In part two of this in-depth and exclusive interview, Senator Sarah Ferguson, with VFC, discusses the topics of mainstream media, Bloggers, Blogs, Investigative journalism (or lack of), Jersey's only "News"paper "The Jersey Evening Post", BBC (local and worldwide) and much more.
We discuss how modern day "journalism", for whatever reason, could be described as "cut and paste" journalism that is made up of Press Releases and soundbites and that the superior "investigative" journalism is coming from those of us Bloggers who stick to the "facts" and the "evidence."
Speaking of "soundbites" readers/viewers might take note that, (as in the vast majority of our interviews) the "interviewee", in this case Senator Ferguson, is "relaxed" she is not thinking, (like she might with the "accredited" media") "I'd better talk in soundbites, they might only use 30 seconds of the interview." This is a service that is offered by Bloggers, and not by the MSM, we are able to get the interviewee to talk "naturally" as they know we can offer (to an extent) unlimited "air-time." They (interviewees) have the opportunity to give a more in-depth and insightful answer to any questions in the knowledge it won't be edited into a 30 second soundbite.
Speaking of "facts" and "evidence" Team Voice, almost exclusively deal in nothing else.
The significance of this interview should not be underestimated. Jersey politicians are, in some cases reluctantly, coming to the realisation that there is an alternative to the monopolised local MSM and they are starting to engage with it.
Blogs and Bloggers are starting to gain credibility in Jersey and from possibly the most unlikely of sources, in this case, Senator Ferguson, and that can only be a good thing, not just for Bloggers but for members of the public who want an alternative ("fact based") to what they get from the MSM.
This two part interview has been published in its entirety with NOTHING edited out so can only be a true reflection of the Senator's words and she could not be misrepresented or misquoted.
Out of all the interviews we (Team Voice) have conducted, we've NEVER been accused by the interviewee of mis-representing them, editing anything out to suit our own agenda, and we do all that we can to put up all interviews in their entirety..........Can any of the same be said for the "accredited" media?
Blogging in Jersey is coming of age while the "accredited" media are dying of old age and complacency.
Senator Sarah Ferguson Has just published her Scrutiny Panel’s Report into the purchasing (or not as it turned out) of “Lime Grove.” Naturally the “accredited” media have wasted little time in telling the public as much as they (“accredited” media) think the public should know.
As is so often the case, in particular the Jersey Evening Post, have published an article on this Report/Review, which does not give their readers a true, or accurate, picture of just how complex, wide ranging and beyond the remit of Scrutiny that this subject had become.
The Senator explains to us how she believes the JEP "journalist" didn't even read the full Scrutiny Report and how their readers have formed an opinion based on the JEP's own opinion with little regard to the facts.
Although Senator Ferguson gave the "AWARD WINNING" Channel Television a 25 minute interview, they chose only to broadcast a 30 second soundbite and was not entirely representative of the interview given.
We (Team Voice) are pleased to bring our viewers an in-depth interview with Senator Ferguson, where she tells us much the same as she told the "accredited" media, which never got to see the light of day.
In this part one, of a two part interview, we discuss how the Scrutiny Review was much more than "buying a building." We talk of gagging orders, contracts, the way the States treat their employees, natural justice and much more.
In part two (coming soon) we discuss the "accredited" media and Bloggers.
In conjunction with Rico Sorda's latest posting on VFP we thought it might be helpful to publish just a few short video clips that will give our viewers, new and old, an idea as to what our local "accredited" media have, and haven't been reporting.
The local "accredited" media, as these short video's should demonstrate, are probably more in the business of "opinion management" than they are in the business of reporting "news" and keeping their public informed of the TRUE facts.
Former Chief Police Officer Graham Power QPM believes "Bloggers are about to come more influential"..........Is there any wonder after watching these videos?
In Part two of this exclusive and in-depth interview with the Chairman of Home Affairs Scrutiny Sub-Panel, Deputy Trevor Pitman, we discuss the “Mind Boggling” bill sent by BDO/Alto to the Home Affairs Department for having to give evidence to the Panel.
We discuss the possibility as to whether this could be seen as a form of intimidation. We believe it is unprecedented that a Scrutiny Panel has been presented with a bill from witness(es) that could indeed be subpoenaed to attend. BDO/Alto, according to Deputy Pitman, even sent in a bill for a letter they wrote trying to get the Deputy off the Panel!
Deputy Pitman, tells us in this interview, that he believes “Scrutiny is finished”, a view shared by many and it certainly would be finished if the bill of £14,000 gets paid to BDO/Alto, who have already been paid £64,000 of Tax Payers money for a Report, that many believe, was a complete waste of time………..And money.
Not only do a number of people believe it was a waste of time and Tax Payers money, but according to David Warcup, had the potential of undermining the Wiltshire Review that was going on simultaneously. It also, according to Mr. Warcup, had the potential of being perceived as a personal attack on Lenny Harper.
The JEP, and other “accredited” media, certainly tried to use it as an attack on Lenny Harper with their misleading Headlines and selective reporting on “The Lavish Lifestyle of Lenny Harper” something the Report actually bares little resemblance to.
If BDO/Alto get paid this £14,000 then Scrutiny will be finished in no time (if it’s not already). Scrutiny will not have the budget to scrutinize anything if they have to pay witnesses astronomical amounts of money for turning up to give evidence. Deputy Pitman has vowed not to pay them a penny.
In 2009 “Team Voice” published THIS BLOG POSTING. As a response to a letter published in Jersey’s ONLY “News”paper (below) we feel the need to publish the video and transcript of Abuse Survivor Carrie Modral once more.
We are doing this in the hope that people like Mrs. Astrid Kisch, and others, might gain a little more understanding of Child Abuse and its destruction of people’s lives. Not only the lives of the Victims but also that of their families, loved one’s partners etc.
The Abuse victims/survivors never asked for any of this, yet they continue to be abused, by the ignorance of people like Mrs Kisch, the "accredited" media, the Law Offices and the majority of our government.
Below is the letter, or part of, that was published in the Jersey Evening Post. Below that is the statement which was read out by Miss Modral in September 2009.
Why do we have to give our money? From Astrid Kisch
"I AM puzzled. The alleged perpetrators of the care home discipline of those days have been convicted, so the revenge part has been dealt with and the wrongs righted-at great expense to the taxpayer. The care leavers have grown up and made their lives a long time ago. Now, I understand, they are asking for 'compensation' by which I assume they mean money.
Question: Why do other people i.e.the taxpayers,have to give them money and for what purpose?"
Villa Martinique, Chemin du Moulin, St. Ouen. (END)
Transcript of Carrie Modral’s Press Statement.
Due to the sensitivity of these matters and the confidentiality of the enquiries that might still be on-going this Press Conference will be restricted to the reading of a statement only by Carrie Modral
No questions will be taken.
The Press are requested to respect the privacy of the Care Leavers in these very difficult circumstances where so much information has already been published with regard to these extraordinary investigations.
However, in the public interest, we also seek the cooperation of the media in Jersey in presenting these concerns from the people most affected, namely the victims and survivors of child abuse at the several Jersey institutions and care homes and ask that you present our statement in full.
Thank you.
"For the past 2 years or so the people of Jersey have lived with the horrors of the unfolding story of Haut de la Garenne and related matters. We, on the other hand, the so called “victims of historic child abuse” have lived with the horrors for decades.
We are a group of people only because we all share a similar dreadful experience. We were all innocent children but we are as different from one another as any other people in society. We all had our own individual characters, ambitions and abilities.
Some of us have survived our experience better than others. Some have found happiness with our own families but some have found personal relationships impossible to achieve. Others sadly have succumbed to despair. But, we were all damaged in some way as a result of the abuse that we suffered whilst in the care of the States of Jersey.
When the States of Jersey Police announced 2 years ago that investigations were being commenced into child abuse allegations at various care homes, we responded with some reluctance to the call to come forward with our testimonies.
Many of us have tried to make complaints to officials about our abuse in the past, but have not been believed or have been further humiliated or worse. To re-live the experiences of our childhood abuse, even amongst family and friends, is an extremely stressful experience and it is not something that we undertake with any enthusiasm.
Nevertheless, we were given every assurance by Lenny Harper and his Police team that our experiences would be treated seriously and would be properly investigated and so far as we are aware, the investigations by Lenny Harper and his team were carried out with care and sympathetically.
We had no reason at all to believe that the Jersey Police were not managing our cases in a professional manner. We were at all times kept informed of the progress of our individual cases and we were led to believe that those who had abused us would be prosecuted where ever possible. We had no complaints about our treatment by the States of Jersey Police whilst Lenny Harper was in charge of the investigations.
However, since Lenny Harper retired, we have found that the States of Jersey Police have consistently failed to communicate directly with us, or to keep us informed of progress on our individual cases or the investigation in general.
On the contrary, we have repeatedly discovered through the media that the standards of Police conduct are hotly disputed; that there are allegations of incompetence and malpractice and such information has not been the result of casual rumour, but the deliberate outpourings of the most Senior Police Officers themselves. And most of us have learned, by the same means that more and more cases have been abandoned and that now, only one or two prosecutions only might yet be initiated, but we do not know which these might be, if any. There have only been three cases taken to Court to date, all of which came back with a guilty verdict and all as a result of the work carried out by Lenny Harper and his team.
During the past 2 years we have had the most private and painful details of our lives broadcast world-wide. These details have been discussed, analysed, argued and fought over, in public, by police officers, politicians, lawyers, journalists and every Tom, Dick or Harry. Our emotions have been mangled. Our dignity stripped bare and our reputations and motivations called into question.
We did not and do not deserve such treatment.
During the past two weeks the public of Jersey has been exposed to a barrage of information via the Jersey media from, and interviews with, retiring police officer Gradwell which has totally rubbished the credibility of the entire investigation carried out by Lenny Harper and his team. In addition, the public have been told that the enormous expenditure is not justified.
All this has taken place in an Island where the Chief of Police is suspended from duty for reasons which have not been made public and our Political and Judicial heads seem to take every opportunity to discredit us, our complaints or the manner in which these have been dealt with. Yet, nobody made any official attempt to prior warn us that these things were likely to happen or that our cases might have been handled with such incompetence. Nobody has offered us even the hint of an apology that such things have been allowed to happen. They should all hang their heads in shame.
Once again, we who were abused as children and at every turn when we sought help have been treated with contempt by the Jersey Police and other island authorities. We have been humiliated yet again and are now presented in the public mind as the cause of many problems whereas we are, in fact the totally innocent victims.
Now, the investigation is in disarray. But our lives are more damaged than they were 2 years ago because we have dared to trust in the Jersey Judicial system and to cooperate with the Jersey Police, we are being abused all over again.
We are reluctant to offer any public statement on these matters because every word that is uttered only adds to our grief and the discontent among our families and friends. We are also aware that enquiries still continue and we do not want to say anything that could harm these cases.
But we want the public of Jersey to understand that we did not wish for any of these things to happen. We have only sought to achieve justice for the wrongs committed against us when we were children whist in the care of the States of Jersey and we have been let down very, very badly, all over again.
May God forgive you."
Carrie Modral (END)
Let us hope that the courage shown by Carrie Modral and other Abuse Survivors, by speaking out, will educate the ignorant.
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[image: http://news.images.itv.com/image/file/641433/stream_img.jpg]
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