Political pressure group Time 4 Change are to hold a rally in the Royal Square tomorrow Saturday 19th June 2010 at midday.
Co founders of Time 4 Change Deputy Montford Tadier and Nick Le Cornu issued a Press Release yesterday (below) and spoke with VFC, also below.
TIME4CHANGE – Public Rally to “Stop the Cuts” and support the vote of no confidence in Chief Minister Terry Le Sueur – 19th June, Royal Square, 12.am Noon
Contact: …….Deputy Montfort Tadier
Telephone:….07797 844358
e-mail:…...… m.tadier@gov.je
For Immediate publication.
Time4Change has organised a public rally to protest against the cuts to public services and proposed job losses announced by the Ozouf/ Le Sueur government and to support Deputy Geoff Southern’s Vote of No Confidence in Chief Minister Terry Le Sueur to be debated in the States Assembly on 22nd June.
While the Teachers threaten strike action and the Nurses may follow, the States is trying to cut wages, jobs and services. The only way to show the Ozouf/Le Sueur government that the people of Jersey do not want their £50 million of cuts is to fill the Royal Square this Saturday at noon.
Rising Taxes for the majority, while the wealthy 1(i)k’s residents get “sweetheart deals” of £5000 and £10,000 per annum. Non resident companies pay Zero rate, and working people now face a freeze on allowances, “20 means 20” and the prospect of rising GST.
Wage cuts. The States has imposed a pay freeze for this year and refuses to negotiate over a pay increase promised last year. Working people get no cost of living increase despite rising taxes, rising prices and general inflation.
Cuts in jobs and services. The government has demanded £50m in cuts, starting this year with 2% and 10% over 3 years. This will result in an erosion of living standards, health and will hit everyone, in particular the most vulnerable.
There are, however, many other reasons that one might not have confidence in Senator Le Sueur and his Council of Ministers.
There is also a widely recognised lack of leadership, transparency and accountability in the Council of Ministers; an unwillingness to listen to voices from all sides of the house, and above all the public; the unfair and, ultimately non-compliant 0-10 policy, And a whole host of other failings of which the public will be more than aware.
SPEAKERS – Time4Change – Deputy Montfort Tadier,Nick Le Cornu (recent Senatorial by-election candidate);
Jersey Council of Representatives (Trade Unions – Teachers, Dockers, Nurses, Prison Wardens); Unite – Dockers and Manual workers;
Former Senator Stuart Syvret
Deputy Geoff Southern, Jersey Democratic Alliance & other Deputies (To be confirmed)
Various local pressure groups (social/environmental)
WE DEMAND that there be:
· No cuts in essential front-line services
· No job losses
· No privatization of Public Utilities – Post Office & Jersey Telecom
· Scrap GST
· Introduction of progressive taxation on personal income and corporate profits.
· Defence of Trade Unions and their members against victimisation
· Fight for Democracy – reform the States and Crown Officers
Whatever your grievance, large or small, join us on 19th and have your voice heard.
N.B.THE MEDIA ARE ASKED TO NOTE CAREFULLY THE TIME OF THE RALLY. IT WILL COMMENCE AT 12 Noon. On previous occasions they have not shown their usual diligence in accurately broadcasting place and time of public protests.
Submitted by VFC.
1965 - 60 years ago - March Part 1
1965 - 60 years ago - March Part 1
1.—In the early hours of this morning, show-cases at the Quatre Bras Hotel,
St. Saviour's Hill, were forced and watc...
1 hour ago
Thanks to Monty and Nick for yet another opportunity for the ordinary people of Jersey to show in no uncertain terms, the dissatisfaction they are feeling.
ReplyDeleteThanks too VFC for this interview.
Be there or be square.
This is our chance to have voice and send out a clear message. Please use it.
Wish I could be there in person but will be there in virtual form as usual as I hold my own vigil with friends here at 12.
ReplyDeleteThe fight continues until it is won!
"A Government run for the people, by the people"
Which people exactly?
Just getting rid of Le Sewer is no use, it's the ones who fill his helium tanks that we need shot of.
If Southern there my family wont attend he is a government stooge and a traitor NO DAMAGE DONE
ReplyDeleteThey're giving ONE DAY'S notice of this rally?
ReplyDeleteWhen are they going to learn?
To get maximum attendance - on an island as politically apathetic as this - you CANNOT rely on ONE days notice to pull in worthwhile crowds for a rally.
I despair.
You need at least a week spent spreading the word, at least. And that should begin the weekend BEFORE the rally, so people know to keep the following weekend clear to attend.
Someone should be handing out flyers in the Royal Square the Saturday BEFORE the Rally occurs in the Royal Square.
Start thinking logically.
Nick Le Cornu has been handing out flyers for the best part of a week and has been mentioning it as part of his 5 minute speech at the Senatorial hustings. One of which (St Mary's) was broadcast on BBC Radio Jersey.
ReplyDeleteThe Press Release went out yesterday to all "accredited" media but to the best of my knowledge only Channel 103 Radio have mentioned it.
Thank you for the video I have added it to my wordpress and jerseyrights.com sites.
ReplyDelete"voiceforchildren said...
ReplyDeleteNick Le Cornu has been handing out flyers for the best part of a week and has been mentioning it as part of his 5 minute speech at the Senatorial hustings. One of which (St Mary's) was broadcast on BBC Radio Jersey.
The Press Release went out yesterday to all "accredited" media but to the best of my knowledge only Channel 103 Radio have mentioned "
Then why did neither I nor anybody I know hear about it until today, far to late to arrange to attend?
The irony here is that citzen's media have completely failed to publicise it all week.
Get organised! AAAAARGHH!
Many thanks to Team Voice for publicising this. It is a sha,e the 'mainstream media, in general, as not so fastidious in letting the public know what is going on when it comes to this kind of event.
ReplyDeleteCan I take this opportunity to let your readers know that we will be sharing the Royal Square with a Mencap fair tomorrow. They are happy for us to be there, but all attendees should be mindful of the fact that our activities should not impede in anyway of theirs. This should not be a problem as what we intend is a peaceful demonstration - so no rattles, etc.
We look forward to seeing you there.
If Geoff (back stabber) Stubborn is attending he is going to spoil it, god help me that I don't take a swing at him......:-/
ReplyDeleteI will not be attending this rally if Geoff Southern is speaking.
ReplyDeleteThe man has betrayed islanders this week.
Geoff Southern will spoil it and if he drags Ted along it will make it even worse. I cannot believe Southern said that voters told him he was doing a great job. Do you believe him because I don't.
ReplyDeleteIf this is a Time 4 Change rally then what is Southern doing going along anyhow? Sounds bizaar to me, unless of course he wants to hijack it like he does with everything else and use it for his self centred personal gain whilst dumping on anybody or everybody thats gets in his way?
ReplyDeleteOk, so, lets see now... A rally only really made public properly a day before the event, taking place at the same time and location as a mencap fair.
ReplyDeleteUm... are you seriously living in cloud cuckoo land?
Don't get me wrong, I fully support what your trying to do, but your organisation is appalling.
And having Southern there is a recipie for disaster - some people will stay away in protest, the others will be hurling abuse at him for standing in the election - and also for the new allegations against him.
Come on you lot... You have to do better then this. This is Mickey Mouse politics.
I would come along but if Geoff Southern is there I am just going to lose my temper and I can't help it. So good luck and I hope it goes well.
ReplyDeleteIf people feel that strongly about southern being there
ReplyDeletewhy not boo him off the platform, but don't think this rally is all about Southern.
he will be gone next elections, just get down to the royal Square and show your support
This is stupid because Southern tabled a vote of no confidence whilst electioneering against Stuart and now he boasts that he has a job on Tuesday and there is no damage done whilst Stuart has been trashed.
ReplyDeleteNot interested.
Now that I have learnt that Stuart will not be there because of the presence of the JDA traitor, I must admit I too am having second thoughts.
ReplyDeleteSouthern's antics have caused a massive rift and untold damage, but he will be there no doubt blowing his own trumpet and bolstering his flagging ego.
Will you be there with your camera VFC, because I have a question I want to ask him directly if I do attend.
I can well understand how Stuart is feeling. It does make me want to give up too.
I'm afraid that I don't want to be a part of this. It is nothing more than a couple of lightweight political no-hopers looking for another chance to preen and pose for the public instead of actually doing some real political work.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to listen to the Ego Twins either i.e. Syvret and Southern. The election was a bad joke that really shouldn't have happened. Nor listen to a useless trade union leader for that matter. Someone asked me, can Trevor save us now? I wonder if we can be saved at all?
"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThey're giving ONE DAY'S notice of this rally?
When are they going to learn?"
And holding it on the same day as a World Cup game and the Itex walk.
*shakes head*
Protest is often spontaneous and cannot always happen with military precision, but necessary nevertheless. Freedom of assembly is a vital part of democratic freedom.
ReplyDeleteTime4Change is offering the leadership that seems to be lacking elsewhere. Politics in Jersey is dominated by personality politics, which only leads to personal squabbles between individuals. It is time for the working people of the island to demand that politicians who purport to speak on their behalf to desist and behave with decorum. Instead of fighting each other, they should remember the enemy is the Establishment.
The vital issue is to Stop The Cuts which will erode the living standards of working people.
The Ozouf/Le Sueur government are conducting a form of class warfare against the working people of Jersey, by destroying jobs and cutting services which are vital.
It is time to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!.
As much as I hate Southern for what he did to the election, I hate the government of Jersey far more and so I will be there.
ReplyDeleteAll those commenting saying why they won't attend should grow up a bit and realise that its splits exactly like the ones you are causing that are the reason the opposition finds it so difficult to get anything done. Shame on you.
Samuel....you say,
ReplyDelete"As much as I hate Southern for what he did to the election, I hate the government of Jersey far more and so I will be there"
Geoff "the gymslip maggot" Southern "IS" the Government, and you want ME to turn out and support one of his propositions that was designed to help him defeat Stuart!!!
And to be honest Samuel "the reason the opposition finds it so difficult to get anything done" is because there is now, not one single Leader amongst them!!!
"The Opposition" conspired to get rid of him, or hadn't you noticed?
Even the commenter above you who says "It is time to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" still cannot seem to grasp the situation?
Truth be known Samuel, there is not one single person left in Government who has the guts or the integrity to go anywhere remotely near, the distance that Stuart went.
Stuart Syvret gave us all, one final chance to unite and turn this around, AND WE BLEW IT!!!
When I read on the JDA Blog 'no damage done' I realised then how self centred they really are.
ReplyDeleteAnd 'back to work on Tuesday'.
They cannot even admit that they have shat on everybody can they?
As a Stuart Syvret supporter/follower, I feel really bad for what has happened.
ReplyDeleteGod knows what he is going through at this present moment in time?!
The JDA spoiled this election and has left progressive supporters in disarray but this is something Monty may be able to capitalise on and also any remaining people in the pot who do not run smear campaigns at elections?
ReplyDeleteI was at the first rally of time 4 change 2 years ago and voted for Tadier who promised to help the survivors. What has he done so far? Nick le Cornu and G Southern should not have been candidates at the last election so I will not vote for them again! SS has done all the hard work.
ReplyDeleteHi VFC,
ReplyDeleteIt would be great if you could post the events on Saturday on your blog when you get a chance. Also, I am keen to learn your oppinions on;
- the by election
- the JDA - esp. GS and TV
- the future of progressives in Jersey.
- Anything else of interest.
Finally I want to say a big thank you for all you have done (and the other team voice members too). You are very brave to speak out in Jersey. Please keep going. We are all very saddened with what has happened but we can all be confident in knowing that the truth will out one day.
"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteProtest is often spontaneous and cannot always happen with military precision"
And that is exactly why protest in Jersey has so far been pathetically ineffective and easily laughed off by the powers that be.
Re; Anon.
ReplyDelete"Also, I am keen to learn your oppinions on;
- the by election
- the JDA - esp. GS and TV
- the future of progressives in Jersey.
- Anything else of interest."
The by election.
If there was anything to put anybody off politics, or political engagement, that was it. Just watching and reading the progressives destroying eachother was painful and only served to prove there is absolutely no unity or organisation among the progressives and personal agenda's or vendetta's appear to be more important than a majority vote in the house.
"the JDA - esp. GS and TV"
That is a difficult one. Difficult because if I was to say what I really think then it would (could) create more division between progressive politics and I would rather concentrate on uniting the progressives as I think that would be more productive. That said the JDA, in my opinion, have suffered the most damage by standing Geoff in the by-election and I believe Ted Vibert will ultimatey destroy the JDA.
"the future of progressives in Jersey."
Until they can put aside personalities and ego's and without party politics they will remain the minority in the house tied up with pointless work like Scrutiny convincing themselves what they are doing is actually going to make a difference.
"Anything else of interest."
Former (illegally?) suspended Chief Police Officer Graham Power is about to officially retire. If he starts "singing" after no longer being bound by confidentiality clauses a whole new can of worms could be opened. I would urge my readers/viewers to watch this space!
I forgot to mention, I think one of the biggest winners of the by-election was Peter Remon Whorrall. If/when I get time I will publish a Blog including (by popular demand) his poem that he read out at Stuart Syvret's Town Hall public Meeting.
ReplyDeleteFormer (illegally?) suspended Chief Police Officer Graham Power is about to officially retire. If he starts "singing" after no longer being bound by confidentiality clauses a whole new can of worms could be opened. I would urge my readers/viewers to watch this space!
Comment: I just cannot wait for this can of worms to come out!
I forgot to mention, I think one of the biggest winners of the by-election was Peter Remon Whorrall. If/when I get time I will publish a Blog including (by popular demand) his poem that he read out at Stuart Syvret's Town Hall public Meeting.
Comment: Yes I like Peter he is full of passion and has yet to have all the stuffing kicked out of him by the actions of the powers that be like all too many.
I intend to stand for the next deputy elections and I am going to kick butt if elected, we need more people who are not afraid to put themselves on the line!
When Graham Power retires, the fan is undoubtedly going to get clogged up!
ReplyDeleteHonourable men never give in.
Linda, if you are going to run I hope you will start preparing soon. Well begun is half done, and I can certainly see you doing much more than many of our deputies.
Half of them sit in chambers playing with their phones and never say a damn thing, never take notes or add to the debate, bloody useless.
As for Peter Remon Whorrall, great character and not afraid to speak his mind, nice guy.
Mid July is going to be some week, I bet the States Dictators are thrashing round like headless chickens trying too find distractions and excuses to deviate from the oncoming storm.