On Wednesday the 17 of August 2011 Deputy Trevor Pitman was interviewed live in the studio of the AWARD WINNING CTV. The subject of the interview was supposed to be about the Deputy's Scrutiny Sub Panel Review into the BDO/Alto audit Report of the expenditure during the "Historic" Child Abuse Enquiry.
However the reporting by CTV has not only infuriated survivors of the Child Abuse in Jersey, and others, but has "sickened" none other than the Chief Executive Officer of Home Affairs Mr. Steven Austin Vautier. He told the Scrutiny Panel that after watching the particular broadcast on Wednesday the 17th he was "sick to the pit of his stomach" he said that parts of what CTV reported was "Tosh" and "Dribble". This is a view shared by many people concerning, not only CTV's reporting of anything to do with the Historic Child Abuse but by the entire "accredited" media in Jersey.
The interview with Deputy Trevor Pitman below will give viewers an idea of what has been said "under oath" by witnesses at some of these hearings. Just as importantly it will give viewers an idea on what the "accredited" media HAVEN'T been reporting.
Here are a few headlines that, in any functioning Democracy with a free press, could have reported.
"Former SIO accused of leaking confidential information to journalist during live Child Abuse investigation".
"Former Assistant Health Minister accused of leaking confidential police e-mails to journalist during live Child Abuse Investigation".
"Former Acting Chief Police Officer denies preventing BDO/Alto from interviewing Lenny Harper".
"More than half the money spent on Child Abuse Enquiry was spent during Warcup and Gradwell's watch". (who didn't have a major crime scene on their hands).
Interestingly Mr. Austin Vautier claimed that CTV offered him a "right of reply", he told CTV that he would use that right of reply when he next gave evidence to the Scrutiny Panel, and guess what? CTV, nor any of the "accredited" media turned up to that particular hearing.............Coincidence?
Is there any wonder that people smell a Rat?
Part two coming soon..............
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