police officers they were also found to have six months supply of tinned food and bottled water. They said they were waiting for word from God. The Connetable refused to revoke the certificate.
One man whom we had found had built up an arsenal of weapons was first granted a certificate in 1985. In 1992 he was convicted of Possessing a Prohibited weapon, supplying controlled drugs and other crimes. In 1993 he tried to purchase a shotgun whilst prohibited by the law. In 1995 intelligence was received that he was supplying controlled drugs. In 1996 he applied for and was granted a new firearms certificate by the Connetable. In 2006 he held the following weapons:
1 x.30 semi automatic carbine*
2 x 7.62 semi automatic rifles*
1 x7.62 bolt action rifle
1 x .303 bolt action rifle
1 x 5.56 semi automatic rifle* – as used the British Army
5 x.357 Magnum handguns
2 x 9x21 self loading pistol
1 x9x19 semi automatic carbine* - similar to that used by the Police
1 xPump action shotgun
2 xSemi automatic shotguns*
1 x.50 revolver **; and
1 x.50 rifle **
183,000 rounds of ammunition for the above weapons"
VFC tried to make the public aware of of Mr. Harper's Affidavit, through BBC State Radio, but the BBC didn't want to add any balance to its propaganda, and kept the facts hidden from its listener(s) as we reported on HERE. Regular readers will know that the BBC has form in keeping the public ignorant and only telling ONE SIDE of a story and leaving it for Bloggers to tell the OTHER SIDE.
Of course the interview below doesn't just talk of the gun culture and how Parish Constables rule the roost when it comes to issuing gun licences and the like. Further discussed is the honorary system, corrupt cops, good cops, the notorious Attorney General's office, the child's skull that was unearthed at Haut de la Garenne. How he was proud of the Jersey Police Force, all but a few bad apples, and how he was able to start rooting out police corruption only using local officers to investigate. But then he had to deal with the corrupt Attorney General's Office and corrupt politicians!
The difficulties, obstructions, he (and his team) faced, from The Powers That be, when Operation Rectangle became public where he dared to investigate Jersey's Dirty secret(s) involving decades of covered up Child Abuse. How he was able to gain the trust and confidence of Abuse Survivors where close to 200 of them came forward in the hope that their abusers would finally be brought to justice. Again the Attorney General's Office got in the way and after Mr. Harper had retired, Graham Power was (possibly illegally) suspended, a handful of SHOW TRIALS was all we/Survivors got. Out of 121 living suspects 8 of them were charged and only 7 convicted.
Former Bailiff William Bailhache
Also discussed, briefly in the interview, was the vindication by former Bailiff, and former Attorney General, William Bailhache, of Mr. Harper and his police investigation into the decades of concealed Child Abuse. The vindication was made by Mr. Bailhache as part of his retirement SPEECH in the States. The same speech where he attacked the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry and seemingly carried out a VENDETTA on behalf of his brother, Philip Bailhache, who too was Attorney General and Bailiff. Both Bailhache Brothers have QUESTIONS to answer where it comes to their actions/inactions surrounding the investigations (or not) into non-recent Child Abuse in the island. Philip Bailhache has been an outspoken critic of the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry and attempted to get its crucial work Halted. If ever there were two people hiding in plain sight it is they.
Mr. Harper also gives the excellent work carried out by Cadaver dog Eddie and blood dog Keela a mention. He RIGHTLY gives them the full credit they deserve. Both dogs were deployed at Haut de la Garenne and the State Media, and The Powers That Be, did all they could to discredit these amazing animals when both dogs alerted to blood and cadaver up at the home. Their credentials can be witnessed HERE and Eddie alerting to cadaver at Haute de la Garenne HERE. After Keela alerted to blood on the bath at Haut de la Garenne, the entire bath disappeared, under the watch of disgraced former SIO Mick (the leak) Gradwell.
This is possibly the most in-depth, frank, revealing, and relaxed interview Mr. Harper has ever given and full credit must go to George and Jill for making him feel so at ease and giving him the time/space to tell his story. We recommend readers to subscribe to their YOUTUBE CHANNEL where there are many interesting interviews and more interviews to come relating to "The Jersey Situation" and the Dark Secrets of a Trillion Dollar Island:Garenne documentary........................................
Part one of this series (VFC interview with former SIO Lenny Harper) can be viewed HERE.
Part two of this series (VFC interview with Graham Power QPM) can be viewed Here.
Part three of this series (Jill and George interview VFC) can be viewed HERE.
Part four of this series (Jill and George interview award winning author, and investigative journalist, Leah McGrath Goodman) and be viewed HERE.
Part five of of this series (Jill and George interview former (possibly illegally suspended) Chief Police Graham Power QPM) can be viewed HERE.
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[image: http://news.images.itv.com/image/file/641433/stream_img.jpg]
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